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HTTP Tools for Inspection, Enhancement, and Speed

A small library for easy network requests.

Small project that uses this library: MVArchitectureDemo


  • Asynchronous Networking: Utilize modern Swift concurrency features for async network calls.
  • Request and Response Interceptors: Customize requests and responses with multiple interceptors.
  • Generic Decoding: Automatically decode JSON responses into Swift types.
  • HTTP Method Enum: Easily specify HTTP methods with a convenient enum.
  • URL Operator Overloading: Simplify URL construction with custom operators.
  • Extensive Error Handling: Handle common and custom networking errors with built-in error types.
  • Flexible Request Initialization: Support for URL, query parameters, body data, and headers in requests.


  • The code coverage is as close to 100% as possible (90%+)
  • The unit tests were mostly created by ChatGPT :)

Basic Usage Example

In this example, we will perform a GET request to fetch a list of users and decode the JSON response into a Swift object. We also demonstrate the use of an HTTP interceptor to log the request and response details.

Define your model

First, define a model to represent the JSON response:

struct User: Decodable {
    let id: Int
    let name: String
    let username: String

Create an HTTP Client

Set up an HTTP client and add a request logger interceptor:

// import the library
import HTTIES

// Set up the HTTP client with a logging interceptor (code for the interceptor below)
let session = URLSession.shared
let client = HTTPClientImpl(httpDataRequestHandler: session, interceptors: [RequestLoggerHTTPInterceptor()])

Build the URL

Utilize custom operators to build the URL for the request:

// Use the custom "/" operator to build the URL
let baseURL = URL(string: "")!
let endpointURL = baseURL / "api" / "v1" / "users" /? ["sortBy": "name", "ascending": nil]
// endpointURL is ""

Perform the GET request

// Perform a GET request and decode the JSON response into an array of `User`
let usersRequest = try HTTPURLRequest(url: endpointURL)
let users: [User] = try await usersRequest, decoding: [User].self)

// Handle the fetched users
print("Fetched users: \(users)")

Response interceptor Example

A simple response interceptor that logs the request and response details is included as follows:

import HTTIES

final class RequestLoggerHTTPInterceptor: HTTPResponseInterceptor {
    func intercept(data: Data, response: HTTPURLResponse, error: Error?, for request: URLRequest) -> (Data, HTTPURLResponse, Error?) {
        // Consider using a logger class :)
        - Request: \(request.url?.path(percentEncoded: false) ?? "nil")
          - Body parameters: \( { String(decoding: $0, as: UTF8.self) } ?? "nil")
        - Response: \(response.statusCode)
          - Body content: \(String(decoding: data, as: UTF8.self))
        return (data, response, error)

Request interceptor Example

A simple request interceptor that modifies the Authorization http header to include an authentication token:

import HTTIES

final class AuthTokenInterceptor: HTTPInoutRequestInterceptor {
    var token: String

    init(token: String) {
        self.token = token

    func intercept(request: inout URLRequest) {
        request.setValue("Bearer \(token)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")