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How to ask for help or report an issue

Flowdalic edited this page Dec 26, 2014 · 19 revisions

Always include:

  • The Smack version (e.g. obtained via SmackConfiguration.getVersion())
  • The exception and the full stacktrace
  • A trace of the exchanged stream elements between client and server, which can be obtained by setting SmackConfiguration.DEBUG to true.
  • The relevant code parts (please do not post whole source files!)

Note that the stacktrace and the element trace may contain sensible information that you may want to obfuscate. Also it is recommend to take a look at

Smack is open source and XMPP (RFC 6120, RFC 6121, XEPs) is an open standard. Therefore everyone is able to debug and analyze possible issues. If you are not familiar with a Java/Android debugger, then it's now the ideal time to look into that topic. Read the code and the standard, then determine good candidates for breakpoints and use the debugger to find out what's going on.

Ideally, in the end you will either know what you did wrong, or you will have found a bug in Smack which you can report with details in the forums.