title | page_title | description | slug | tags | published | position |
Reports Management |
Reports Management |
Reports Management |
reports-management |
reports,management |
true |
400 |
In the Reports view you can manage the reports which reside on the server.
The Reports view provides the following functions:
Search by Name, Description, Category or Date. For more information, see [Search]({%slug search%})
New report – Invoke the desktop [Report Designer]({%slug report-designer%}) in order to create a new report on the server.
Upload report – Upload an existing report definition from the file system. When uploading a report you should select the XML report file definition (a .trdx file), specify the report's title and select the report's category. All the fields are mandatory except the description.
To upload a report you need to create at least one category.
- Preview report – Preview the report in a new web page allowing you to export the report to various formats.
- Design report – Invoke the desktop [Report Designer]({%slug report-designer%}) to modify the report definition.
- Edit – Change the title, description and the category of the uploaded report.
- Download report - Download the report definition (a .trdx file) to the file system.
- Copy report – Create a copy of the original report.
- Delete report – Delete a report definition from the server.
- Favorite report – Mark a report as favorite. The Reports view can be sorted by the favorite flag.
When a report has been selected you can see a details view on the right side of the grid. The details view shows additional information about the report as well as the report's history.