title | page_title | description | slug | tags | published | position |
Data Connections Management |
Data Connections Management |
Data Connections Management |
data-connections-management |
data,connections,management |
true |
600 |
The data connections view is a centralized place from which you can manage the connection strings of the reports' data sources. In this way by using a named connection string you can easily change the location of the database without actually modifying the report definitions.
The data connections view provides the following functions:
Search by Name, Data Provider or Connection String. For more information, see [Search]({%slug search%})
Add a data connection
A new data connection is defined by a name, a description, a data provider and a connection string.
Make sure the connection string is referencing SQL server with a non local address, so the users can edit reports in the report designer.
Data connections with duplicate names are not allowed.
- Edit a data connection
The properties of an existing data connection can be modified at any time. - Delete a data connection
You can delete an existing data connection when it is not used any more. - Copy a data connection
To create a similar to an existing connection you can simply copy the source connection and modify its properties.