Hosted by: ATARC
Date: October 3, 2022
Venue: Podcast
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Join this episode of The Year of Zero Trust with Jim Richberg as he sits down with special guest, Kenneth Myers, Director, Identity Assurance and Trusted Access Division, Office of Governmentwide Policy (OGP), GSA, to discuss the following questions:
- What do you see as the role for partnership on IT and security within government, with industry, and with academia?
- Zero Trust was the primary focus of EO 14028, and digital identity seems to be core to Zero Trust and many other aspects of digital transformation. What is GSA’s role in Identity, Credential and Access Management within the Federal Government?
- What is digital identity so important today?
- OMB announced their administration cybersecurity priorities for the FY24 budget. Zero trust and accelerated adoption of secure cloud infrastructure are prominent. How is the FICAM Architecture adapting?
- Agencies want to automate and use Robotic Process Automation. What is the intersection with securing access?
- Data protection comes up a lot when we hear about breaches and cyber attacks. What are the FICAM best practices to protecting data?
- You’ve been involved in Federal Identity for some time now, how can others get involved?
- Are there other technologies or issues we haven’t discussed that you see as important?
- Jim Richberg
- Kenneth Myers; Director, Identity Assurance and Trusted Access Division @ General Services Administration