Hosted by ACT-IAC
November 8, 2021
Hybrid Conference (Hershey, PA
Event Details{:target="_blank"}{:rel="noopener noreferrer"}
Leveraging the Federal CIO Council and ACT-IAC’s Zero Trust efforts this panel will explore the tapestry and various perspectives to discuss the importance of zero trust and the system of systems. Perhaps most notably, speakers will share their experiences of getting started with implementing Zero Trust, what they’ve learned and specific recommendations they have to benefit other organizations for how to get started and pitfalls to avoid.
- Rob Carey, President, Cloudera Government Solutions, Cloudera Public Sector
- Dan Jacobs, Cybersecurity Lead, General Services Administration
- Michael Watson, Chief Information Security Officer, Virginia Information Technologies Agency, Commonwealth of Virginia
- Kenneth Myers, Chief FICAM Architect, Office of Government-wide Policy, General Services Administration
Moderated by Scott Hoge, Director, CGI Federal.