I recommend combining all js/css files for components and overrides into combined files. Then adding any additional files alongside these in dedicated directories:
├─ header-reduction.css
├─ tardis-container.css
├─ up-arrow.png
Then deploying this as a static site using Cloudflare/GitHub pages or a dedicated CDN.
Add the combined files to the sitewide code injection header:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://components.example.com/combined.css"/>
<script defer src="https://components.example.com/combined.js"></script>
And for any page specific files, open the page editor and again use code injection inside the header:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://components.example.com/blog/tardis-container.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://components.example.com/blog/header-reduction.css"/>
Finally, save the HTML templates found inside this repo as editor snippets and use accordingly.