- Create video playlists by product and sort all existing videos into those buckets.
- Change recommended video
- Create channel trailer (10 mins): something that talks about all Grafana Labs projects in simple terms
- For returning viewers: existing GrafanaCON video
- Change link to "Official Grafana Videos page" to grafana.com, docs, repos.
- Update "About" section, to mention new projects like Pyroscope.
- Community calls
- Need to be in Live section to separate conversations vs. pre-edited
- Need to have better thumbnails
- Video thumbnails that are colour-coded, with product logo prominently displayed
- Titles should always have product name (ex: K-SIX news doesn't say k6)
- Playlists should be by product (not just community calls)
- Content
- We should have content around our projects, not just about them.
- Consistency across video metadata
- standardized video description with the same set of links
- No tags
- Descriptive titles
- Better thumbnails
- Everything over 5 minutes should be timestamped
- Pinned comments