Releases: go-bdd/gobdd
Releases · go-bdd/gobdd
Changing the step func definiton
The main change is related to #34.
Now, every step function should accept the Context as the first parameter and returns an only error. It is explained in more details in the docs
Adding predefined steps in testhttp package
Here's the full list:
_ = addStep.AddStep(`^I make a (GET|POST|PUT|DELETE|OPTIONS) request to "([^"]*)"$`, testHTTP.makeRequest)
_ = addStep.AddStep(`^the response code equals (\d+)$`, testHTTP.statusCodeEquals)
_ = addStep.AddStep(`^the response contains a valid JSON$`, testHTTP.validJSON)
_ = addStep.AddStep(`^the response is "(.*)"$`, testHTTP.theResponseIs)
_ = addStep.AddStep(`^the response header "(.*)" equals "(.*)"$`, testHTTP.responseHeaderEquals)
_ = addStep.AddStep(`^I have a (GET|POST|PUT|DELETE|OPTIONS) request "(.*)"$`, testHTTP.iHaveARequest)
_ = addStep.AddStep(`^I set request header "(.*)" to "(.*)"$`, testHTTP.iSetRequestSetTo)
_ = addStep.AddStep(`^I set request body to "([^"]*)"$`, testHTTP.iSetRequestBodyTo)
_ = addStep.AddStep(`^the request has body "(.*)"$`, testHTTP.theRequestHasBody)
_ = addStep.AddStep(`^I make the request$`, testHTTP.iMakeRequest)
What's more, I made RequestKey
and ResponseKey
so defining your custom steps should be easier.
Adding default values
In this release, we added a default value to Get*
functions in the context
// will fail when the param is not defined
requiredParam := ctx.GetInt(something{})
def := 123
// will never panic
optionalParam := ctx.GetInt(something{}, def)