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Releases: gasparschott/obsidian-continuous-mode


21 Apr 18:14
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• Yet more fixes for floating windows.


FIXED: Toggling continuous Mode failed with vertical splits.
FIXED: Toggling continuous Mode failed after plugin reload.


FIXED: Continuous Mode did not work reliably with floating windows.
IMPROVED: Status of floating windows is now restored on app startup.


21 Apr 17:44
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FIXED: Toggling continuous Mode failed with vertical splits.
FIXED: Toggling continuous Mode failed after plugin reload.


21 Apr 01:09
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FIXED: Continuous Mode did not work reliably with floating windows.
IMPROVED: Status of floating windows is now restored on app startup.


19 Apr 02:45
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ADDED: Open search results in Continuous Mode contextual menu.
ADDED: Open individual files in Continuous Mode contextual menu.
ADDED: Sort open tab group notes by name, modified date, or created date via the tab group, notes, and editor contextual menus.
IMPROVED: Opening in Continuous Mode now respects current File Explorer/Search sort order.
IMPROVED: Improved "scroll active note into view" code. Note: scroll into view fails when clicking a tab header the first time, and before the note has been scrolled into view at least once. This appears to be an issue with Obsidian.
IMPROVED: Disabled scrolling pdfs, unless the note is active. This matches the behavior of canvas notes and graphs.
IMPROVED: Display of graphs and canvas notes: they now fill the height of the window, allowing the header to viewed.
ADDED: Settings option to disable custom "scroll active note into view" behavior and restore default behavior.
FIXED: Several issues with appending folder items that prevented all items from being appended.
FIXED: Some issues with storing the included file types and excluded files lists in the settings.
FIXED: Some issues with arrow navigation in pdf files.
FIXED: An issue with using the arrow keys in inputs and textareas.
• Code cleanup.


04 Apr 17:25
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Added: Settings for filtering file types to open when choosing one of the “open folder in continuous mode” contextual menu items.
• Filter markdown, canvas, images, media, and pdfs.
• Add custom file extensions to allow (assuming you have installed a plugin to allow Obsidian to open them, e.g., html, plain text and code files, etc.).
• Add custom file names to ignore (e.g.,
Added: Setting to clear the stored list of tab groups with continuous mode active. This optional action prevents the list from getting unwieldy or cluttered with stale data, which can happen if you frequently open and close new tab groups.
Improved: Disabled scrolling canvas and graph contents in Continuous Mode, unless the note is active. This makes it possible to scroll through a stack of notes without getting “stuck” on these types of notes.
• If editing a canvas file (i.e., canvas leaf is active), click the background to deselect any active node and use the up and down arrow keys to navigate to the adjacent note.
• When a graph is active, use shift + arrow keys to move the graph around.
Improved: Relocated the contextual menu items for better categorization.
Updated README file.


27 Mar 02:29
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Added additional ways to open folders:
• Open in new split up
• Open in new split down
• Open or append folder in active tab group
• Replace active tab group with folder

Replaced Continuous Mode menu icon and added icons for submenu items.


23 Mar 18:04
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• Fixed Continuous Mode not working after layout change (#12).
• Fixed incorrect image styling (#10).


20 Mar 21:40
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Fixed incorrect display of tabs (forgot to delete experimental CSS).

From 1.2.0:
• NEW: Added menu item to open folders in Continuous Mode(!).
• IMPROVED: Moved toggle continuous mode menu item to submenu; added show/hide note headers menu item.
• IMPROVED: Pdfs now only take up the full window height, not the entire length of the pdf.


19 Mar 21:31
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• NEW: Added menu item to open folders in Continuous Mode(!).
• IMPROVED: Moved toggle continuous mode menu item to submenu; added show/hide note headers menu item.
• IMPROVED: Pdfs now only take up the full window height, not the entire length of the pdf.


10 Mar 20:19
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• Improved: Made scrolling notes into view on tab header click more reliable.
• Improved: Don't scroll to canvas header after clicking tab header; allows full view of canvas note within window.
• Improved: Arrow navigation between notes is more reliable, especially for pdfs and html notes.
• Added: Use left/right arrow keys to scroll html notes up and down or to navigate from page to page in pdfs. (Space bar still works for default scrolling.)