issues Search Results · repo:freeipa/ipa-docker-test-runner language:Python
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infreeipa/ipa-docker-test-runner (press backspace or delete to remove)npm package should be included in image from the beginning instead of installing it using dnf. The reason is that it
might happen that mirrors with Fedora packages are not available and test fails, which ...
- Opened on Dec 21, 2017
- #40
We should pull the image everytime we run ipa-docker-test-runner so that it is always updated to newest version.
- Opened on Dec 16, 2016
- #29
Implement an interface for setting environment config option when creating the container. This should be doable from
both the config file and CLI option as override.
- Opened on Dec 9, 2016
- #26
in some use cases (e.g. automated CI) it may be beneficial to have a separate lint subcommand. This would essentialy run
all linters. specified lint together with --developer-mode option should raise error ...
- Opened on Dec 6, 2016
- #22
cleanup step just not throw unhandled exceptions that break the execution flow. It should ideally just log the error and
continue working.
- Opened on Dec 5, 2016
- #20
--developer-mode option skips the linter steps but only for build step. It would be nice, however, if we could skip lint
also before running tests to save some time. The lint step can be performed concurrently ...
- Opened on Dec 5, 2016
- #19
a --config option should be added to override default configuration by specific overrides without enumerating CLI
- Opened on Nov 11, 2016
- #8
It s bad style to put config files in $HOME. The correct location for config files is the directory
$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/$APP_NAME/ with XDG_CONFIG_HOME=os.environ( XDG_CONFIG_HOME , os.path.expanduser( ~/.config ...
- 1
- Opened on Oct 17, 2016
- #7
It s a bad practice to install Python packages to the system-wide site-packages directory. Please change the
documentation and suggest a virtual env instead:
{{{ $ python3 -m venv venv $ venv/bin/pip ...
- 1
- Opened on Oct 17, 2016
- #6
the build step just runs make without actually checking for and installing additional BuildRequires from This has to be fixed. There should also be a possibility to pass additional options ...
- Opened on Oct 14, 2016
- #5

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