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Jest Tests/Coverage

Jest provides a testing framework for JavaScript, complete with a built-in coverage tool that generates reports on how much code is covered by tests. The framework supports various types of tests including unit, integration, and end-to-end, streamlining the testing process across different layers of your application.

  • Configuration/Tests:
    • jest.config.js - Main configuration file that controls Jest testing
    • jest_setup.ts
      • Ran after environment setup, but before tests are ran
      • Adds custom Jest matchers that help with assertions for DOM nodes
      • Manual configuration to mock modules with named default exports due to inconsistencies (see below "Named Default Module Issues")
      • Included in tsconfig.json includes so matcher includes are automatically included
    • src/lib/*.test.ts - Unit tests for project libraries/classes
    • src/components/*.test.ts - Integration tests for React components
    • src/partials/*.test.ts - Integration tests for application partials (also React components)
  • package.json scripts:
    • npm run tests - Runs the tests with --silent to suppress console.log/error statements
    • npm run tests_verbose - Runs the tests with full console output
    • npm run coverage - Runs the *.test.ts tests in ./src/lib with --silent and --coverage options to suppress console.log/error statements and generate code coverage reports
    • npm run coverage_verbose - Runs the *.test.ts tests in ./src/lib with --coverage option to generate code coverage reports with full console output
  • package.json --save-dev Development Dependencies:
    • jest - JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity
    • @types/jest - Type definitions for Jest
    • ts-node - TypeScript execution and REPL for Node.js, Jest requires it to read TypeScript configuration files
    • ts-jest - Jest transformer with source map support that lets you use Jest to test projects written in TypeScript
    • eslint-plugin-jest - ESLint plugin for Jest
    • @testing-library/jest-dom - Custom jest matchers to test the state of the DOM
    • @testing-library/react - React DOM testing utilities
    • jest-axe - Custom Jest matcher for axe for testing accessibility
    • @types/jest-axe - type definitions for jest-axe
    • react-test-renderer - Experimental React renderer that can be used to render React components to pure JavaScript objects, without depending on the DOM or a native mobile environment
    • @types/react-test-renderer - type definitions for react-test-renderer
    • identity-obj-proxy - An identity object using ES6 proxies like CSS modules
    • jest-environment-jsdom - Jest environment for "jsdom" configuration

Testing Types

Modern front-end testing requires multiple types of tests to be ran in different contexts to fully validate an application. Below covers all of the types of testing handled by Jest.

Unit Tests

  • Ran with npm run tests and npm run tests_verbose
  • Located in src/lib/*.test.ts
  • Tests libraries that do not have front-end concerns; ex: a HTTP client wrapper

Integration Tests

  • Ran with npm run tests and npm run tests_verbose
  • Located in src/components/*.test.ts and src/partials/*.test.ts
  • Uses react-testing-library utility functions on top of react-dom and react-dom/test-utils that allow you to emulate the DOM with normal interactions
  • Used to test React components

Coverage Tests

  • Ran with npm run coverage and npm run coverage_verbose
  • Consists of both above "Unit Tests" and "Integration Tests" above
  • Ensures all code is reachable
  • Coverage reporting generates in ./coverage

Snapshot Tests

  • Ran with npm run tests and npm run tests_verbose
  • Included in the main ./src/App.tsx testing and takes fully rendered snapshot of application
  • Generates snapshots in ./src/__snapshots__ directory which are checked-in via SCM
  • Update the snapshots via npm run tests -- -u src/App.test.tsx and check-in results

Accessibility Tests

  • Ran with npm run tests and npm run tests_verbose
  • Included in "Integration Tests" above
  • Uses jest-axe to check for common accessibility issues; ex: missing alt tags on images

E2E Tests

Not handled by Jest - see docs for more information as these need to be ran separate from Jest tests.

Node.js --experimental-vm-modules ECMAScript Modules Support

The --experimental-vm-modules flag is required when running jest.js with Node.js binary. This will generate a warning about using an experimental flag which can be ignored with --no-warnings. The following is what the base npm run test package.json script command:

# Run all Jest unit and integration tests
node --no-warnings --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js

More on Jest ECMAScript Modules »

Jest --detectOpenHandles, --silent

NOTE: Both of these are optional!

  • --detectOpenHandles - Attempts to report on open handles preventing Jest from exiting cleanly; ex: a non-cleared setTimeout
  • --silent - Hide console.* output to console and only show test/coverage results; this flag is the difference between the npm run tests and the npm run tests_verbose package.json scripts
# Run all Jest unit and integration tests with recommended Jest options
node --no-warnings --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js --detectOpenHandles --silent
node --no-warnings --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js --detectOpenHandles

More on --detectOpenHandles »

Mocking CSS/Static Asset Modules

When front-end code includes CSS or static asset modules it will cause syntax errors with Jest. To avoid this we use moduleNameMapper in jest.config.js to map these assets to safe mocked versions.

Named Default Module Issues

The issue:

A named default export looks like the following:

// Real-world example
import json from "highlight.js/lib/languages/json";
export default json;

These are handled different between esbuild and Jest contexts; shown below is the difference of the scope, showing Jest loaded the module as CJS nesting the expected scope under jest.default whereas esbuild handles it as-expected:

import json from 'react-syntax-highlighter/dist/esm/languages/hljs/json';

// esbuild

// Jest

Why it happens:

Short version: Jest and Node's module resolvers are behaving different causing named module imports to be processed as CJS, falling through to cjs-module-lexer.

Full version:

How to fix:

To fix this we mock the module manually before tests run in jest_setup.ts, removing the .default if needed. To do this, add the offending module import to JestSetup.fix_exported_modules_w_named_defaults and the mock will be setup for you. This ensures that imports work as-expected in the esbuild and Jest contexts, avoiding ugly json.default || json logic.


Assuming the import used in our example above, add the import string to jest_setup.ts:

this.fix_exported_modules_w_named_defaults = [

Including node_modules Packages in ts-jest Transforms

By default no node_modules modules are included in the ts-jest transform outlined in the jest.config.js transform property. Sometimes we may need these to be transformed when testing. There's a utility array that will handle this at the top of jest.config.js - transform_node_modules. Just add the node_modules packages to this and they will be transformed with the same ts-jest transformer that the rest of the application uses.

const transform_node_modules = [

TypeScript Path Aliases

We use TypeScript path aliases so that means we need to add the same support to Jest using the moduleNameMapper property. To add a path alias copy the existing @src/ one:

moduleNameMapper: {

    // ...

    // Map the @src path alias defined in `tsconfig.json`
    '^@src/(.*)' : '<rootDir>/src/$1',

    // ...