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Building a training set of tags for scala #796
Exercise: perfect-numbersCodeobject NumberType extends Enumeration {
type NumberType = Value
val Deficient, Perfect, Abundant = Value
object PerfectNumbers {
import NumberType._
def sumFactorsOf(n: Int) : Int =
(1 to n/2)
.filter( n % _ == 0 )
def classify(n: Int) : NumberType =
sumFactorsOf(n) match {
case x if x == n => Perfect
case x if x > n => Abundant
case x if x < n => Deficient
} Tags:
Exercise: matrixCodeobject Matrix {
def apply(given: String) = new Matrix(given)
class Matrix(val given: String) {
lazy val rows =
.map(_.split(' ').map(_.toInt).toIndexedSeq)
lazy val cols = rows.transpose
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
that.isInstanceOf[Matrix] && {
val thatGiven = that.asInstanceOf[Matrix].given
override def hashCode(): Int = given.hashCode()
} Tags:
Exercise: pangramCodeobject Pangrams {
def isPangram(s: String) =
s.toLowerCase().split("[^a-z]|").toSet.size == 27
} Tags:
Exercise: rna-transcriptionCodeimport scala.io.Source
object Dna {
val Ns = Map('G' -> 'C', 'C' -> 'G', 'T' -> 'A', 'A' -> 'U')
def isValid(s: String) = s.foldLeft(true) { (valid, char) => valid && Ns.contains(char) }
def toRna(dna: String) =
if (isValid(dna)) Some(dna.map(Ns))
else None
} Tags:
Exercise: beer-songCode/**
* Created by johncowie on 26/06/2017.
object BeerSong {
def bottleString(n: Int) = {
n match {
case 0 => "no more bottles"
case 1 => "1 bottle"
case x => s"$x bottles"
def thirdLine(n: Int) = {
n match {
case 0 => "Go to the store and buy some more, "
case 1 => "Take it down and pass it around, "
case x => "Take one down and pass it around, "
def verses(end: Int, start: Int): String = (start to end).reverse.map(verse).mkString("\n")
def verse(i: Int): String = {
val bottleA = bottleString(i)
val bottleB = if(i==0) bottleString(99) else bottleString(i-1)
s"$bottleA of beer on the wall, $bottleA of beer.\n".capitalize +
thirdLine(i) + s"$bottleB of beer on the wall.\n"
} Tags:
Exercise: beer-songCodeobject BeerSong {
val verseN: Int => String = idx =>
s"$idx ${bottlesStr(idx)} of beer on the wall, $idx ${bottlesStr(idx)} of beer.\nTake ${itStr(
idx)} down and pass it around, ${remaining(idx)} of beer on the wall.\n"
val verseOne = Int
val verseZero =
"No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.\nGo to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.\n"
val bottlesStr: Int => String = i => if (i == 1) "bottle" else "bottles"
val itStr: Int => String = i => if (i == 1) "it" else "one"
val remaining: Int => String = i =>
if (i > 1) s"${(i - 1).toString} ${bottlesStr(i - 1)}"
else "no more bottles"
def verse(idx: Int): String = if (idx > 0) verseN(idx) else verseZero
def verses(hi: Int, lo: Int): String =
(Range.inclusive(hi, lo, -1)
.foldLeft(new StringBuilder)((sb, i) => sb ++= verse(i) ++= "\n"))
} Tags:
Exercise: seriesCodeobject Series {
def slices(len: Int, series: String): Stream[Seq[Int]] =
.map(_ asDigit)
} Tags:
Exercise: meetupCodeimport java.util.Calendar
import java.util.GregorianCalendar
case class Meetup(month: Int, year: Int) {
val start = new GregorianCalendar(year, month - 1, 1)
val teenthStart = new GregorianCalendar(year, month - 1, 13)
val nextMonth = new GregorianCalendar(year, month, 1)
def teenth(meetupDay: Int) = teenthStart.addDays(teenthStart.calculateDaysUntil(meetupDay))
def last(meetupDay: Int) = nextMonth.addDays(-7).addDays(nextMonth.calculateDaysUntil(meetupDay))
def first(meetupDay: Int) = start.addDays(start.calculateDaysUntil(meetupDay))
def second(meetupDay: Int) = start.addDays(7 + start.calculateDaysUntil(meetupDay))
def third(meetupDay: Int) = start.addDays(7 * 2 + start.calculateDaysUntil(meetupDay))
def fourth(meetupDay: Int) = start.addDays(7 * 3 + start.calculateDaysUntil(meetupDay))
implicit class ImmutableCalendar(calendar: Calendar) {
def dayOfWeek(): Int = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)
def calculateDaysUntil(weekday: Int) = (Meetup.Sat - dayOfWeek + weekday) % 7
def addDays(numDays: Int) = updateWith(_.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, numDays))
def copy: Calendar = calendar.clone.asInstanceOf[Calendar]
def updateWith(func: Calendar => Unit) = {
val _c = calendar.copy
object Meetup {
val Mon = Calendar.MONDAY
val Tue = Calendar.TUESDAY
val Wed = Calendar.WEDNESDAY
val Thu = Calendar.THURSDAY
val Fri = Calendar.FRIDAY
val Sat = Calendar.SATURDAY
val Sun = Calendar.SUNDAY
} Tags:
Exercise: kindergarten-gardenCodeobject Plant extends Enumeration {
type Plant = Value
val Radishes, Clover, Grass, Violets = Value
class Garden(val students: Seq[String], val sillString:String) {
import Plant._
import Garden._
lazy val indexByStudent =
.mapValues(_.head._2 + 1)
lazy val sills = sillString.split("\n").toList
def plantsByIndex(i: Int, width: Int): Seq[Plant] =
.map(_.slice(i-width, i))
def getPlants(student: String): Seq[Plant] =
.map(plantsByIndex(_:Int, 2))
object Garden {
val DefaultStudents =
Seq("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David", "Eve", "Fred", "Ginny", "Harriet", "Ileana", "Joseph", "Kincaid", "Larry")
val Plants =
def defaultGarden(sill: String) = Garden(DefaultStudents, sill)
def apply(students: Seq[String], sill: String) = new Garden(students, sill)
} Tags:
Exercise: pascals-triangleCodeobject PascalsTriangle {
def elemAt( col: Int, row: Int): Int = {
if (row == 0 || col == 0 || (col == row)) 1
else {
elemAt(col - 1, row - 1) + elemAt(col, row - 1)
def triangle(n: Int): List[List[Int]] =
(for {
r <- 0 to n - 1
l = ((0 to r) map (elemAt(_, r))).toList
} yield l).toList
} Tags:
Exercise: saddle-pointsCodecase class Matrix(matrix: List[List[Int]]) {
val rows = matrix.length
val cols = matrix.headOption.map(_.length).getOrElse(0)
val rowsMax = matrix.map(_.max)
val colsMin = matrix.transpose.map(_.min)
def rowMax(x: Int) = rowsMax(x)
def colMin(y: Int) = colsMin(y)
def element(x: Int, y: Int) = matrix(x)(y)
def isSaddlePoint(x: Int, y: Int) = element(x, y) == rowMax(x) && element(x, y) == colMin(y)
val points = for {
x <- 0 until rows
y <- 0 until cols
if isSaddlePoint(x, y)
} yield (x, y)
val saddlePoints = points.toSet
} Tags:
Exercise: roman-numeralsCodecase class RomanNumeral(n: Int) {
private def divMod(x: Int, y: Int) = (x / y, x % y)
private val s = Map(3 -> ("M", ""), 2 -> ("C", "D"), 1 -> ("X", "L"), 0 -> ("I", "V"))
private def romanMagic(unit: Int, quint: Int, p: Int) = {
if (unit == 4) s(p)._1 + s(p + 1)._1 * quint + s(p)._2 * (1 - quint) // e.g. IV, IX, XC, XL, CM, CD
else s(p)._2 * quint + s(p)._1 * unit // VII, XI, CX, etc.
private def pow10(p: Int) = Math.pow(10, p).toInt
val value =
(3 to (0, -1)).foldLeft(("", n)) {
case ((s, n), k) => {
val (q, n1) = divMod(n, 5 * pow10(k))
val (u, n2) = divMod(n1, pow10(k) )
(s + romanMagic(u, q, k), n2)
} Tags:
Exercise: atbash-cipherCodecase class Atbash() {
def encode(plaintext: String): String = {
.replaceAll("[^a-z0-9]", "")
.mkString(" ")
private def encodeLetterOrNumber(char: Char): Char = char match {
case char if ('a' to 'z') contains char => ('z' - (char - 'a')).toChar
case _ => char
} Tags:
Exercise: pig-latinCodeobject PigLatin {
def translate(phrase: String): String = {
phrase.split(" ").map(PigLatinWord(_)).mkString(" ")
object PigLatinWord {
val vowelRegx = """([aeiou]{1,}[a-z]{1,})""".r
val consRegx = """([^aeiou]{1,})([aeiou]{1,}[a-z]{1,})""".r
val quRegx = """([^aeiou]{0,}qu)([a-z]{1,})""".r
def apply(word: String): String = {
def addSuffix(chars: String) = {
chars + "ay"
word match {
case vowelRegx(chars) => addSuffix(chars)
case quRegx(first, next) => addSuffix(next + first)
case consRegx(first, next) => addSuffix(next + first)
} Tags:
Exercise: binary-search-treeCodecase class Bst[+T](value: T, left: Option[Bst[T]], right: Option[Bst[T]]) {
def insert[U >: T <% Ordered[U]](x: U): Bst[U] = {
def insert(x: U, node: Option[Bst[U]]): Option[Bst[U]] =
node match {
case Some(n) => Option(n.insert(x))
case _ => Option(new Bst(x, None, None))
if (x <= value) new Bst(value, insert(x, left), right)
else Bst(value, left, insert(x, right))
object Bst {
def fromList[T <% Ordered[T]](l: List[T]): Bst[T] = l match {
case x::xs => xs.foldLeft(Bst(x, None, None))((r, e) => r.insert(e))
case Nil => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tree must not be empty")
def toList[T](tree: Bst[T]): List[T] = toList(Some(tree))
private def toList[T](tree: Option[Bst[T]]): List[T] = tree match {
case Some(b) => toList(b.left) ++ List(b.value) ++ toList(b.right)
case None => List.empty
def apply[T](x: T): Bst[T] = Bst(x, None, None)
} Tags:
Exercise: zebra-puzzleCodeimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
object ZebraPuzzle {
sealed trait Resident {
var housePos: Option[Int] = None
var animal: Option[String] = None
var houseColor: Option[String] = None
var cigarettes: Option[String] = None
var beverage: Option[String] = None
override def toString: String = {
getClass.getSimpleName + "[" + housePos.getOrElse("?") + ", " + animal.getOrElse("?") + ", " +
houseColor.getOrElse("?") + ", " + cigarettes.getOrElse("?") + ", " + beverage.getOrElse("?") + "]"
case object Englishman extends Resident
case object Spaniard extends Resident
case object Ukrainian extends Resident
case object Norwegian extends Resident
case object Japanese extends Resident
case class Solution(waterDrinker: Resident, zebraOwner: Resident)
lazy val solve: Solution = solvePuzzle()
val Residents = List(Englishman, Spaniard, Ukrainian, Norwegian, Japanese)
private var conditions = ListBuffer[PartialFunction[Resident, Boolean]]()
private var nearbyConditions = ListBuffer[PartialFunction[(Resident, Resident), Boolean]]()
private var unassignedResidents: List[Resident] = _
private var houseColors: List[String] = _
private var animals: List[String] = _
private var cigaretteBrands: List[String] = _
private var beverages: List[String] = _
private var solution: List[Resident] = _
def createConditions(): Unit = {
conditions += { case r => r.houseColor.contains("green") && r.beverage.contains("coffee") }
nearbyConditions += { case (r1: Resident, r2: Resident) =>
r1.houseColor.contains("ivory") && r2.houseColor.contains("green")
conditions += { case r => r.cigarettes.contains("Old Gold") && r.animal.contains("snails") }
conditions += { case r => r.houseColor.contains("yellow") && r.cigarettes.contains("Kools") }
conditions += { case r => r.beverage.contains("milk") && r.housePos.contains(3) }
nearbyConditions += { case (r1: Resident, r2: Resident) =>
r1.cigarettes.contains("Chesterfields") && r2.animal.contains("fox") ||
r2.cigarettes.contains("Chesterfields") && r1.animal.contains("fox")
nearbyConditions += { case (r1: Resident, r2: Resident) =>
r1.cigarettes.contains("Kools") && r2.animal.contains("horse") ||
r2.cigarettes.contains("Kools") && r1.animal.contains("horse")
conditions += { case r => r.cigarettes.contains("Lucky Strike") && r.beverage.contains("orange juice") }
nearbyConditions += { case (r1: Resident, r2: Resident) =>
r1 == Norwegian && r2.houseColor.contains("blue") || r2 == Norwegian && r1.houseColor.contains("blue")
def initialize(): Unit = {
Englishman.houseColor = Some("red")
Spaniard.animal = Some("dog")
Ukrainian.beverage = Some("tea")
Japanese.cigarettes = Some("Parliaments")
Norwegian.housePos = Some(1)
unassignedResidents = List(Englishman, Spaniard, Ukrainian, Japanese)
houseColors = List("green", "ivory", "yellow", "orange", "blue")
animals = List("snails", "fox", "horse", "zebra")
cigaretteBrands = List("Old Gold", "Kools", "Chesterfields", "Lucky Strike")
beverages = List("coffee", "milk", "orange juice", "water")
def logState(permutation: List[Resident]): Unit = {
for (r <- permutation) print(r + " ")
def generatePositions(nextPos: Int, unassignedResidents: List[Resident], result: List[Resident]): Boolean = {
if (nextPos > 4) {
return generateHouseColors(0, houseColors, result)
} else {
for (r <- unassignedResidents) {
r.housePos = Some(nextPos + 1)
if (generatePositions(nextPos + 1, unassignedResidents.filterNot(_ == r), result :+ r)) {
return true
r.housePos = None
def generateHouseColors(nextPos: Int, unassignedColors: List[String], residents: List[Resident]): Boolean = {
if (nextPos > 4) {
return generateAnimals(0, animals, residents)
} else if (residents(nextPos).houseColor.isDefined) {
return generateHouseColors(nextPos + 1, unassignedColors, residents)
} else {
for (c <- unassignedColors) {
residents(nextPos).houseColor = Some(c)
if (generateHouseColors(nextPos + 1, unassignedColors.filterNot(_ == c), residents)) {
return true
residents(nextPos).houseColor = None
def generateAnimals(nextPos: Int, unassignedAnimals: List[String], residents: List[Resident]): Boolean = {
if (nextPos > 4) {
return generateCigaretteBrands(0, cigaretteBrands, residents)
} else if (residents(nextPos).animal.isDefined) {
return generateAnimals(nextPos + 1, unassignedAnimals, residents)
} else {
for (a <- unassignedAnimals) {
residents(nextPos).animal = Some(a)
if (generateAnimals(nextPos + 1, unassignedAnimals.filterNot(_ == a), residents)) {
return true
residents(nextPos).animal = None
def generateCigaretteBrands(nextPos: Int, unassignedBrands: List[String], residents: List[Resident]): Boolean = {
if (nextPos > 4) {
return generateBeverages(0, beverages, residents)
} else if (residents(nextPos).cigarettes.isDefined) {
return generateCigaretteBrands(nextPos + 1, unassignedBrands, residents)
} else {
for (c <- unassignedBrands) {
residents(nextPos).cigarettes = Some(c)
if (generateCigaretteBrands(nextPos + 1, unassignedBrands.filterNot(_ == c), residents)) {
return true
residents(nextPos).cigarettes = None
def generateBeverages(nextPos: Int, unassignedBeverages: List[String], residents: List[Resident]): Boolean = {
if (nextPos > 4) {
if (checkConditions(residents)) {
solution = residents
return true
} else if (residents(nextPos).beverage.isDefined) {
return generateBeverages(nextPos + 1, unassignedBeverages, residents)
} else {
for (b <- unassignedBeverages) {
residents(nextPos).beverage = Some(b)
if (generateBeverages(nextPos + 1, unassignedBeverages.filterNot(_ == b), residents)) {
return true
residents(nextPos).beverage = None
def checkConditions(residents: List[Resident]): Boolean = {
for (c <- conditions) {
if (!residents.exists(c(_))) {
return false
for (c <- nearbyConditions) {
var conditionFulfilled = false
for (i <- 0 until residents.size - 1) {
if (c(residents(i), residents(i + 1))) {
conditionFulfilled = true
if (!conditionFulfilled) {
return false
def solvePuzzle(): Solution = {
generatePositions(1, unassignedResidents, List(Norwegian))
Solution(solution.filter(_.beverage.contains("water")).head, solution.filter(_.animal.contains("zebra")).head)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
Exercise: variable-length-quantityCodepackage exercism
object VariableLengthQuantity {
val MAX_DIGIT = 0x7F
val MASK = 0x80
def decode1(digits: List[Int]) = digits.foldLeft(0) { (acc, digit) =>
(acc << 7) | (digit & MAX_DIGIT)
def encode1(num: Int, acc: List[Int] = Nil): List[Int] =
if(num == 0) (if(acc.isEmpty) List(0) else acc)
else encode1(num >>> 7, ((num & MAX_DIGIT) | (if(acc.isEmpty) 0 else MASK)) :: acc)
def encode(nums: List[Int]): List[Int] = nums.flatMap(encode1(_))
def decode(nums: List[Int]): Either[Unit, List[Int]] = decode(nums, Nil)
def decode(nums: List[Int], acc: List[Int]):
Either[Unit, List[Int]] = {
if(nums.isEmpty) Right(acc.reverse)
else {
val (nextNum, rest) = nums.span(digit => (digit & MASK) != 0)
if(rest.isEmpty) Left(())
else decode(rest.tail, decode1(nextNum :+ rest.head) :: acc)
Exercise: binaryCodecase class Binary(binary: String) {
val toDecimal =
if (binary forall {"01" contains _})
binary.foldRight((0,0)) { case (c, (s, k)) => (s + (1 << k) * c.toString.toInt, k + 1) }._1
else 0
} Tags:
Exercise: dartsCodeobject Darts {
private val scores = Seq(
(1, 10),
(5, 5),
(10, 1)
def score(x: Double, y: Double) = {
val hitRadius =
scores.collectFirst {
case (r, s) if r >= hitRadius => s
} Tags:
Exercise: high-scoresCodeobject HighScores {
def latest(a: List[Int]): Int = a.last
def personalTop(a: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
val b = a.sorted(Ordering.Int.reverse).take(3)
def personalBest(a: List[Int]): Int = a.max
def report(a: List[Int]): String = {
if(a.last == a.max)
s"Your latest score was ${a.max}. That's your personal best!"
s"Your latest score was ${a.last}. That's ${Math.abs(a.max - a.last)} short of your personal best!"
This is an automated comment Hello 👋 Next week we're going to start using the tagging work people are doing on these. If you've already completed the work, thank you! If you've not, but intend to this week, that's great! If you're not going to get round to doing it, and you've not yet posted a comment letting us know, could you please do so, so that we can find other people to do it. Thanks! |
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Hello lovely maintainers 👋
We've recently added "tags" to student's solutions. These express the constructs, paradigms and techniques that a solution uses. We are going to be using these tags for lots of things including filtering, pointing a student to alternative approaches, and much more.
In order to do this, we've built out a full AST-based tagger in C#, which has allowed us to do things like detect recursion or bit shifting. We've set things up so other tracks can do the same for their languages, but its a lot of work, and we've determined that actually it may be unnecessary. Instead we think that we can use machine learning to achieve tagging with good enough results. We've fine-tuned a model that can determine the correct tags for C# from the examples with a high success rate. It's also doing reasonably well in an untrained state for other languages. We think that with only a few examples per language, we can potentially get some quite good results, and that we can then refine things further as we go.
I released a new video on the Insiders page that talks through this in more detail.
We're going to be adding a fully-fledged UI in the coming weeks that allow maintainers and mentors to tag solutions and create training sets for the neural networks, but to start with, we're hoping you would be willing to manually tag 20 solutions for this track. In this post we'll add 20 comments, each with a student's solution, and the tags our model has generated. Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to edit the tags on each issue, removing any incorrect ones, and add any that are missing. In order to build one model that performs well across languages, it's best if you stick as closely as possible to the C# tags as you can. Those are listed here. If you want to add extra tags, that's totally fine, but please don't arbitrarily reword existing tags, even if you don't like what Erik's chosen, as it'll just make it less likely that your language gets the correct tags assigned by the neural network.
To summarise - there are two paths forward for this issue:
If you tell us you're not able/wanting to help or there's no comment added, we'll automatically crowd-source this in a week or so.
Finally, if you have questions or want to discuss things, it would be best done on the forum, so the knowledge can be shared across all maintainers in all tracks.
Thanks for your help! 💙
Note: Meta discussion on the forum
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