Can we tell...? - what options were interacted with in Overview state? - what questions were most abandoned (ie, viewed but then left it)? - what state a user was in when they left the tree? - which option was most selected? - what percentage of people reached an end? - how many people reached multiple ends? - what was the chance a person would end up at a certain end?
data: id: "26" observer: "TreeHistory" type: "question" updatedBy: "forceCurrentState" newState: id: "26" type: "question"
int_id = 1 tree_id = 1 user_id = 'e296e28756f043679738d22ad04c8de' int_type_id = 1 ('history')
1 1 e296e2 1 1 1 (tree tree_id) 2 1 e296e2 3 3 2 (el_id question) 3 1 e296e2 5 3 3 (el_id question) 4 1 e296e2 5 4 6 (el_id end) 5 1 e296e2 4 2 1 (tree tree_id)
1 load 2 reload 3 start 4 overview 5 option 6 history
1 3 6 2 4 9
1 intro 2 tree 3 question 4 end
1 3 6 2 4 9
{ loads: 1000 reloads: 100, users: 900, // unique people interactions: 5000, (clicks/keypresses) interactions_per_user: 5000/900, intro: { views: 900, percentage: 100, bounces: 100, bounce_rate: 10%, } starts: { clicks: 500, percentage: 50, users: 200, restarts: 100// select group by users with more than one start }, questions: [ { question_id: 1 views: 500, // all views unique_views: 200, // unique people who viewed this question percentage: 50, bounces: 50, // people who left during this question bounce_rate: 10%, // percentage of unique people who left during this question
options: [{
option_id: 2,
selected: 200,
selected_percentage: 40% // should these equal 100%? IE. be calculated from the total selectioons and not total views? IE - throw out people who left?
option_id: 3,
selected: 250,
selected_percentage: 50%
question_id: 5
views: 200,
percentage: 20,
bounces: 10,
bounce_rate: 5%,
options: [{
option_id: 6,
selected: 40,
selected_percentage: 20%
option_id: 7,
selected: 150,
selected_percentage: 75%
ends: [{
end_id: 8,
views: 290,
percentage: 29%,
bounces: 145,
bounce_rate: 50%
end_id: 9,
views: 350,
percentage: 35%,
bounces: 175,
bounce_rate: 50%
history: [{
clicks: 8,
overview: [{
views: 400,
percentage: ..%,
unique_views: 200,
interactions: 1000,
questions: [{
question_id: 1,
options: [{
option_id: 1,
selected: 2,
option_id: 1,
selected: 5,
ends: [{