CloudFormation based installation of RabbitMQ cluster includes scalability group, load balancer and RabbitMQ cluster configuration
For now, the CloudFormation uses custom AMI I've created specially for this project based on AWS linux free AMI, on which RabbitMQ 3.7.7 was installed (see below)
This AMI is not included in the repo here, you have to build it and replace the AMI ID in the cloudformation template
Note: moving the RabbitMQ instances to the private subnets (right now they are on the public subnets) is on my TODO list...
- create a KeyPair in AWS
- edit
and replace the KeyPair name with the newly created keypair. - edit
and modify these two settings:
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
export AWS_PROFILE=my-aws-profile
./rabbit-stack create
whenever you update the CloudFormation template:
./rabbit-stack update
The load balancer (ELB) is defined to be internal one, planning for production configuration. If you wish, you can modify the CloudFormation template to be internet-facing, in which case it's accessible to all
If you choose to keep the production-oriented setup, your application might use VPC peering to connect to the Rabbit cluster (via the ELB). However, you might need a way to connect to the ELB from your personal computer just for testing purposes and administration:
Assuming you have a bastion host and wish to connect from anywhere in internet to the ELB then you need to start these 2 tunnels - 1 for messaging (port 5672) of your application, the other for administrative web UI (port 15672, connect from browser to http://localhost:8000 to view UI):
ssh -N -i ~/.ssh/MyKeyToMyBastionHost.pem -L ec2-user@my-bastion-host &
ssh -N -i ~/.ssh/MyKeyToMyBastionHost.pem -L ec2-user@my-bastion-host &
Then open a browser and access RabbitMQ's management UI using browser at 'http://localhost:8000' The user/password are configured in the CloudFormation template Have your test application connect to 'amqp://root:root@localhost:5672' to send and recieve messages
Installation is loosely based on "Installing RabbitMQ With Erlang on AWS EC2 Amazon Linux Instance" with few fixes, without configuration (which is handled in the CloudFormation template, since we want that to be updateable later on) and modified for RabbitMQ 3.7.7
Start off with the AWS free linux AMI and then install RabbitMQ like so:
cd /opt
sudo wget
sudo rpm -ivh erlang-20.1.7-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
sudo yum install socat
sudo wget
sudo rpm -ivh rabbitmq-server-3.7.7-1.el6.noarch.rpm
sudo service rabbitmq-server start
Take a snapshot of the machine, put the ID of your snapshot in the cloudformation template, and you're there!
- make use of private subnets for cluster instances
- use ec2 VPC endpoint instead of public IP addresses for cluster instances
- close the incoming TCP security on port 4369 discovery
- optimize for production guided by likes of RabbitMQ Best Practice with CloudAMQP