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Widnows baseline check script

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The purpose of this script which is provides windows baseline check functions.


  • Compare pre-defined .xlsx file with DSCEA csv output to check baseline items.
  • Find a Group Policy setting in an xml RSOP file.
  • Compare GP settings.
    • To reads a given GP setting in a specifying format file.
    • Compare the GP setting items to check compliance.
  • Invoke baseline check script.
    • To reads a given windows baseline scripts in a specifying format files.
    • Invoke scripts to compare target result to check compliance.
  • Export compliance check to a report csv as a result.


Compare DSCEA csv out

This example shows fills up a predefined baseline excel file by following procedures:

  1. Generate a .mof file by convert a GPO.
  2. Scan the localhost by this .mof file and generate DSCEA .xml file.
  3. Convert the .xml file to .csv report.
  4. Compare the .csv report to fill up baseline excel.
PS C:\Users\edxi> ConvertFrom-GPO -Path C:\baselinegpo\

    Directory: C:\Users\edxi\Output

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        2/25/2018  11:13 AM         253530 localhost.mof

PS C:\Users\edxi> Start-DSCEAscan -MofFile .\Output\localhost.mof -ComputerName localhost

    Directory: C:\Users\edxi

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        2/25/2018  11:14 AM        1147916 results.20180225-1113-42.xml

PS C:\Users\edxi> Convert-DSCEAresultsToCSV .\results.20180225-1113-42.xml

    Directory: C:\Users\edxi

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        2/25/2018  11:14 AM          40862 output.csv

PS C:\Users\edxi> Import-Module PSExcel
PS C:\Users\edxi> Compare-DSCEAcsv -xlsxfile C:\Users\edxi\baseline.xlsx -csvfile C:\Users\edxi\output.csv

As above procedure, at least following three external module is needed.

Find a GP setting

The Find-RsopSetting command refered a technet blog, and rewrited xml namespaces to find RSOP xml file. To find a setting in gpresult xml like following file fragment:

    <Extension xmlns:q3="" xsi:type="q3:AuditSettings" xmlns="">
        <GPO xmlns="">
            <Identifier xmlns="">{A70D46E4-33C8-480F-B946-C857F880CA25}</Identifier>
            <Domain xmlns=""></Domain>
        <Precedence xmlns="">1</Precedence>
        <q3:SubcategoryName>Audit File Share</q3:SubcategoryName>
    <Name xmlns="">Advanced Audit Configuration</Name>

Above is a computer setting of Auditing, which could be located by xml namespace. Using the Find-RsopSetting, enter where the setting is (-isComputerConfiguration $true) by default, what type of setting it is (-Extension Auditing), and what value you’re looking for (-Where Auditing –Is SubcategoryName). If you want to know that the setting is configured in the GPO, but you don’t care what the value is, omit the –Return parameter.

  • To check if element SubcategoryName is Audit File Share. The following command should return True.
Find-RsopSetting -rsopxml $rsopxml -Extension 'Auditing' -Where 'SubcategoryName' -Is 'Audit File Share'
  • To check if element SubcategoryName is Audit File Share. And return The element content of SettingValue. The following command should return 3.
Find-RsopSetting -rsopxml $rsopxml -Extension 'Auditing' -Where 'SubcategoryName' -Is 'Audit File Share' -Return 'SettingValue'

Compare RSOP Items

As most of baseline setting is part of group policy, this function could call gpresult and compare generated xml with a predefined .csv file. The predefined .csv file should includes at least four columns:

  • Extension - Identify the extesion namespace.
  • Where - Element name which looking for.
  • Is - Element content which looking for.
  • Return - Element content would be return.
Compare-Rsop -csvfile c:\temp\baseline.csv

This will generate a report csv file in $env:TEMP, based on inputed c:\temp\baseline.csv file.

Compare Script Output

Some baseline setting could only be checked by script. A predefined .csv file should includes a column Script to store the script block. The script block need return a hash object, includes:

  • Actual Value - The script gets the actual avalue from system according to checking item.
  • Check Result - As compared to baseline value, the result of compliance or not.
Compare-ScriptOutput -csvfile c:\temp\baseline.csv

This will generate a report csv file in $env:TEMP, based on inputed c:\temp\baseline.csv file.


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