The easiest way to run the LIST application locally is to use the Docker image available in Docker Hub.
This short guide explains how to do it, step by step. You will be guided through installing Docker Desktop, creating a docker-compose YAML file and starting the application.
You'll need:
- Docker >= v15
- Docker-compose >= v1.20
- curl
To verify if you have the required software, open a console and run:
> docker -v
The output should be something like this:
> docker -v
Docker version 18.03.1-ce, build 9ee9f40
If you get an error, or if the version is older than the one mentioned above, you'll need to install Docker.
- Download Docker Desktop: docker-desktop
- Install the version appropriate to your operating system
- Make sure to start Docker Desktop
Execute the following command:
docker-compose version 1.22.0, build f46880fe
The output should be similar to:
> docker-compose -v
docker-compose version 1.22.0, build f46880fe
If you get an error, or if the version is older than the one mentioned above, you'll need to install a recent version of docker-compose. Go to
- Create a new folder on your system
- Example folder name: EBU-LIST
- cd into that directory and execute the following command:
> curl -O
Make sure you are located in the folder containing the docker-compose.yml file.
Update EBU LIST to the latest version:
> docker-compose pull
- The output should be similar to this:
WARNING: The EBU_LIST_WEB_APP_DOMAIN variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARNING: The EBU_LIST_LIVE_MODE variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
Pulling influxdb ... downloading (71.3%)
Pulling mongo ... waiting
Pulling rabbitmq ... download complete
Pulling list_server ... downloading (71.3%)
- Then, when all images are downloaded:
> docker-compose up
- The output should be similar to this:
WARNING: The EBU_LIST_LIVE_MODE variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
Creating network "documents_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "documents_mongo" with default driver
Creating volume "documents_listserver" with default driver
Creating volume "documents_influxdb" with default driver
Creating documents_rabbitmq_1 ... done
Creating documents_influxdb_1 ... done
Creating documents_mongo_1 ... done
Creating documents_list_server_1 ... done
Attaching to documents_mongo_1, documents_influxdb_1, documents_rabbitmq_1, documents_list_server_1
You are one step away from using the application.
Open Google Chrome
Go to
Create a user: enter a valid email address
Create a password
Click register
Click login
You will be redirected to the main interface of EBU LIST
- If you have started LIST using
docker-compose up
, you just need to press Control-C once and wait for the containers to stop.
- Go to the directory where the docker-compose.yml file is located.
- Launch docker-compose with the
> docker-compose up -d
LIST will keep running in the background, even when you close the shell.
You can verify that with docker ps:
> docker ps
There should be several containers executing:
d2c9f4c1dec5 ebutech/pi-list
af742c333ac9 mongo:4.1.10
307c55c2eb0b pedroalvesferreira/rabbitmq-with-web-mqtt
bc45384dc9cd influxdb:1.4.2
Go to the directory where the docker-compose.yml file is located. Make sure you are in the right directory.
Stop the containers:
> docker-compose down
Warning: Volumes used by the running containers will not be pruned. Stop all containers first.
> docker system prune --volumes
Note: A better way is to clean the entire browser cache.
Add a URL parameter with some random numbers to force the browser not to use the cached information.
Example: http://localhost/?t=783827
Warning: Images used by the running containers will not be pruned. Stop all containers first.
> docker system prune -af
List all running containers:
> docker ps
> docker stop <name of the container>
The steps above will restrict the usage of LIST on the machine where the docker containers are being run. In order to allow it to be used from other machines, you just need to edit the docker-compose.yml file and change the line indicated below, replacing ${EBU_LIST_WEB_APP_DOMAIN} with your URL (in the example below, replace with the IP address of your machine). To specify a new port, please see the next section :
Note: to use https, change the URL to https://*******:443 on the following commands
docker-compose up
To change the default port from 80 to another port please do the following: Edit the docker-compose.yml file and change the line indicated below. That line exposes the docker port to the user network. Also replacing ${EBU_LIST_WEB_APP_DOMAIN} with your URL.
Example: Change the default port 80 to port 81.
Note: Change 443 if using HTTPS
image: ebutech/pi-list # using the latest version
- "80:80"
- "443:443"
image: ebutech/pi-list # using the latest version
- "81:80"
- "443:443"
export EBU_LIST_WEB_APP_DOMAIN=http://localhost:81
docker-compose up
A docker volume listserver
is created by default for persistent storage of files (pcap, decoded data, SDP). In case there is a dedicated folder/disk on the host for that purpose, it is possible to set this specific path to be mounted as a volume.
docker-compose up
This option allows to capture network packets to create your own pcap files by unlocking a dedicated page in the web interface.
export EBU_LIST_LIVE_MODE=true
docker-compose up
Note that the capture engine is not included in this project. Plus, your system needs to meet a list of additional requirements: Hardware-timestamp-capable NIC, PTP synchronization, a stream source, etc.