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Issues: dependabot/dependabot-core

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Support updating uv.lock T: feature-request Requests for new features
#10478 opened Aug 22, 2024 by edgarrmondragon
1 task done
Ignore manifests in specific subdirectories Epic F: configuration-file F: dependency-ignores Allow excluding certain versions F: monorepo 📦 Issues related to bumping a dep in manifests from multiple apps Keep Exempt this from being marked by stalebot T: feature-request Requests for new features
#4364 opened Nov 3, 2021 by chenrui333
Add support for Rush Keep Exempt this from being marked by stalebot T: new-ecosystem Requests for new ecosystems/languages
#2270 opened Jul 1, 2020 by GiriB
Support pre-commit Keep Exempt this from being marked by stalebot T: feature-request Requests for new features
#1524 opened Nov 20, 2019 by klane
dependabot v2 can't merge to protected branches Keep Exempt this from being marked by stalebot service 💁 Relates to Dependabot features GitHub provides T: bug 🐞 Something isn't working
#2480 opened Aug 26, 2020 by ZebraFlesh
Poetry version support F: language-support Issues specific to a particular language or ecosystem; may be paired with an L: label. Keep Exempt this from being marked by stalebot L: python:poetry Python packages via poetry T: feature-request Requests for new features versioning
#1556 opened Dec 4, 2019 by ulgens
Bazel support? Keep Exempt this from being marked by stalebot T: new-ecosystem Requests for new ecosystems/languages
#2196 opened Jan 25, 2019 by petemounce
Julia support? T: new-ecosystem Requests for new ecosystems/languages
#2105 opened Sep 29, 2019 by cscherrer
rebase-strategy: auto + delay F: configuration-file service 💁 Relates to Dependabot features GitHub provides T: feature-request Requests for new features
#4057 opened Jul 17, 2021 by MartinThoma
Support OIDC auth to cloud providers F: private-registries 💂‍♂️ Issues about using private registries with Dependabot; may be paired with an R: label. service 💁 Relates to Dependabot features GitHub provides T: feature-request Requests for new features
#6580 opened Feb 3, 2023 by ppennanen
1 task done
Add support for updating gradle wrapper F: language-support Issues specific to a particular language or ecosystem; may be paired with an L: label. Keep Exempt this from being marked by stalebot L: java:gradle Maven packages via Gradle T: feature-request Requests for new features T: new-ecosystem Requests for new ecosystems/languages
#2223 opened Oct 30, 2018 by rahulsom
Fully Featured Gradle Support with the Gradle Tooling API F: language-support Issues specific to a particular language or ecosystem; may be paired with an L: label. Keep Exempt this from being marked by stalebot L: java:gradle Maven packages via Gradle T: feature-request Requests for new features
#1164 opened May 23, 2019 by JLLeitschuh
Unable to get dependabot working with private CodeArtifact registry F: private-registries 💂‍♂️ Issues about using private registries with Dependabot; may be paired with an R: label. L: javascript:yarn npm packages via yarn T: bug 🐞 Something isn't working
#5441 opened Jul 28, 2022 by dsemarketer
Publish arm64 architecture docker images build 🛠 Relates to building and releasing Dependabot core 🍏 Relates to the dependabot-core library itself
#5037 opened Apr 25, 2022 by andrcuns
Stop Dependabot from rebasing failed PRs F: noise related to Dependabot being noisy, or initiatives to make Dependabot quieter T: feature-request Requests for new features
#2131 opened Jul 11, 2019 by samselikoff
Support bumping dependencies in .pre-commit-config.yml core 🍏 Relates to the dependabot-core library itself F: pull-requests Issues about Dependabot pull requests Keep Exempt this from being marked by stalebot T: feature-request Requests for new features versioning
#2040 opened Feb 2, 2020 by sloria
Support sbt projects Keep Exempt this from being marked by stalebot T: new-ecosystem Requests for new ecosystems/languages
#352 opened Apr 18, 2018 by albuch
Support for Ivy Files? T: feature-request Requests for new features
#7196 opened Apr 28, 2023 by whgibbo
1 task done
Gradle dependencyResolutionManagement block not being processed L: java:gradle Maven packages via Gradle T: bug 🐞 Something isn't working
#3286 opened Mar 16, 2021 by otormaigh
Support copier core 🍏 Relates to the dependabot-core library itself T: feature-request Requests for new features T: new-ecosystem Requests for new ecosystems/languages
#4410 opened Nov 15, 2021 by yajo
Support for Helm chart dependencies Keep Exempt this from being marked by stalebot T: feature-request Requests for new features T: new-ecosystem Requests for new ecosystems/languages
#2237 opened Sep 10, 2018 by paddycarey
Option rebase-strategy set to disabled doesn't prevent rebasing service 💁 Relates to Dependabot features GitHub provides T: bug 🐞 Something isn't working
#3594 opened Apr 29, 2021 by electrofelix
Nix flake support Keep Exempt this from being marked by stalebot T: feature-request Requests for new features
#7340 opened May 17, 2023 by yajo
1 task done
Bumps GH actions to pre-releases F: noise related to Dependabot being noisy, or initiatives to make Dependabot quieter L: github:actions GitHub Actions T: bug 🐞 Something isn't working
#2303 opened Jul 9, 2020 by evgeni
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