diff --git a/www/index.html b/www/index.html index 1619956..38e0fcd 100644 --- a/www/index.html +++ b/www/index.html @@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
Answer: Interval training. It doesn’t matter what you do, run, row, or jog on the spot. If you do these exercises at FULL pace (after a warm up) for 20 seconds, then have a 40 second rest, repeating this for up to 5 minutes, it will burn a huge amount of calories. The good thing about this type of training is that your metabolism is given a jump-start so it keeps burning calories for hours after you have finished.
Answer: Crossfit training. This type of training focuses on strength and endurance training and is scalable to your own fitness and ability level. It also burns lots of calories. For example, a favourite of mine is to do 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups then 15 bodyweight squats, one after the other, no rest. Each time you complete this its one rep. The idea is that you do as many reps as you can in 10 minutes. If you can’t do the pull-ups then swap them for something like bench-dips or anything you can do.
+Here are a few crossfit routines:
Answer: Eat sensibly, increase your activity. We all know when the food we eat is a ‘treat’ or something that’s ‘clean’. The difference between the two is our own motivation. If we have a goal or a beach holiday coming up its much easier to be strict with what we eat. The way I look at it is this; its MUCH easier to stay in shape than to GET in shape. Maintenance is the key to a healthy weight, once you get there. Fast answer; walk briskly when you walk, jog up the stairs, bike instead of getting a lift, say no to the second helping, and yes just once a week to treats… you get the picture.
So try crossfit and interval training as faster ways to increase your activity. If this is too intense then start with 10 minutes on the cross-trainer or bike. Get into the habit of doing this and you will see a difference in your health.
@@ -1846,5 +1854,211 @@+ | + | + |
Angie | +
+ For Time. Complete all reps of each exercise before moving to the next. | +
Barbara | +
Rest precisely three minutes between each round. + |
+ 5 rounds, time each round. | +
+ | Chelsea
+ Each min on the min for 30 min. | +
Cindy | +
+ As many rounds as possible in 20 min. | +
Fran | +
+ 21-15-9 reps, for time. | +
Karen | +
+ For time. | +
Nancy | +
+ 5 rounds for time. | +
Kelly | +
+ Five rounds for time. | +
Nicole | +
+ As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. | +
TDA 5 | +
+ Five rounds of: +
+ For time. | +
Crossfit 25 | +
+ Three rounds for time. | +
RSP | +
+ For time. | +
Filthy Fifty | +
+ For time. | +
Ten-minute Challenge | +
+ One of the following: +
+ Record score. | +
10-10-10 | +
+ 10 push-ups, 10-crunches, 10 air squats – 10 rounds of. +Set 10 cones, 10M apart, do 1st round at start cone then sprint to the next cone. Repeat. Sprint back from last cone. + |
+ + |
Burpees for time | +
+ For time. | +