$ git checkout tags/8
Update the cluster in Anchor.toml
to devnet
- cluster = "localnet"
+ cluster = "devnet"
wallet = "~/.config/solana/id.json"
In our test we use the SwitchboardTestContext to load our personal Switchboard
environment. If you are deploying to devnet you may not want to run your own
oracles and instead can opt in to using the Switchboard DAO queues. When
creating a VRF Account, use Switchboard's devnet permissionless queue located at
const vrfAccount = await VrfAccount.create(switchboard.program, {
keypair: vrfKeypair,
authority: vrfClientKey,
- queue: switchboard.queue,
+ queue: new OracleQueueAccount({ program: switchboard.program, publicKey: new PublicKey("F8ce7MsckeZAbAGmxjJNetxYXQa9mKr9nnrC3qKubyYy") }),
callback: {
programId: program.programId,
accounts: [
{ pubkey: vrfClientKey, isSigner: false, isWritable: true },
{ pubkey: vrfKeypair.publicKey, isSigner: false, isWritable: false },
ixData: new anchor.BorshInstructionCoder(program.idl).encode(
Run the following command to deploy your program to devnet
anchor deploy
Update the cluster in Anchor.toml
to mainnet
- cluster = "localnet"
+ cluster = "mainnet"
wallet = "~/.config/solana/id.json"
Like above, you will want to create VRF Accounts for a mainnet queue. You may
use Switchboard's mainnet permissionless queue located at
The switchboard-v2 rust crate defaults to mainnet. For our testing we imported
the crate with the devnet feature flag which means we were validating
Switchboard account owners against the Switchboard devnet program ID. To deploy
to mainnet, we will need to disable this feature so we instead validate against
the mainnet program ID. Make the following update in
anchor-lang = "0.25.0"
anchor-spl = "^0.25.0"
solana-program = "~1.10.29"
- switchboard-v2 = { version = "^0.1.14", features = ["devnet"] }
+ switchboard-v2 = { version = "^0.1.14" }
bytemuck = "1.7.2"
Run the following command to deploy your program to mainnet
anchor deploy