The application uses GraphQL to create content on our blog, using mutations
Run the application
docker build . -t graphql/mutation && docker run -ti -p 5000:5000 graphql/mutation
Great now the app is running. Browse to
The application implements a very basic mutation to create a new post on the blog. The mutation used is the following
mutation {
createPost(input: {body: "' -- ", title: "test_title", authorId: 2}) {
post {
If we look at the code we have a class CreatePost
that will implement our logic to create a post.
class CreatePost(graphene.Mutation):
"""Mutation to create a post."""
post = graphene.Field(lambda: PostObject, description="Post created by this mutation.")
class Arguments:
input = CreatePostInput(required=True)
def mutate(self, info, input):
post = Post(**input)
return CreatePost(post=post)
The method mutate will just get the new Post object and insert an instance in the database.
What can you exploit? ;)