The value in performing a penetration test for a client is directly related to the information provided to them at the end of the engagement. With many engagements encompassing many target hosts, tracking information throughout can be cumbersome and time consuming. This tool creates an initial file repository directory tree structure for penetration test reporting/file storage based on single host, list of hosts, or nmap/netdiscover ping sweep of given network range to keep things organized throughout the engagement and save time assembling the final report.
Questions, comments, or concerns can be directed to [email protected].
Subdirectories created can be customized by modifying the SUB_DIR_FRAMEWORK array.
Currently, the directory tree created for file storage is:
/(ip address)/
Additionally, when utilizing network scanners to identify live hosts, a hosts.txt file will be created listing live hosts found to be used with other tools.
Create penetration test file repository for a single IP address
$./ ip
[*] Single IP only mode.
[*] Now creating directories...
[*] Pentest file repository framework successfully created...
Create penetration test file repository from file containing IP addresses
$./ file hosts.txt
[*] File in mode.
[*] Now reading hosts.txt file...
[*] Now creating directories...
[*] Pentest file repository framework successfully created...
Create penetration test file repository from results of an nmap ping scan
$./ nmap
[*] Using nmap scan mode.
[+] Sweeping range for live hosts
[*] Found 4 live hosts
[*] Now creating directories...
[*] Now writing hosts.txt file with list of live IP/hosts...
[*] Pentest file repository framework successfully created...
Create penetration test file repository from results of an nmap ping scan excluding a network range
$./ -eR nmap
[*] Excluding IP range from processing
[*] Using nmap scan mode.
[*] Sweeping range for live hosts
[*] Found 2 live hosts
[*] Now creating directories...
[*] Now writing hosts.txt file with list of live IP/hosts...
[*] Pentest file repository framework successfully created...
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
v12 2016-10-11
- added support for netdiscover scans
- added support for -e exclusion switch to exclude single IP, range of IPs, or IPs from a file
v10 2016-10-07
- initial release