- Fix: PhP Kompatibilität PhP8.1
- Add: Hilfelinks
- Add: Text
- Add: it.po
- Add: fr.po
- Fix: Veraltetes PhP Kompatibilität bis PhP8.1
- Add: Englische Übersetzungen
- Fix: Veraltetes PhP Kompatibilität bis PhP8.0
- Fix: Veraltetes jQuery
- Add: Neue Hilferessourcen
- Add: ClassicPress Only Unterstützung
- Add: Release nun unter PSOURCE
- Fix: External links entered in Code element get removed on Layout export
- Fix: Incorrect redirection when theme is created if url contains "theme" string
- Add: New design for sidebar, element & region settings (requires Upfront core 1.9).
- Add: Different popup for Builder & Editor.
- Fix: Upfront theme conflict.
- Fix: Part 3 of Builder Tour breaks bottom section of interface.
- Add: compatibility with CoursePress core support
- Add: admin toolbar combined menu item
- Add: context mode popup
- Fix: network activation issue
- Add: supported video extensions to the image export list
- Add: export to support save only on export
- Fix: compatibility with Theme Tester
- Fix: styles conflict with initial popup
- Add: compatibility with MarketPress core support.
- Add: compatibility with WooCommerce core support.
Add: compress data when exporting
Fix: disable esc key when on getting started screen
- Fix: issue with global theme CSS selector prefixing
- Add: ability to automatically fix generated theme update conflicts.
- Initial public release.