This script checks an email inbox via IMAP for a message that contains location and start time data for a Google Calendar event, triggered 15 minutes before it is scheduled to start. The script gathers the event's location info and emails a precipitation forecast for it using the awesome Dark Sky API ( BUY THE APP!
- A Dark Sky API key (
- An IMAP email inbox
- A box to run as a service
- Clone the project into a directory on your box.
- Edit the file. Use the comments to guide you.
- Run
After it's running, you'll need to create email reminders for your events sent to the email address in ("alert_to") for no earlier than one hour prior to the event. (DarkSky will only give you a forecast for the next hour.)
IMPORTANT Once DarkSkyMail is running, be sure to include a valid address in the "location" field of the calendar event! I am using the Google geocoding API, so it's quite forgiving if you don't use an exact/full address with postal codes, etc. You can even use place names in some cases. ("Union Square New York" works, "721 Broadway New York" works, etc.) But I recommend using an exact address whenever possible.
TIP: This script works great when sending an email through an SMS gateway. (i.e. [email protected] for a Verizon Wireless phone.) But you might want to add a value to the "alert_subject" setting and make it shorter than the default. You might also want to be sure to set the 'include_day_summary' and include_map' settings to False.