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258 lines (226 loc) · 7.2 KB

File metadata and controls

258 lines (226 loc) · 7.2 KB


Our intelligence suggests that the DeLorean we previously recovered is capable of time travel. According to the documents in our possession the time travel functionality is activated as soon as a specific ECU within the vehicle maintains a velocity of exactly 88 miles per hour for at least a few seconds. We rely on your CAN bus expertise to trick the time-travel ECU into thinking it is travelling at the right speed; again, the vehicle dashboard we restored should be of use.

Best of luck.

The Dashboard app is available here.

Challenge developed by Argus Cyber Security.


sudo ip link set can0 type can bitrate 49500 listen-only off
sudo ip link set can0 up
candump -cae can0,0:0,#FFFFFFFF

Pinning the speedometer

while true; do cansend can0 023#00580d0520 ; done

What's wrong:

(1520451177.520598) can0 202#004C004A52
(1520451177.562015) can0 023#0020080C10
(1520451177.566454) can0 19A#7110
(1520451177.644743) can0 023#0020080C10
(1520451177.649195) can0 19A#7110
(1520451177.673535) can0 10C#004A0130004C004B
(1520451177.678214) can0 1BF#000C000E000C
(1520451177.682538) can0 012#061E
(1520451177.745651) can0 023#0020080210
(1520451177.750104) can0 19A#7110
(1520451177.846613) can0 023#002007F810
(1520451177.851048) can0 19A#7110
(1520451177.875363) can0 10C#004A0137004B004A
(1520451177.880085) can0 1BF#000C000E000C
(1520451177.884448) can0 012#061E
(1520451177.962667) can0 023#002107EE10
(1520451177.967131) can0 19A#7110
(1520451177.990922) can0 202#004C004A52
(1520451178.050484) can0 023#002107E410
(1520451178.054947) can0 19A#7110
(1520451178.079237) can0 10C#004A0137004A004A
(1520451178.083970) can0 1BF#000C000E000C
(1520451178.088312) can0 012#061E
(1520451178.185709) can0 023#002107DA10
(1520451178.190177) can0 19A#7110
(1520451178.250343) can0 023#002207D010
(1520451178.254788) can0 19A#7110
(1520451178.279106) can0 10C#004A0137004A004B
(1520451178.283809) can0 1BF#000C000E000C
(1520451178.288124) can0 012#061E
(1520451178.385576) can0 023#002207D010
(1520451178.390042) can0 19A#7110
(1520451178.487527) can0 023#002207D010
(1520451178.491964) can0 19A#7110
(1520451178.516274) can0 10C#004B0137004A004C
(1520451178.520970) can0 1BF#000C000E000C
(1520451178.525302) can0 012#061E
(1520451178.530890) can0 202#004C004B52
(1520451178.572308) can0 023#002107D010
(1520451178.576752) can0 19A#7110
(1520451178.655029) can0 023#002107C610
(1520451178.659493) can0 19A#7110
(1520451178.683808) can0 10C#004B0137004B004B
(1520451178.688517) can0 1BF#000C000E000C
(1520451178.692828) can0 012#061E
(1520451178.772140) can0 023#002107BC10
(1520451178.776562) can0 19A#7110
(1520451178.892229) can0 023#002107BC10
(1520451178.896694) can0 19A#7110
(1520451178.920969) can0 10C#004B0137004B004B
(1520451178.925720) can0 1BF#000C000E000C
(1520451178.930030) can0 012#061E
(1520451178.971964) can0 023#002207BC10
(1520451178.976417) can0 19A#7110
(1520451179.000151) can0 202#004B004B52
(1520451179.059726) can0 023#002207C610
(1520451179.064226) can0 19A#7110
(1520451179.088537) can0 10C#004B0137004B004C
(1520451179.093252) can0 1BF#000C000E000C
(1520451179.097543) can0 012#061E
(1520451179.158648) can0 023#002207C610
(1520451179.163117) can0 19A#7110
(1520451179.259569) can0 023#002307C610
(1520451179.264038) can0 19A#7110
(1520451179.288407) can0 10C#004B0137004C004C
(1520451179.293067) can0 1BF#000C000E000C
(1520451179.297406) can0 012#061E
(1520451179.375620) can0 023#002307C610
(1520451179.380115) can0 19A#7110
(1520451179.461406) can0 023#002307C610
(1520451179.465904) can0 19A#7110
(1520451179.490245) can0 10C#004B011F004C004B
(1520451179.494930) can0 1BF#000C000E000C
(1520451179.499245) can0 012#061E
(1520451179.504802) can0 202#004B004B52
TEMP_Value = 75
MAF_Value = 288
Text_Value = 0
MPH_Value = 34
RPM_Value = 2030
BATT_Value = 12
Text_Value = 0
TEMP_Value = 75
MAF_Value = 288
BATT_Value = 12
Text_Value = 1
MPH_Value = 33
RPM_Value = 2060
Text_Value = 0
MPH_Value = 33
RPM_Value = 2060
TEMP_Value = 74
MAF_Value = 288
Text_Value = 1
BATT_Value = 12
MPH_Value = 33
RPM_Value = 2060
Text_Value = 0
MPH_Value = 33
RPM_Value = 2060
TEMP_Value = 74
MAF_Value = 288
Text_Value = 0
BATT_Value = 12
AAC_Value = 77
TEMP_Value = 74
Text_Value = 1
MPH_Value = 33
RPM_Value = 2050
TEMP_Value = 74
MAF_Value = 288
Text_Value = 1
BATT_Value = 12
MPH_Value = 32
RPM_Value = 2050
Text_Value = 0
TEMP_Value = 74
MAF_Value = 295
MPH_Value = 32
RPM_Value = 2050
BATT_Value = 12
Text_Value = 0
MPH_Value = 32
RPM_Value = 2050
Text_Value = 0
TEMP_Value = 74
MAF_Value = 295
MPH_Value = 32
RPM_Value = 2050
BATT_Value = 12
Text_Value = 0
AAC_Value = 76
TEMP_Value = 74
Text_Value = 0
MPH_Value = 33
RPM_Value = 2040
TEMP_Value = 74
MAF_Value = 295

Understanding the CAN messages

Two new CAN messages.

can0 023 [5] 00 20 08 02 10 '. ...'

0020: MPH
0802: RPM
  10: unknown, sometimes 20

can0 19A [2] 71 10 'q.'

71: unknown
10: unknown, matches preceeding 023[2]
when 023 unknown is 20, this ends with 20 too

can0 10C [8] 00 4A 01 20 00 4A 00 4A '.J. .J.J'

004a: TEMP
0120: MAF
004a: unknown, is active
004a: unknown, is active

can0 1BF [6] 00 0C 00 0E 00 0C '......'

000c: BATT
000e: unknown
000c: unknown

can0 012 [2] 06 21 '.!'

0621: unknown, 1569 decimal
also seen 1600:1609, 060a:0628
seems to stop at 1600

can0 202 [5] 00 4C 00 4A 52 '.L.JR'

004c: AAC
004a: TEMP (redundant)
52: unknown, is active

Getting rid of the engine light

If I send 19A# messages every 10ms I don't see the light. If I send 023# messages every 10ms I can pin the speedometer * need to go faster if I'm sending more messages


checkout python: USB-scapy
creating usb sessions, challenge response, memory read
load up Auto-psy, see if we can make it work

Splitting It Up

Ben cut the link between CAN1 and CAN2, now I can check them each out separately.

Case 0: dumping CAN 2, CAN 1 isolated.

candump: nil dashboard: all zeros serial: 9 messages, all zero bodies, they stop coming

Sending: no response to any message.

Case 1: dumping CAN 1, CAN 2 isolated.

candump: 023, 19a, 202 dashboard: all zeros serial: 9 messages, all zero bodies, they stop coming Note: didn't see any 10c/1bf/012 sequence.

Sending: it receives 10c, updates TEMP, eventually MAF, eventually BATT ~10 seconds between msg and dashboard update of TEMP another 10 seconds for MAF, another 10 seconds for BATT further waiting produced nothing

Case 2: connecting both

This is a double-CAN setup. Using two USB<->CAN adapters.

Adapter pinout: white:L, red:H, green:ground

candump0: 10c, 1bf, 012 candump1: 023, 19a, 202 dashboard: all zeros

Doesn't need to receive anything to keep happily sending.

Sending: has effects similar to to sending to the linked CAN.

Solved! - We knew that spamming 19A would suppress the engine light - So every time we see any message on CAN, we send one. - Also, alter every message 023 to be speed 88 miles per hour - Also, cut traces so that contradicting messages don't get through.