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Slack bot to detect Bible Verse References in your public Slack posts, and supply links to the verses on BibleGateway.


Example usage screenshot


You can download the source and host it yourself, or you can access the public, free hosted version at

Create a new "Outgoing WebHooks" Slack Integration:

  • Either pick a Channel for the bot to operate on, or pick a list of Trigger Words. A recommended trigger word list is supplied below, which will activate if any post starts with bible, bib, b, or any valid bible chapter or abbreviation.
  • URL:
  • Token is unused


Taken from here

Here is a useful list of trigger words

bible, bib, b, 1 ch,1 chr,1 chron,1 chronicles,1 co,1 cor,1 corinthians,1 esd,1 esdr,1 esdras,1 jhn,1 jn,1 john,1 kgs,1 ki,1 kings,1 mac,1 macc,1 maccabees,1 pe,1 pet,1 peter,1 pt,1 sa,1 sam,1 samuel,1 sm,1 th,1 thess,1 thessalonians,1 ti,1 tim,1 timothy,1ch,1chr,1chron,1chronicles,1co,1cor,1corinthians,1es,1esd,1esdr,1esdras,1jhn,1jn,1jo,1joh,1john,1k,1kgs,1ki,1kin,1kings,1m,1ma,1mac,1macc,1maccabees,1pe,1pet,1peter,1pt,1s,1sa,1sam,1samuel,1st chronicles,1st corinthians,1st esdras,1st john,1st kgs,1st kings,1st maccabees,1st peter,1st samuel,1st thessalonians,1st timothy,1th,1thes,1thess,1thessalonians,1ti,1tim,1timothy,2 ch,2 chron,2 chronicles,2 co,2 cor,2 corinthians,2 esd,2 esdr,2 esdras,2 jhn,2 jn,2 john,2 kgs,2 ki,2 kings,2 mac,2 macc,2 maccabees,2 pe,2 pet,2 peter,2 pt,2 sa,2 sam,2 samuel,2 sm,2 th,2 thess,2 thessalonians,2 ti,2 tim,2 timothy,2ch,2chr,2chron,2chronicles,2co,2cor,2corinthians,2es,2esd,2esdr,2esdras,2jhn,2jn,2jo,2joh,2john,2k,2kgs,2ki,2kin,2kings,2m,2ma,2mac,2macc,2maccabees,2nd chronicles,2nd corinthians,2nd esdras,2nd john,2nd kgs,2nd kings,2nd maccabees,2nd peter,2nd samuel,2nd thessalonians,2nd timothy,2pe,2pet,2peter,2pt,2s,2sa,2sam,2samuel,2th,2thes,2thess,2thessalonians,2ti,2tim,2timothy,3 jhn,3 jn,3 john,3 mac,3 macc,3 maccabees,3jhn,3jn,3jo,3joh,3john,3ma,3mac,3macc,3rd john,3rd maccabees,4 mac,4 macc,4 maccabees,4ma,4mac,4macc,4maccabees,4th maccabees,ac,acts,add es,add esth,add ps,add psalm,addesth,additional psalm,additions to esther,aes,am,amos,azariah,bar,baruch,bel,bel and the dragon,canticle of canticles,canticles,col,colossians,da,dan,daniel,deut,deuteronomy,dn,dt,ec,ecc,eccles,ecclesiastes,ecclesiasticus,ecclus,ep laod,eph,ephes,ephesians,epist laodiceans,epistle laodiceans,epistle to laodiceans,epistle to the laodiceans,es,esth,esther,ex,exo,exod,exodus,eze,ezek,ezekiel,ezk,ezr,ezra,first chronicles,first corinthians,first esdras,first john,first kgs,first kings,first maccabees,first peter,first samuel,first thessalonians,first timothy,fourth maccabees,ga,gal,galatians,ge,gen,genesis,gn,hab,habakkuk,hag,haggai,heb,hebrews,hg,ho,hos,hosea,i ch,i chr,i chron,i chronicles,i co,i cor,i corinthians,i es,i esd,i esdr,i esdras,i jhn,i jn,i jo,i joh,i john,i kgs,i ki,i kings,i ma,i mac,i macc,i maccabees,i pe,i pet,i peter,i pt,i sa,i sam,i samuel,i th,i thes,i thess,i thessalonians,i ti,i tim,i timothy,ii ch,ii chr,ii chron,ii chronicles,ii co,ii cor,ii corinthians,ii es,ii esd,ii esdr,ii esdras,ii jhn,ii jn,ii jo,ii joh,ii john,ii kgs,ii ki,ii kings,ii ma,ii mac,ii macc,ii maccabees,ii pe,ii pet,ii peter,ii pt,ii sa,ii sam,ii samuel,ii th,ii thes,ii thess,ii thessalonians,ii ti,ii tim,ii timothy,iii jhn,iii jn,iii jo,iii joh,iii john,iii ma,iii mac,iii macc,iii maccabees,iiii maccabees,is,isa,isaiah,iv ma,iv mac,iv macc,iv maccabees,james,jas,jb,jdg,jdgs,jdt,jdth,je,jer,jeremiah,jg,jhn,jl,jm,jn,jnh,job,joe,joel,john,jon,jonah,jos,josh,joshua,jr,jsh,jth,jud,jude,judg,judges,judith,la,lam,lamentations,laod,laodiceans,le,let jer,letter of jeremiah,lev,leviticus,lje,lk,ltr jer,luk,luke,lv,mal,malachi,mark,matt,matthew,mic,micah,mk,ml,mr,mrk,mt,na,nah,nahum,nb,ne,neh,nehemiah,nm,nu,num,numbers,ob,obad,obadiah,ode,phil,philem,philemon,philippians,phm,php,pma,pr,pr az,pr man,pr of man,prayer of azariah,prayer of manasseh,prayer of manasses,prov,proverbs,prv,ps,ps sol,ps solomon,psa,psalm,psalms,psalms of solomon,psalms solomon,pslm,psm,pss,pssol,qoh,qoheleth,re,rest of esther,rev,revelation,rm,ro,rom,romans,rth,ru,ruth,second chronicles,second corinthians,second esdras,second john,second kgs,second kings,second maccabees,second peter,second samuel,second thessalonians,second timothy,sir,sirach,so,song,song of solomon,song of songs,song of the three holy children,song of thr,song of three,song of three children,song of three jews,song of three youths,song thr,sos,sus,susanna,tb,the rest of esther,the revelation,the song of the three holy children,the song of three jews,the song of three youths,third john,third maccabees,tit,titus,tob,tobit,wis,wisd of sol,wisdom,wisdom of solomon,ws,zc,zec,zech,zechariah,zep,zeph,zephaniah,zp