Welcome to one of the least favored lessons of all time. Hopefully, this lesson is nice and short since I don't like using subscripts at all. Let's get started.
Can subscripts return T
You remember in Chapter 1, this is probably how I introduced you to subscripts in Swift, whose role is to provide a shortcut.
struct WeekDays {
private var days = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"]
subscript(index: Int) -> String {
return days[index]
Well, we can make it a little bit more complex and potentially more scalable.
A json
file looks like below.
"name": "Bob",
"age": 21,
"favoriteFood": ["Pizza", "Carbonara", "Hamburger"]
Let us create how to "design" a json
like structure in Swift by using Dictionary
struct JSON {
private var storage: [String: Any]
init(dictionary: [String: Any]) {
self.storage = dictionary
let republicOfKorea = JSON(dictionary: [
"capital": "Seoul",
"name": "Republic of Korea",
"population": 50000000
struct JSON {
private var storage: [String: Any]
init(dictionary: [String: Any]) {
self.storage = dictionary
subscript<T>(key: String) -> T? {
return storage[key] as? T
Let us use the generic subscript method above.
let koreaCapital: String? = republicOfKorea["capital"]
let koreaName: String? = republicOfKorea["name"]
let koreaPopulation: Int? = republicOfKorea["population"]
Make sure you define T?
from any
explicitly as shown as koreaCapital: String?
I don't recommend using Subscripts even if it provides generics because there isn't much context available and it takes much effort to search through.
Just to recap, in the very first chapter, you've learned that Swift provides a shortcut for accessing methods and properties. However, I warned you because that shortcut comes along with a big tradeoff. First, it is hard to found and second, it does not provide context unless the name of an object does. Also, even if you use generic subscripts, I don't like the fact that I have to explicitly define the placeholder type of T
. It definitely can cause a huge issue for your teammates if they have not read or understand the object he/she is working with. So, I recommend not to use them. But, of course, if it is something quick and easy. feel free to.