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Static and Mutating Methods with self

Welcome to Lesson 2 of Advanced Enum. You will learn how to utilize properties and methods within enums to produce safe and beautiful code. The examples will include UIStoryboard, Cell Identifier, and UIColor.


Let's make it practical

Practical with Storyboard

Create an enum called Storyboard with raw value, String. It contains a computed property called, identifier whose type is String.

enum Storyboard: String {
  case profile
  case setting
  case newsfeed

  var identifier: String {
    return self.rawValue

You no longer have to type manually.

let profile = Storyboard.profile
profile.identifier // "profile"

API Guideline Goal

Hypothetically, you may need to create a function with a parameter whose type is Storyboard.

func describeStoryboard(storyboard: Storyboard) -> String {
  switch storyboard {
  case .profile:
    return "\(storyboard.identifier): Profile picture, followers"
  case .setting:
    return "\(storyboard.identifier): Logout, invite"
  case .newsfeed:
    return "\(storyboard.identifier): videos, texts"

Instead of typing manually, you are able to pick and choose any cases within Storyboard. Look familar?

describeStoryboard(storyboard: .profile)

Mutating Method

You may create a mutating function that mutates its own case.

enum MealProcess: String {
  case breakfast, lunch , dinner

  var description: String {
    return self.rawValue

  mutating func nextMeal() {
    print("Time to move on from \(self.description)")

    switch self {
    case .breakfast:
      self = .lunch
      print("I had a nice lunch")
    case .lunch:
      self = .dinner
      print("I had a nice dinner")
    case .dinner:
      self = .breakfast
      print("I had a nice breakast")

Important: self refers to the initialized enum object with a defined case.

Let us initialize an object with the breakfast case and call the nextMeal() function.

var currentMeal = MealProcess.breakfast
currentMeal.nextMeal() // .lunch
currentMeal.nextMeal()  // .dinner

The nextMeal function modifies the case of currentMeal.

Static Method

Create an enum called, AppleDevices. It contains a static function which returns AppleDevices based on the name of the parameter used in the function.

enum AppleDevices {
  case iWatch, iPhone, iMac, MacPro

  static func getAppleDevice(name: String) -> AppleDevices? {
    switch name {
    case "iWatch":
      return .iWatch
    case "iPhone":
      return .iPhone
    case "iMac":
      return .iMac
    case "MacPro":
      return .MacPro
      return nil

You may return an initialized enum object by calling getAppleDevice.

let userProduct = AppleDevices.getAppleDevice(name: "iWatch")
print(userProduct) //  AppleDevices.iWatch

Let us refactor using raw value.

enum AppleDevices: String {
  case iWatch, iPhone, iMac, MacPro

  static func getProduct(name: String) -> AppleDevices? {
    return AppleDevices(rawValue: name)

  static func getAppleDevice(enterName: String) -> AppleDevices? {
    switch enterName {
    case "iWatch", "iPhone", "iMac", "MacPro":
      return getProduct(name: enterName)
      return nil

Looks nice and zen.

Custom Init

You may add a custom init method to create an object you wish.

enum AppleDevice: String {
  case iWatch, iPhone, iMac, MacPro

  init?(name: String) {
    if name == "iWatch" {
      self = .iWatch
    } else {
      return nil

AppleDevice(name: "iWatch")
AppleDevice(rawValue: "iWatch")

Another example with number category.

enum IntCategory {
  case small
  case medium
  case big
  case weird

  init(number: Int) {
    switch number {
    case 0..<1000 :
      self = .small
    case 1000..<100000:
      self = .medium
    case 100000..<1000000:
      self = .big
      self = .weird

IntCategory(number: 12413423432) // .weird

Practical Usage

HTTP Request

You may organize a group of HTTP instructions using enums instead of multiple tuples.

//: HTTP Request
enum HttpError: String {
  case Code400 = "Bad Request"
  case Code401 = "Unauthorized"
  case Code402 = "Payment Required"
  case Code403 = "Forbidden"
  case Code404 = "Page Not Found"

  var description: String {
    return self.rawValue


Cell Identifier

Like Storyboard, you want to limit typing with your fingers. Instead, pick and choose.

enum CellType: String {
  case ButtonValueCell = "ButtonValueCell"
  case UnitEditCell = "UnitEditCell"
  case LabelCell = "LabelCell"
  case ResultLabelCell = "ResultLabelCell"

  var name: String {
    return self.rawValue


No more typing. It is useful both for your teammates with effective communication.

import UIKit

enum NavigationTheme {
  case Placid
  case Warning
  case Danger

  var barTintColor: UIColor {
    switch self {
    case .Placid: return UIColor.clear
    case .Warning: return
    case .Danger: return

You may get barTintColor based on the enum case.

let colorSituation = NavigationTheme.Placid

Enums also support extension. Let us add a custom init.

extension NavigationTheme {
  init(numberOfTasks: Int) {
    switch numberOfTasks {
    case 0...3:
      self = .Placid
    case 4...9:
      self = .Warning
      self = .Danger

The example above is useful for coloring a to-do list app.

Let us retrieve barTintColor based on numberOfTasks.

let currentColor = NavigationTheme(numberOfTasks: 10).barTintColor

Source Code



You've tasted the power of enums. Again, no more typing. In your head, you should be thinking how to deploy enums to beautify your previous projects. If the iOS engineers have not used enums for any APIs, for instance, UIColor, we, developers, have to memorize and type all day while checking the documentation unlimited times. Use it for your advantage as well.

In the following lesson, you will learn how to add multiple enums within a single enum.

Note: Learn Swift with Bob is available on Udemy. If you wish to receive a discount link, you may sign up here.