- fix: Force hover leave on new mouseenter
- fix: Removing the element being hovered prevents all future hoverenter
- fix: hover.leave != 0 prevents hover of next element with same selecto
- fix: Changing jQuery references to local $
- fix: Breaks in jQuery.noConflict(true) Scenario
- fix: Can't download drag.limit, drag.step, and drag.scroll from downloader on website
- feature: jQuery 1.9.x support
- feature: Added to the new jQuery plugin repository
- feature: jQuery 1.8.0+ compatibility
- feature: dragcleanup event
- feature: Reverse and move event
- fix: pass through scrollTop in animate
- fix: Fastfix: Original can be undefined
- fix: Animate Scroll not working
- fix: .stop() does not stop callbacks from being executed
- fix: jQuery.event.swipe.max isn't actually being used
- fix: Range triggers error on IE8
- fix: [FormParams] convertValue function: Null value to undefined (Internet Explorer Fix)
- fix: HoverInit delay 0 does not trigger hoverenter if immediately moused out
1.0 Beta 2
- feature: Key mapping tool for jQuery.event.key for international characters
- fix: jQuery.formParams converts disabled fields
- fix: jQuery.animate supports all parameters
- fix: jQuery.animate .stop() doesn't work
- fix: Bug with duplicate sub keys
- fix: Security error in jQuery.animate
- change: jQuery.event.drag supports touch events
- change: Added width property to jQuery.selection
- jquerypp.com
1.0 Beta
- Released!