this guide will allow you to update qidi max3 or plus3 to debian bookworm with the edge kernel, and the latest klipper, moonraker, and fluidd (or mainsail) without losing functionality of the screen
installing the firmware updates (which is necessary to get the screen to work) overwites some files in klipper/moonraker. so if you want to run the mainline software, you need to reinstall klipper/moonraker with kiauh. you need to use kiauh because it gives you the option to install with python3
qidi has released some patch files, which, as far as i can tell, only allow you to see the thumbnails on the screen (which never really worked for me anyways). other people have said the patch files cause problems, so i would recommend not installing them, i.e., skip step 20
write this image to your emmc:
using a terminal client such as putty for windows, Terminal on macos or linux, or an app like shelly or terminus on your phone, ssh into your printer:
ssh [email protected]
replacing 'printer.ip.address' with your printers ip address. User is "root" and password "1234". This is followed by the initial setup of the Armbian OS. Among other things, you have to give the user "root" a new password, select the time zone and your favorite shell. I use zsh. You will be asked to create a new user. Enter "mks" as the name and "makerbase" as the password. You can ignore prompts to enter a real name and confirm with Enter. thenexit
to terminate the ssh session, then ssh into the printer with user "mks" and password "makerbase". thencd ~ ; wget ; tar -xzf files_services.tgz
you can edit the sudoers file to allow you run sudo commands without a password prompt. run
sudo visudo
, then addmks ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
as shown in the below screenshot, thenctrl+x
to save. this will speed things up significantly
after rebooting, ssh into your printer and run:
sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade -y ; sudo apt install make gcc build-essential git python3-pip python3-full -y ; cd /home/mks ; git clone ; /home/mks/kiauh/
. Use kiauh to install klipper, moonraker, and fluidd (or mainsail) and crowsnest if you have a webcam, in that order (run/home/mks/kiauh/
again if you need to restart the script). when prompted make sure to select the option to install with python3, not python2 -
after the installations are done, run
sudo service klipper stop ; sudo service moonraker stop ; cd ~ ; mv ~/printer_data ~/klipper_config ; ln -s ~/klipper_config ~/printer_data ; mv ~/klipper_config/logs ~/klipper_logs ; ln -s ~/klipper_logs ~/klipper_config/logs ; ln -s ~/klipper_config/gcodes ~/gcode_files ; sudo service klipper start ; sudo service moonraker start
to flash the mcu firmware, download this file, copy it to a micro sd card, plug it into the printer, and restart your printer:
to flash the extruder mcu, you need to unplug all usb devices except for the extruder, then hold the bottom left button on the back of your extruder board (see the image) for like 2 minutes or until the screen loads up fully, then ssh into your printer and run
sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt ; sudo systemctl daemon-reload ; sudo mv ~/klipper.uf2 /mnt
then restart your printer. if you don't unplug all usb devices, i think the extruder is available at /dev/sdb1, you can check with sudo fdisk -l, in which case you could probably runsudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt ; sudo systemctl daemon-reload ; sudo mv ~/klipper.uf2 /mnt
to flash the mcu. if you get an error that it's mounted read-only, the extruder has not been mounted properly. restart and try to boot into dfu mode again
- to flash the rpi mcu, ssh into your printer and run
cd ~/klipper ; make clean ; make menuconfig
and configure as shown in the below image. Then press 'q' and select the option to save, thensudo service klipper stop ; make flash ; sudo service klipper start
move and (which are used by xindi) to the appropriate folders:
sudo mv ~/ /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu ; sudo mv ~/ /usr/lib
move all of the service files to /lib/systemd/system, and enable them (you can ignore any errors):
sudo mv ~/*.service /lib/systemd/system ; sudo systemctl daemon-reload ; sudo systemctl enable makerbase-byid.service ; sudo systemctl enable makerbase-client.service ; sudo systemctl enable makerbase-net-mods.service ; sudo systemctl enable [email protected] ; sudo systemctl enable makerbase-wlan0.service ; sudo systemctl start makerbase-byid.service ; sudo systemctl start makerbase-client.service ; sudo systemctl start makerbase-net-mods.service ; sudo systemctl start [email protected] ; sudo systemctl start makerbase-wlan0.service
sudo mv ~/klipper_config/MKS_THR.cfg ~/klipper_config/MKS_THR.cfg.bak ; path=$(ls /dev/serial/by-id/*) ; printf "[mcu MKS_THR]\nserial:$path\n" > ~/klipper_config/MKS_THR.cfg ; ln -s ~/klipper_config/MKS_THR.cfg ~/klipper_config/config/MKS_THR.cfg
to install the latest firmware (it's not necessary to install the 800_480.tft if you've already updated your screen to the latest firmware, and again, ignore any errors), run
sudo ln -s /lib/modules/6.7.5-edge-rockchip64 /lib/modules/5.16.20-rockchip64 ; sudo ln -s /usr/lib/python3.11/ /usr/lib/python3.11/ ; wget ; wget ; sudo dpkg -i mksclient-max3.deb ; sudo mv 800_480.tft /root ; wget ; mv printer-max3_probe.cfg /home/mks/klipper_config/config/printer.cfg ; printf "[include fluidd.cfg]\n" > ~/klipper_config/config/macros.cfg ; mv ~/klipper_config/Adaptive_Mesh.cfg ~/klipper_config/config/ ; sed -Ei 's/(^\[extruder\])/\[include macros.cfg\]\n\n\1/' ~/klipper_config/config/printer.cfg ; sed -i 's/\[virtual_sdcard\]/#\[virtual_sdcard\]/;s/path: ~\/gcode_files/#path: ~\/gcode_files/' ~/klipper_config/config/printer.cfg
. runsudo ls -l /root and make sure the root folder has xindi and 800_480.tft
. it should look similar to the below screenshot (the 800_480.tft is renamed to 800_480.tft.bak after the screen is updated)
- if your screen shows the firmware update has already started, leave it on until the update is complete. otherwise turn your printer off, wait for a bit, and turn it back on--the screen should be white with a progress indicator as shown below (it could take a few minutes to start, so be patient):
to reinstall mainline versions of klipper/moonraker:
sudo service klipper stop ; sudo service moonraker stop ; sudo rm -rf ~/klipper ~/klippy-env ~/moonraker ~/moonraker-env ; sudo systemctl disable klipper.service ; sudo systemctl disable moonraker.service ; sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/klipper.service /etc/systemd/system/moonraker.service ; sudo systemctl daemon-reload ; ~/kiauh/
then use kiauh to reinstall them, again select python3 when prompted -
in your printer.cfg, you need to change max_accel_to_decel: 10000 (deprecated) to minimum_cruise_ratio: 0.5. this should do the trick:
sed -i 's/^max_accel_to_decel.*$/minimum_cruise_ratio: 0\.5/' ~/klipper_config/config/printer.cfg
only do this step if you are skipping the install of qidi's patch files (step 20). run
sed -i 's/printer\.probe\["x_offset"\]/printer\.configfile\.settings\.probe\.x_offset/g;s/printer\.probe\["y_offset"\]/printer\.configfile\.settings\.probe\.y_offset/g' ~/klipper_config/config/printer.cfg ; sudo service klipper restart
to get your wifi working again, run the following commands:
sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-6.7.5-edge-rockchip64/arch/arm64 /usr/src/linux-headers-6.7.5-edge-rockchip64/arch/aarch64 ; sudo apt install make gcc build-essential git network-manager ; cd /home/mks ; git clone ; cd /home/mks/rtl8xxxu ; make clean modules ; sudo make install ; sudo make install_fw
. Restart the printer, then:cd /home/mks/rtl8xxxu ; sudo modprobe rtl8xxxu_git
. you can runsudo nmtui
to use the network-manager service to create or manage network connections. if you get any errors, runcd /home/mks/rtl8xxxu ; make clean modules ; sudo make install ; sudo make install_fw
, reboot, and runcd /home/mks/rtl8xxxu ; sudo modprobe rtl8xxxu_git
again -
if you have a webcam and installed crowsnest, run
vidpath=$( ls -la /dev/v4l/by-id/ | grep index0 | grep -o 'video[0-9]' ) ; sed -i "s/device: \/dev\/video[0-9]/device: \/dev\/$vidpath/;s/resolution: [0-9]*x[0-9]*/resolution: 1280x960/" ~/klipper_config/config/crowsnest.conf ; sudo service crowsnest restart
. to get your camera working in fluidd, you need to go into the settings menu and add the camera similar to the following settings
- if you want to run the resonance testing macro, you need to install these:
sudo apt install python3-numpy python3-matplotlib libatlas-base-dev libopenblas-dev ; ~/klippy-env/bin/pip install -v numpy
######################################## the installation of these patch files is not necessary, and i recommended you skip these steps as they could cause problems. although they could get thumbnails working on the screen again ########################################
- if you want to install qidi's patches, overwrite all of the files specified in issue 27 (QIDITECH/QIDI_PLUS3#27 (comment)) with those in the klipper zip file (, except for ~/klipper/klippy/extras/ overwrite the files specified here (QIDITECH/moonraker#1 (comment)) with those in the moonraker zip file (, except for ~/moonraker/moonraker/components/ overwrite and with the ones on this repository (the qidi files don't work, i had to comment or delete a few lines)
wget ; mv ~/klipper/klippy/extras/ ; wget ; mv ~/moonraker/moonraker/components/
(press y when prompted to overwrite files).