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Composable API Generator

CAPI stands for Composable API. This is a Yeoman generator that creates a gulp-based authoring environment for API Blueprint files, building a master blueprint file and HTML documentation composed of smaller, route- and model-specific files.


Node.js, Yeoman, Gulp


Assuming you have the above prerequisites, install the generator with:

npm install -g generator-capi


Scaffolding your project

yo capi 

This will build your generic project in the current directory, prompting you for name and description, port numbers for local servers, and values for your package.json file.

The initial project structure will be as follows:

[project root]
|- .gitignore
|- api-docs/
|   └- .gitkeep
└- api-src/
    |- data-structures
    |   └- _heading.apib 
    |- routes/
    |   └- .gitkeep
    └- _heading.apib 


The contents of this directory are ignored by Git. It is where the master API Blueprint file is generated, and from that, the html documentation is created and served.


In this directory you will put your model definitions, using APIB's data structures format. The initial files can be created using the yo capi:resource command detailed below. That command will create a file for each model, but you can organize your files however you like. Keep in mind that they are concatenated alphabetically, so nothing should be named in a way that it comes before _heading.apib.


This is where you'll put your route definitions. Running yo capi:resource (outlined below) will create a file that defines CRUD routes for a single model, using a Resource Group. Once the file is created, routes can be added, modified, or removed by hand. Like the data-structures directory, you can organize these files however you like, but _heading.apib must be the first file alphabetically in the directory.

Creating a REST Resource

yo capi:resource

This command will prompt you for name and routing information for a new model. It will then create a new model definition file in the api-src/data-structures directory, and a new routes file in api-src/routes. See the Scaffolding Your Project section above for details about these two directories.

The prompts are as follows:

  • Resource Name: The singular name of your model (eg. User)
  • Route: The base route for the resource (eg. /users)
  • ID Type: The primitive type of the model's ID field.
  • Description: A user-friendly description of the model.

Compiling and Serving Documentation


The default gulp task compiles fragment files into the master blueprint file (api-docs/api-blueprint.apib) and html file (api-docs/index.html), then serves the html documentation on localhost over the port specified during setup (defaults to http://localhost:8080). It also watches files for changes, upon which it will rebuild the documentation and reload the browser page displaying it.