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Martin Mladenov edited this page Apr 8, 2019 · 28 revisions

BankSystem is an open-source web project where users can create bank accounts, transfer money, create payment cards, pay with them or directly through their account, etc. It supports connecting multiple banks together through the CentralApi. This allows money to be securely transferred between separate instances of BankSystem running on different machines.

Project links

We have set up a network of two BankSystem instances and one DemoShop, connected through CentralApi. This network supports all BankSystem functionality, e.g. Global transfers, Direct payments and Card payments.

Project Address
Bank system 1

Transfer details:
* Bank name - Bank system
* Bank country - Bulgaria
* Bank code - ABC
Bank system 2

Transfer details:
* Bank name - Bank system 2
* Bank country - Germany
* Bank code - CBA

All of these projects have a demo account already registered:

Email Password
[email protected] Test123$

Additionally, all bank accounts created in this network have an initial balance of €500 for demonstration purposes.

Wiki pages

This page contains important information on how to properly configure BankSystem and CentralApi

BankSystem consists of two base components - the bank web application and the CentralApi, which securely connects banks running on separate machines together to process transfers between different banks, card payments and direct payments.

Bank accounts hold information about their owner, balance, transactions, date of creation, etc.

BankSystem supports two types of money transfers - internal and global / worldwide.

Cards are used for making purchases on other websites using the CentralApi.

Direct payments are a way to securely pay on websites directly through a bank account without the need to provide card details.

DemoShop is an example web application implementing direct and card payments.

Project information

Used technologies:

  • C#
  • ASP.NET Core
  • ASP.NET Core MVC
  • ASP.NET Core Web API
  • Entity Framework Core
  • asymmetric encryption
  • hybrid encryption
  • jQuery
  • AJAX
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
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