Releases: awesomemotive/all-in-one-seo-pack
-Reduced plugin download size by ~half using language packs instead of shipped mo files
-Sanitize Bad Bots module referer and user agent
-API – action hook to add additional Google Analytics code (compliments our existing filter hook)
-Better webmaster tools site verification compatibility with Jetpack
Various under the hood performance improvements
CSS improvements on edit post screen
Fixed issue with settings pages not loading in certain rare instances for a poorly configured server
Documentation - Updated Help Documentation
Documentation - Added and updated inline docblocks
Fix issue where sometimes menus wouldn't show on a new install until after the first pageload
Follow RSS feeds
Fix error with Really Simple SSL plugin
XML Sitemap - dynamic generation of XSL file
XML Sitemap - API hook to filter XSL file
XML Sitemap - Improve handling of loading XSL over SSL
XML Sitemap - follow XML Sitemap (removed option to disable noindex for sitemap)
XML Sitemap - enhanced validation of additional sitemap pages
XML Sitemap - improve XML schema formatting
XML Sitemap - improve styling of human-readable sitemap
XML Sitemap - resolve conflicts with Jetpack sitemap generation
XML Sitemap - improve reliability of Chinese sitemap
XML Sitemap - add sitemap URL to our robots.txt
XML Sitemap - improve updating of sitemap when posts are published, modified, or deleted
Resolved various undefined indexes
API hook for plugin updates
Improvements to WordPress Coding Standards
Increased support for WordPress versions older than 4.4
This release is largely an internal under-the-hood improvements release. Much of the codebase has been refactored and reformatted, performance improvements, improved most of the code for WordPress Coding Standards, etc
- Enhancements for processing Twitter Opengraph meta
- CSS fixes
- RTL CSS improvements
- Added additional PHP Documentation
- Improvements to help text
- Increased reliability for custom http protocol for custom canonical URLs
- Improved sanitization of config file imports (thanks to for reporting the issue)
-fix for bbPress compatibility
-deprecated get_currentuserinfo
-updated wording on main settings page
Merge pull request #227 from semperfiwebdesign/development pulling dev into master for
improvements to the SEO meta importer
Fix for edge case .htaccess issues
Fix for woocommerce and for permissions.