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Releases: atnos-org/eff

eff 5.3.0

11 May 07:17
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Maintenance version


  • updated dependencies (thanks to @xuwei-k)
  • use sbt 1.1.4

eff 5.2.0

27 Apr 07:47
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Maintenance version


  • upgraded monix to 3.0.0-RC1 (#135) (by @benhutchison)
  • upgraded cats-effect to 0.10.1 (#135) (by @benhutchison)
  • compile with Scala 2.12.5 (#137) (by @benhutchison)
  • moved the benchmarks so that eff can be included in community builds
  • updated the readme version, added maven badge (#132) (by @benhutchison)
  • emphasized -Ypartial-unification flag in install docs (#131) (by @benhutchison)
  • the reading order of the documentation for newcomers is more explicit
  • added a more general method for transforming a state effect into another one possibly in a bigger stack. This will generally require a type annotation

eff 5.1.0

27 Feb 15:10
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Maintenance version


This library upgrades cats-effect to 0.9.0 but also provides

  1. less restrictive implicit instances for Async[Eff[R, ?]] when R contains cats.effect.IO or io.monix.Task effects

  2. 2 instances for Effect[Eff[R, ?]] when R contains cats.effect.IO or io.monix.Task effects.
    Those instances can only be used if there is a way to transform Eff[R, ?] into cats.effect.IO (respectively io.monix.Task)

Previously the Async instances were only define through the Effect instances in point 2, because Effect extends Async.
Now the Async instances are implicits and the Effect instances are explicit (no implicit keyword).

eff 4.6.0

28 Aug 08:15
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Doobie version!


  • core several member instances can be "packed" with one type alias: type _effects = _foo &: _bar &&: _baz. This type alias can be
    used in method definitions def foo[R :_effects](i: Int): Eff[R, Int] #112

  • doobie new DoobieConnectionIO effect to mix ConnectionIO programs with other effects #116


  • doc Add missing import to the WriterEffect tutorial #115 (thanks to @richardimaoka)

eff 4.4.4

18 Jul 09:01
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Maintenance version


  • scalaz don't fork tasks in the applicative instance for the TaskEffect, just suspend them to avoid stackoverflows #110 (thanks to @taojang)
  • macro the @eff macro annotation accepts type aliases for effects defined with \=, |= or <= #107
  • macro the @eff macro annotation does not override an existing companion object definition #107


  • macro the @eff macro annotation doesn't fail if there is a smart constructor #107

eff 4.4.2

21 Jun 08:04
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Maintenance version, with just one important correctness fix


  • some interleaving of applicative effects were triggering a ClassCastException

eff 4.4.1

19 Jun 16:09
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Maintenance version


  • changed the representation of Fx.fx10/11/12 for better type inference


  • implemented a stacksafe ap for the scalaz task effect

eff 4.4.0

01 Jun 20:57
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Maintenance version


  • breaking change moved the Scheduler trait to org.atnos.eff.concurrent
  • added a link to the installation page at the beginning of the introduction
  • upgraded fs2 to 0.9.6 #103 (thanks to @dvic)


  • added back some concurrency for traverseA while keeping stacksafety fixes #109

eff 4.3.5

17 May 10:05
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Maintenance version


  • upgraded monix to 2.3.0 #102 (thanks to @dvic)
  • added ReaderEffect.runKleisli for interpreting Kleisli effects on the same stack #102 (thanks to @dvic)
  • added a way to specify async boundaries with the Monix Task effect


  • added a missing Member[NoFx, FxAppend[R, NoFx]] implicit
  • added missing IntoPoly implicits for appending NoFx

eff 4.3.4

11 May 05:57
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Maintenance version


  • added runWriterNoLogU (aliased as discardWriter) to remove writer effects
  • added some syntax to pass a specific ExecutorServices object to run a TimedFuture effect


  • line up EitherEffectOps implicit members #97