Releases: anyscale/terraform-aws-anyscale-cloudfoundation-modules
🚀 Enhancements
[upd] Root Module - add new variable for IAM Policy ARNs @brent-anyscale
Added new variable: anyscale_cluster_node_managed_policy_arns
This is passed to the IAM Submodule variable with the same name.
This allows the addition of IAM Policies to the cluster node role via IAM policy ARNs.
Added example showing how this can be done to anyscale-v2-commonname example.
Pull request checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- pre-commit has been run
- Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- All tests passing
- Docs have been reviewed and added / updated if needed (for bug fixes / features)
Pull Request Type
- Bugfix
- New feature
- Refactoring (no functional changes)
- Documentation change
- Other (please describe):
Does this introduce a breaking change?
- Yes
- No
Changes to be committed:
modified: examples/anyscale-v2-commonname/
modified: examples/anyscale-v2-commonname/
🐛 Bug Fixes
[upd] Root Module - Fix IAM trust policy for cross account access @brent-anyscale (#34)
Repetive executions would remove the assume rule condition when anyscale_cloud_id was null or "" - this should keep that from happening.
On branch brent/fix-awsiampolicy
Changes to be committed:
Pull request checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- pre-commit has been run
- Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- All tests passing
- Docs have been reviewed and added / updated if needed (for bug fixes / features)
Pull Request Type
- Bugfix
- New feature
- Refactoring (no functional changes)
- Documentation change
- Other (please describe):
Does this introduce a breaking change?
- Yes
- No
📚 Documentation/Examples
[add] example - anyscale-v2-existing-s3 @brent-anyscale (#33)
New Example - Existing S3 Bucket
Add an example of using an existing S3 bucket with these Terraform modules.
This skips creating the S3 bucket and instead uses an existing bucket.
On branch brent/add-existings3-example
Changes to be committed:
new file: examples/anyscale-v2-existing-s3/
new file: examples/anyscale-v2-existing-s3/
new file: examples/anyscale-v2-existing-s3/
new file: examples/anyscale-v2-existing-s3/
new file: examples/anyscale-v2-existing-s3/
Pull request checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- pre-commit has been run
- Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- All tests passing
- Docs have been reviewed and added / updated if needed (for bug fixes / features)
Pull Request Type
- Bugfix
- New feature
- Refactoring (no functional changes)
- Documentation change
- Other (please describe):
Additional example
Update to tflint version
Does this introduce a breaking change?
- Yes
- No
[upd] root module variables - general cleanup of descriptions @brent-anyscale (#32)
This is a pass at cleaning up the descriptions of the root module's file to make it easier to read and understand. Especially
with the way tfdocs renders the descriptions, it's important to have
them be as clear as possible.
General validation with the latest AWS provider and fixes made to the also completed.
On branch brent/variable-cleanup
Changes to be committed:
modified: modules/aws-anyscale-efs/
modified: modules/aws-anyscale-iam/
modified: modules/aws-anyscale-s3-policy/
modified: modules/aws-anyscale-s3-policy/examples/
modified: modules/aws-anyscale-s3/
modified: modules/aws-anyscale-securitygroups/
modified: modules/aws-anyscale-vpc/
Pull request checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- pre-commit has been run
- Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- All tests passing
- Docs have been reviewed and added / updated if needed (for bug fixes / features)
Pull Request Type
- Bugfix
- New feature
- Refactoring (no functional changes)
- Documentation change
- Other (please describe):
Does this introduce a breaking change?
- Yes
- No
🚀 Enhancements
[upd] aws-anyscale-iam submodule - Add CloudWatch IAM policy @brent-anyscale (#31)
This update includes the addition of a CloudWatch IAM policy to the
aws-anyscale-iam module. This policy is required for the the new
monitoring functionality.
This policy is not enabled by default. To enable it, set the variable
create_cluster_node_cloudwatch_policy = true
in the root module.
There was also some general cleanup of variable descriptions and tested
with the latest AWS terraform provider.
Pull request checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- pre-commit has been run
- Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- All tests passing
- Docs have been reviewed and added / updated if needed (for bug fixes / features)
Pull Request Type
- Bugfix
- New feature
- Refactoring (no functional changes)
- Documentation change
- Other (please describe):
Does this introduce a breaking change?
- Yes
- No
On branch brent/iam-cloudwatch
Changes to be committed:
modified: examples/anyscale-v2-commonname/
modified: examples/anyscale-v2-commonname/
modified: examples/anyscale-v2-commonname/
modified: modules/aws-anyscale-efs/
modified: modules/aws-anyscale-iam/
modified: modules/aws-anyscale-iam/
modified: modules/aws-anyscale-iam/
modified: modules/aws-anyscale-iam/
modified: modules/aws-anyscale-s3-policy/
modified: modules/aws-anyscale-s3-policy/examples/
modified: modules/aws-anyscale-s3/
modified: modules/aws-anyscale-securitygroups/
modified: modules/aws-anyscale-vpc/
🐛 Bug Fixes
[Services] Added incremental permissions to be able to modify ALB resources after creation.
Fixes known issue with adding security groups to ALB resources after creation. @alexeykudinkin (#30)
Pull request checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- pre-commit has been run
- Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- All tests passing
- Docs have been reviewed and added / updated if needed (for bug fixes / features)
Pull Request Type
- Bugfix
- New feature
- Refactoring (no functional changes)
- Documentation change
- Other (please describe):
- This is TF counter-part of anyscale/product#22129
Does this introduce a breaking change?
- Yes
- No
📚 Documentation/Examples
Examples - Documentation updates and cleanup @brent-anyscale (#29)
This includes general cleanup of the Examples provided. It includes updates to READMEs, cleanup and more details in the files, and additional enhancements.
This also includes a .terraform-docs.yml config file which will now sort parameters in the documentation by required/not required.
Pull request checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- pre-commit has been run
- Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- All tests passing
- Docs have been reviewed and added / updated if needed (for bug fixes / features)
Pull Request Type
- Bugfix
- New feature
- Refactoring (no functional changes)
- Documentation change
- Other (please describe):
Does this introduce a breaking change?
- Yes
- No
Github Chores
v0.13.1 - GitHub Release Process Update @brent-anyscale (#28)
Release v0.13.1
Minor update to the automated GitHub action for the release process.
There were some missing tags for patch releases, causing a minor release to be triggered. This adds the additional tags for patch releases.
Pull request checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- pre-commit has been run
- Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- All tests passing
- Docs have been reviewed and added / updated if needed (for bug fixes / features)
Pull Request Type
- Bugfix
- New feature
- Refactoring (no functional changes)
- Documentation change
- Other (please describe): Release process automation
Does this introduce a breaking change?
- Yes
- No
[upd] Go Tests cleanup and adding E2E tests @brent-anyscale (#27)
Removed Anyscale v1 Tests
Added E2E tests for public and private networking configurations.
On branch release-0.13.1
Changes to be committed:
deleted: anyscale-v1-test/
deleted: anyscale-v1-test/
new file: anyscale-v2-e2e-private-test/
new file: anyscale-v2-e2e-private-test/
renamed: anyscale-v1-test/ -> anyscale-v2-e2e-private-test/
renamed: anyscale-v1-test/ -> anyscale-v2-e2e-private-test/
new file: anyscale-v2-e2e-public-test/
new file: anyscale-v2-e2e-public-test/
renamed: anyscale-v2-test/ -> anyscale-v2-e2e-public-test/
renamed: anyscale-v2-test/ -> anyscale-v2-e2e-public-test/
deleted: anyscale-v2-test/
deleted: anyscale-v2-test/
deleted: anyscale_v1_test.go
new file: anyscale_v2_05_e2e_public_test.go
new file: anyscale_v2_06_e2e_private_test.go
modified: go.mod
modified: go.sum
deleted: tf_aws_anyscale_test.go
Pull request checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- pre-commit has been run
- Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- All tests passing
- Docs have been reviewed and added / updated if needed (for bug fixes / features)
Pull Request Type
- Bugfix
- New feature
- Refactoring (no functional changes)
- Documentation change
- Other (please describe): Unit Tests updates and cleanup.
Release 0.13.0
This is a duplicate of Release 0.12.0 - re-releasing as the Terraform Module Registry didn't seem to pick up 0.12.0 correctly.
🚀 Enhancements
[upd] IAM SubModule - Allow alternative trusted role arn for testing To automate testing of the Terraform modules, we need to be able to pass in a non-production role arn to the IAM submodule. This change allows the automated testing to pass in a new trusted role arn. This parameter should not be used by any users and defaults to null in the root module.
[upd] AWS Terraform Provider to ~> 5.0
Includes updates to VPC module to support new provider and deprecated settings for EIP.
On branch release-0.13.0
Changes to be committed:
Pull request checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- pre-commit has been run
- Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- All tests passing
- Docs have been reviewed and added / updated if needed (for bug fixes / features)
Pull Request Type
- Bugfix
- New feature
- Refactoring (no functional changes)
- Documentation change
- Other (please describe):