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Manifestasi Code

Kami ingin bekerja dalam sebuah ekosistem dimana bisa membawa kemajuan bagi programmer untuk mencapai seluruh potensi yang dimiliki, dimana salah satu diantaranya adalah pertumbuhan skill dan kerja sama yang efektif. Sebuah "ruang" / suasana yang aman bagi semua.

Suasana seperti ini akan sangat menguntungkan bagi setiap orang yang berpartisipasi di dalamnya. Hal ini mendorong pengembang / programmer baru untuk bergabung dengan kita, dengan cara diskusi yang terus menerus dan kolaborasi kita bisa tumbuh, dan dengan bertumbuh skill yang kita miliki meningkatkan.

Dalam upaya menciptakan keadaan seperti itu, kami memegang nilai-nilai ini:

  1. Tidak melakukan Diskriminasi. Termasuk dalam hal ini adalah terhadap ras, gender, orientasi sex, usia, negara, teknologi dan seluruh budaya pengucilan terhadap kelompok kecil orang.
  2. Sama dan Setara. level yang Anda miliki belum tentu sepemahaman dengan yang lain. Ingat ini, Diatas langit masih ada langit.
  3. Kita adalah Asset besar dari manisfes ini. Tak seorangpun None of us were born masters of our trade. Each of us has been helped along the way. Return that favor, when and where you can.
  4. We are resources for the future. As an extension of #3, share what you know. Make yourself a resource to help those that come after you.
  5. Respect defines us. Treat others as you wish to be treated. Make your discussions, criticisms and debates from a position of respectfulness. Ask yourself, is it true? Is it necessary? Is it constructive? Anything less is unacceptable.
  6. Reactions require grace. Angry responses are valid, but abusive language and vindictive actions are toxic. When something happens that offends you, handle it assertively, but be respectful. Escalate reasonably, and try to allow the offender an opportunity to explain themselves, and possibly correct the issue.
  7. Opinions are just that: opinions. Each and every one of us, due to our background and upbringing, have varying opinions. That is perfectly acceptable. Remember this: if you respect your own opinions, you should respect the opinions of others.
  8. To err is human. You might not intend it, but mistakes do happen and contribute to build experience. Tolerate honest mistakes, and don't hesitate to apologize if you make one yourself.

How to contribute

This is a collaborative effort. We welcome all contributions submitted as pull requests.

(Contributions on wording & style are also welcome.)