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Maxim Yurkin edited this page Jun 20, 2018 · 10 revisions

clAmdBlas library provides the optimized way to perform linear-algebra operations in OpenCL version of ADDA. Currently we are only testing its virtues, but it may become linked by default in the future. The installation and linking instructions are analogous to that of clAmdFft (they are two parts of the same package). The following guidelines are based on clAmdBlas version 1.10.274 (or 321) and are less detailed than that for clAmdFft. So you are advised to consult the latter if having any problems.


  • Download the package of clAmdBlas for Linux and install it. The default installation directory is /opt/clAmdBlas-<version>. It is also possible to specify any other directory, for example, inside the home directory of a particular user.
  • Either
    • specify paths to include and lib64 (or lib32) subdirectories of the install directory in file src/ocl/Makefile, as described in CompilingADDA.
    • or add .../include to environmental variable C_INCLUDE_PATH and .../lib64 (or lib32) - to LIBRARY_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH (for linking and runtime). Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH can be replaced by modifying /etc/ or by sourcing in the installation directory.


If you just want to use ADDA executables for Windows, do not worry about clAmdBlas at all. An appropriate DLL will be included in the corresponding package (once the executable will be linked to it).

If you want to compile adda_ocl on Windows yourself, proceed further:

  • Download the installer of clAmdBlas for Windows and install it. The default installation directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD\clAmdBlas or C:\Program Files\AMD\clAmdBlas.
  • Add bin64 or bin32 (depending on the Windows bitness) subdirectory in the installation directory to Windows environmental variable PATH
  • Either
    • specify paths to include and bin64 (or bin32) subdirectories of the install directory in file src/ocl/Makefile, as described in CompilingADDA. The compiler will link directly to *.dll (instead of *.lib).
    • or copy contents of include folder and clAmdBlas.dll of bin folder to corresponding include and lib folders of the MinGW/MSYS environment.
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