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"Title": "Book Name",
"Author": "John Smith",
"Date": "July 2015",
"ISBN": "13DigitNumber",
"SuggestedBy": "YourName",
"GitHubId": "yourGHid",
"Subject": "either the official categorisation or your free text",
"WhyIChoseIt": "Brief reason why you chose to read this book",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "Sell it to them!",
"WhatILearned": "After you have finished reading it, note down what you learned",
"Link": "Link to Amazon or other place where its available to buy/rent"
"Title": "Alex's Adventures in Numberland",
"Author": "Alex Bellos",
"Date": "2010",
"ISBN": "9781408809594",
"SuggestdBy": "Claire",
"GitHubId": "nofootnotes",
"Subject": "Dispatches from the wonderful world of mathematics",
"WhyIChoseIt": "The Daily Telegraph said it would leave me hooked on numbers",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "TBC",
"WhatILearned": "TBC",
"Link": "",
"VideoSummary": ""
###Clean Code
"Title": "Clean Code",
"Author": "Robert Cecil Martin",
"Date": "2008",
"ISBN": " 978-0132350884",
"SuggestedBy": "Karina Kozarova",
"GitHubId": "karinakozarova",
"Subject": "How to write quality code and why it matters",
"WhyIChoseIt": "It made me a better programmer",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "It will save you a lot of time and efforts in the future",
"WhatILearned": "How to write good code",
"Link": ""
Code, The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software
"Title": "Code, The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software",
"Author": "Charles Petzold",
"Date": "2000",
"ISBN": "073560505X",
"SuggestdBy": "Neats",
"GitHubId": "Neats29",
"Subject": "How computers work and more",
"WhyIChoseIt": "I heard good things about it and wanted to learn more about the hardware in computers",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "TBC",
"WhatILearned": "TBC",
"Link": "",
"VideoSummary": ""
"Title": "Developing Web Components ",
"Author": "Jarrod Overson & Jason Strimpel",
"Date": "2015",
"ISBN": "9781491949023",
"SuggestdBy": "Rory",
"GitHubId": "rorysedgwick",
"Subject": "Front-end Javascript, UI concepts & patterns",
"WhyIChoseIt": "Have heard Web Components referred to as the future of front end UIs and the direction some libraries are already moving towards e.g. React, Polymer, so I am intrigued to find out more",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "TBC",
"WhatILearned": "TBC",
"Link": "",
"VideoSummary": ""
"Title": "Extreme Programming, pocket guide",
"Author": "Ward Cunningham",
"Date": "2003",
"ISBN": "0596004850",
"SuggestdBy": "Neats",
"GitHubId": "Neats29",
"Subject": "Team-based software development method",
"WhyIChoseIt": "Seemed interesting and it's small, which is handy",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "TBC",
"WhatILearned": "TBC",
"Link": "",
"VideoSummary": ""
"Title": "The Elements of Typographic Style",
"Author": "Robert Bringhurst",
"Date": "July 2015",
"ISBN": "9780881792126",
"SuggestedBy": "Rafe",
"GitHubId": "rjmk",
"Subject": "Typography",
"WhyIChoseIt": "Fonts are pretty. Also, font choice is a nice subtle element of UI and UX design",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "TBC",
"WhatILearned": "TBC",
"Link": ""
"Title": "Happiness by Design: Finding Pleasure and Purpose in Everyday Life",
"Author": "Paul Dolan",
"Date": "July 2015",
"ISBN": "978-0141977539",
"SuggestedBy": "Emma",
"GitHubId": "tsop14",
"Subject": "Psychology",
"WhyIChoseIt": "What can an Economist teach us about happiness? Want to see how convincing his central argument is that happiness is not a direct product of what happens to us but rather of how we attend to things.",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "TBC",
"WhatILearned": "TBC",
"Link": ""
"Title": "High Performance JavaScript",
"Author": "Nicholas C. Zakas",
"Date": "2010",
"ISBN": "978-0-596-80279-0",
"SuggestedBy": "Simon",
"GitHubId": "@SimonLab",
"Subject": "JavaScript",
"WhyIChoseIt": "I want to be better with javascript",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "TBC",
"WhatILearned": "TBC",
"Link": ""
"Title": "How to be a Productivity Ninja",
"Author": "Graham Allcott",
"Date": "2014",
"ISBN": "978-184831-683-6",
"SuggestedBy": "Jack",
"GitHubId": "@jackpandas",
"Subject": "Productivity",
"WhyIChoseIt": "I am a sucker for productivity books, which may be a factor in my lack of productivity",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "TBC",
"WhatILearned": "TBC",
"Link": "http://"
"Title": "HTML5 For Web Designers",
"Author": "Jeremy Keith",
"Date": "2010",
"ISBN": "9780984442508",
"SuggestedBy": "Rory",
"GitHubId": "rorysedgwick",
"Subject": "HTML",
"WhyIChoseIt": "I am starting a new job that will be very HTML heavy and wanted a more in-depth look at the subject overall",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "Any web developer should have a solid understanding of what HTML is, how it has evolved and what is available in the language",
"WhatILearned": "HTML5 offers much in-built functionality than I realised in the form of various <tags>, such as <audio> & <video>. In order to write semantically correct HTML a wide array of tags such as <section> and <article> should be used instead of <div>s for each section of the document.",
"Link": "",
"VideoSummary": ""
"Title": "I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time",
"Author": "Laura Vanderkam",
"Date": "July 2015",
"ISBN": "978-0241199510",
"SuggestedBy": "Ines",
"GitHubId": "iteles",
"Subject": "Productivity",
"WhyIChoseIt": "For a little inspiration, a jump start on how to get on with things rather than thinking about doing them. The concept of analysing time logs also fascinates me slightly!",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "I don't think they should, there were less practical tips and a more of an element of 'spending time with family' than I expected. Just read my notes instead:",
"WhatILearned": "It's all about attitude (know what actually matters - hint: dirty dishes is not one of these things - and learn to let go) and knowing what you're doing so that when you work you can hit the ground running",
"Link": ""
"Title": "The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution",
"Author": "Walter Isaacson",
"Date": "2014",
"ISBN": " 978-1476708706",
"SuggestedBy": "Karina Kozarova",
"GitHubId": "karinakozarova",
"Subject": "The creation of computers, electronics and innovations",
"WhyIChoseIt": "Best History of Innovation Book for Programmers",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "Everyone in the industry should know what is written there",
"WhatILearned": "How great innovators worked,their inspirations and workflow",
"Link": ""
"Title": "Javascript: The Good Parts",
"Author": "Douglas Crockford",
"Date": "2008",
"ISBN": "9780596517748",
"SuggestedBy": "Rory",
"GitHubId": "rorysedgwick",
"Subject": "Javascript",
"WhyIChoseIt": "Supposed seminal work on JS by the man himself, which I have not got round to reading yet",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "TBC",
"WhatILearned": "TBC",
"Link": "",
"VideoSummary": ""
"Title": "Javascript Web Applications",
"Author": "Alex MacCaw",
"Date": "2011",
"ISBN": "978-1-449-30351-8",
"SuggestedBy": "Jack",
"GitHubId": "@jackpandas",
"Subject": "...javascript web applications?",
"WhyIChoseIt": "I think I need to firm up on basics and would like to read an cohesive text on ajax etc.",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "TBC",
"WhatILearned": "TBC",
"Link": ""
"Title": "Lean UX",
"Author": "Jeff Gothelf with Josh Seiden",
"Date": "July 2015",
"ISBN": "9781449311650",
"SuggestedBy": "Rafe",
"GitHubId": "rjmk",
"Subject": "User Experience",
"WhyIChoseIt": "User experience complements and informs great software and is fun problem solving",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "TBC",
"WhatILearned": "TBC",
"Link": ""
"Title": "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying: A simple, effective way to banish clutter forever",
"Author": "Marie Kondo",
"Date": "July 2015",
"ISBN": "978-0091955106",
"SuggestedBy": "Emma",
"GitHubId": "tsop14",
"Subject": "Self help / Home & Garden",
"WhyIChoseIt": "Must sort life out...",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "Effective tidying will make you happier, focused and more productive.",
"WhatILearned": "Live in the present! If objects don't bring you joy when you hold them / serve a functional purpose, thank them for the role they played in your life and recycle them. Tidy in one big go, not a little everyday. Never fold socks.",
"Link": ""
"Title": "Maintainable Javascript",
"Author": "Nicholas C. Zakas",
"Date": "July 2015",
"ISBN": "978-1-4493-2768-2",
"SuggestedBy": "Emma",
"GitHubId": "tsop14",
"Subject": "Javascript",
"WhyIChoseIt": "To learn how to write code my team can easily understand and extend.",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "TBC",
"WhatILearned": "TBC",
"Link": ""
The Mom Test: How to talk to customers & learn if your business is a good idea when everyone is lying to you
"Title": "The Mom Test: How to talk to customers & learn if your business is a good idea when everyone is lying to you",
"Author": "Rob Fitzpatrick",
"Date": "10 Sep 2013",
"ISBN": "1492180742",
"SuggestedBy": "Nelson",
"GitHubId": "nelsonic",
"Subject": "Tech Entrepreneurship",
"WhyIChoseIt": "Knowing how to interview people is essential for knowing if you are solving a real problem!",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "Interviewing Potential Customers so know if there is a need for the product you are building!",
"WhatILearned": "I was doing (_potential_) customer interviews all wrong!",
"Link": "",
"VideoSummary": ""
"Title": "Node.js the Right Way",
"Author": "Jim R. Wilson",
"Date": "2013",
"ISBN": "978-1-937785-73-4",
"SuggestedBy": "Jack",
"GitHubId": "jackpandas",
"Subject": "Node.js",
"WhyIChoseIt": "It looked like a good way to understand Node better",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "TBC",
"WhatILearned": "TBC",
"Link": ""
"Title": "Professor Stewart's Hoard of Mathematical Treasures",
"Author": "Ian Stewart",
"Date": "2010",
"ISBN": "978-1846683466",
"SuggestedBy": "Simon",
"GitHubId": "@SimonLab",
"Subject": "Mathematic",
"WhyIChoseIt": "I like maths",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "TBC",
"WhatILearned": "TBC",
"Link": ""
"Title": "Start Small, Stay Small: A Developer's Guide to Launching a Startup",
"Author": "Rob Walling",
"Date": "July 2015",
"ISBN": "9780615373966",
"SuggestedBy": "Rafe",
"GitHubId": "rjmk",
"Subject": "Startup starting",
"WhyIChoseIt": "Unappealing design suggested I was underestimating the quality of the content #OutsideView",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "TBC",
"WhatILearned": "TBC",
"Link": ""
"Title": "Thinking, fast and slow",
"Author": "Daniel Kahneman",
"Date": "2011",
"ISBN": "978-0-141-03357-0",
"SuggestedBy": "Simon",
"GitHubId": "@SimonLab",
"Subject": "Psychology",
"WhyIChoseIt": "Heard a lot of good things about this book",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "TBC",
"WhatILearned": "TBC",
"Link": ",_Fast_and_Slow"
"Title": "Zero to One",
"Author": "Peter Thiel",
"Date": "2014",
"ISBN": "978-0-75-355518-7",
"SuggestedBy": "Claire",
"GitHubId": "nofootnotes",
"Subject": "Notes on startups or how to build the future",
"WhyIChoseIt": "Peter Thiel is a cool guy",
"WhyOthersShouldReadIt": "TBC",
"WhatILearned": "TBC",
"Link": ""