Log and track GPU benchmark scores for your community.
Start the GPU benchmark submission process.
- Usage:
Start the GPU benchmark submission process for another user.
- Usage:
[p]benchu <@user>
Can only be used by the currently set staff members.
Check benchmarks that are awaiting verification.
- Usage:
Can only be used by the currently set staff members.
View the current settings for the cog.
Set the log channel for benchmark submissions.
- Usage:
[p]benchset logchannel <#channel_id>
Toggle the function of logging submissions.
- Usage:
[p]benchset logchanneltoggle
Add, remove or list the currently set staff roles.
- Usage:
[p]benchset staffroles add/remove/list <@role>
Add to, remove from, or list the currently available GPU models.
- Usage:
[p]benchset gpumodels add/remove/list <Model_Name>
- Usage:
View the top 5 GPU benchmark scores in embed format.
- Usage:
Staff command to verify a GPU benchmark submission.
- Usage:
[p]benchverify <@user>
Can only be used by the currently set staff members.
Remove a user's GPU benchmark score from the database.
- Usage:
[p]rembench <@user>
Can only be used by the currently set staff members.