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Releases: UKPLab/sentence-transformers

v2.2.0 - T5 Encoder & Private models

10 Feb 13:12
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You can now use the encoder from T5 to learn text embeddings. You can use it like any other transformer model:

from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, models
word_embedding_model = models.Transformer('t5-base', max_seq_length=256)
pooling_model = models.Pooling(word_embedding_model.get_word_embedding_dimension())
model = SentenceTransformer(modules=[word_embedding_model, pooling_model])

See T5-Benchmark results - the T5 encoder is not the best model for learning text embeddings models. It requires quite a lot of training data and training steps. Other models perform much better, at least in the given experiment with 560k training triplets.

New Models

The models from the papers Sentence-T5: Scalable sentence encoders from pre-trained text-to-text models and Large Dual Encoders Are Generalizable Retrievers have been added:

For benchmark results, see

Private Models

Thanks to #1406 you can now load private models from the hub:

model = SentenceTransformer("your-username/your-model", use_auth_token=True)

v2.1.0 - New Loss Functions

01 Oct 09:10
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This is a smaller release with some new features


MarginMSELoss is a great method to train embeddings model with the help of a cross-encoder model. The details are explained here: MSMARCO - MarginMSE Training

You pass your training data in the format:

InputExample(texts=[query, positive, negative], label=cross_encoder.predict([query, positive])-cross_encoder.predict([query, negative])


MultipleNegativesRankingLoss computes the loss just in one way: Find the correct answer for a given question.

MultipleNegativesSymmetricRankingLoss also computes the loss in the other direction: Find the correct question for a given answer.

Breaking Change: CLIPModel

The CLIPModel is now based on the transformers model.

You can still load it like this:

model = SentenceTransformer('clip-ViT-B-32')

Older SentenceTransformers versions are now longer able to load and use the 'clip-ViT-B-32' model.

Added files on the hub are automatically downloaded

PR #1116 checks if you have all files in your local cache or if there are added files on the hub. If this is the case, it will automatically download them.

SentenceTransformers.encode() can return all values

When you set output_value=None for the encode method, all values (token_ids, token_embeddings, sentence_embedding) will be returned.

v2.0.0 - Integration into Huggingface Model Hub

24 Jun 16:16
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Models hosted on the hub

All pre-trained models are now hosted on the Huggingface Models hub.

Our pre-trained models can be found here:

But you can easily share your own sentence-transformer model on the hub and have other people easily access it. Simple upload the folder and have people load it via:

model = SentenceTransformer('[your_username]/[model_name]')

For more information, see: Sentence Transformers in the Hugging Face Hub

Breaking changes

There should be no breaking changes. Old models can still be loaded from disc. However, if you use one of the provided pre-trained models, it will be downloaded again in version 2 of sentence transformers as the cache path has slightly changed.

Find sentence-transformer models on the Hub

You can filter the hub for sentence-transformers models:

Add the sentence-transformers tag to you model card so that others can find your model.

Widget & Inference API

A widget was added to sentence-transformers models on the hub that lets you interact directly on the models website:

Further, models can now be used with the Accelerated Inference API: Send you sentences to the API and get back the embeddings from the respective model.

Save Model to Hub

A new method was added to the SentenceTransformer class: save_to_hub.

Provide the model name and the model is saved on the hub.

Here you find the explanation from transformers how the hub works: Model sharing and uploading

Automatic Model Card

When you save a model with save or save_to_hub, a (also known as model card) is automatically generated with basic information about the respective SentenceTransformer model.

New Models

v1.2.1 - Forward compatibility with version 2

24 Jun 14:20
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Final release of version 1: Makes v1 of sentence-transformers forward compatible with models from version 2 of sentence-transformers.

v1.2.0 - Unsupervised Learning, New Training Examples, Improved Models

12 May 13:14
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Unsupervised Sentence Embedding Learning

New methods integrated to train sentence embedding models without labeled data. See Unsupervised Learning for an overview of all existent methods.

New methods:

Pre-Training Methods

  • MLM: An example script to run Masked-Language-Modeling (MLM). Running MLM on your custom data before supervised training can significantly improve the performances. Further, MLM also works well for domain trainsfer: You first train on your custom data, and then train with e.g. NLI or STS data.

Training Examples

New models

New Functions

  • Checkpoints: The fit() method now allows to save checkpoints during the training at a fixed number of steps. More info
  • Pooling-mode as string: You can now pass the pooling-mode to models.Pooling() as string:
    pooling_model = models.Pooling(word_embedding_model.get_word_embedding_dimension(), pooling_mode='mean')
    Valid values are mean/max/cls.
  • NoDuplicatesDataLoader: When using the MultipleNegativesRankingLoss, one should avoid to have duplicate sentences in the same sentence. This data loader simplifies this task and ensures that no duplicate entries are in the same batch.~~~~

Unsupervised Sentence Embedding Learning

21 Apr 13:12
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Unsupervised Sentence Embedding Learning

This release integrates methods that allows to learn sentence embeddings without having labeled data:

  • TSDAE: TSDAE is using a denoising auto-encoder to learn sentence embeddings. The method has been presented in our recent paper and achieves state-of-the-art performance for several tasks.
  • GenQ: GenQ uses a pre-trained T5 system to generate queries for a given passage. It was presented in our recent BEIR paper and works well for domain adaptation for (semantic search)[]

New Models - SentenceTransformer

  • MSMARCO Dot-Product Models: We trained models using the dot-product instead of cosine similarity as similarity function. As shown in our recent BEIR paper, models with cosine-similarity prefer the retrieval of short documents, while models with dot-product prefer retrieval of longer documents. Now you can choose what is most suitable for your task.
  • MSMARCO MiniLM Models: We uploaded some models based on MiniLM: It uses just 384 dimensions, is faster than previous models and achieves nearly the same performance

New Models - CrossEncoder

New Features

  • You can now pass to the CrossEncoder class a default_activation_function, that is applied on-top of the output logits generated by the class.
  • You can now pre-process images for the CLIP Model. Soon I will release a tutorial how to fine-tune the CLIP Model with your data.

v1.0.4 - Patch

01 Apr 06:35
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It was not possible to fine-tune and save the CLIPModel. This release fixes it. CLIPModel can now be saved like any other model by calling

v1.0.3 - Patch util.paraphrase_mining

22 Mar 08:15
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v1.0.3 - Patch for util.paraphrase_mining method

v1.0.2 - Patch CLIPModel

19 Mar 21:44
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v1.0.2 - Patch for CLIPModel, new Image Examples

  • Bugfix in CLIPModel: Too long inputs raised a RuntimeError. Now they are truncated.
  • New util function: util.paraphrase_mining_embeddings, to find most similar embeddings in a matrix
  • Image Clustering and Duplicate Image Detection examples added: more info

v1.0.0 - Improvements, New Models, Text-Image Models

18 Mar 20:57
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This release brings many new improvements and new features. Also, the version number scheme is updated. Now we use the format x.y.z with x: for major releases, y: smaller releases with new features, z: bugfixes

Text-Image-Model CLIP

You can now encode text and images in the same vector space using the OpenAI CLIP Model. You can use the model like this:

from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util
from PIL import Image

#Load CLIP model
model = SentenceTransformer('clip-ViT-B-32')

#Encode an image:
img_emb = model.encode('two_dogs_in_snow.jpg'))

#Encode text descriptions
text_emb = model.encode(['Two dogs in the snow', 'A cat on a table', 'A picture of London at night'])

#Compute cosine similarities 
cos_scores = util.cos_sim(img_emb, text_emb)

More Information
IPython Demo
Colab Demo

Examples how to train the CLIP model on your data will be added soon.

New Models

New Features

  • The Asym Model can now be used as the first model in a SentenceTransformer modules list.
  • Sorting when encoding changes: Previously, we encoded from short to long sentences. Now we encode from long to short sentences. Out-of-memory errors will then happen at the start. Also the approximation on the duration of the encode process is more precise
  • Improvement of the util.semantic_search method: It now uses the much faster torch.topk function. Further, you can define which scoring function should be used
  • New util methods: util.dot_score computes the dot product of two embedding matrices. util.normalize_embeddings will normalize embeddings to unit length
  • New parameter for SentenceTransformer.encode method: normalize_embeddings if set to true, it will normalize embeddings to unit length. In that case the faster util.dot_score can be used instead of util.cos_sim to compute cosine similarity scores.
  • If you specify in models.Transformer(do_lower_case=True) when creating a new SentenceTransformer, then all input will be lower cased.

New Examples


  • Encode method now correctly returns token_embeddings if output_value='token_embeddings' is defined
  • Bugfix of the LabelAccuracyEvaluator
  • Bugfix of removing tensors off the CPU if you specified encode(sent, convert_to_tensor=True). They now stay on the GPU

Breaking changes:

  • SentenceTransformer.encode-Methode: Removed depcreated parameters is_pretokenized and num_workers