All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- A notice will appear on the settings page of the plugin if a newer version of the plugin is available.
- Added "Magento Order Increment ID" to payment metadata when creating the payment in Truelayer.
- PSR-16 cache adapter
- Automatically generate cache encryption key
- Using constant filename new uploaded private keys
- Increased PHP dependency version
- Increased TrueLayer PHP Client dependency version
- Potential security issue when deleting a private key
- Release channel configuration option
- Fix settings visibility based on scopes
- Stricter PHPStan rules
- Test validity of private key file when testing credentials.
- Store transaction ID in sales_order_payment table last_trans_id column.
- Check credentials button will correctly use unsaved values from the form fields.
- View logs button will show the end of the log file instead of the beginning.
- New option to hide or show payment method description
- Improved UX for failed or canceled payments by redirecting users back to the checkout billing step
- More aggressive payment status checking on user return flow
- Payment method description not rendering on checkout page
- Payment metadata including store and order ID
- Support for handling failing refunds
- Place orders upfront and update them throughout the payment lifecycle
- Improved logging
- Minicart cache busting
- Refund metadata being set to NULL
- Improved database indexes
- Improved idempotency for webhooks
- Payment creation failing when shipping address not required
- Issues duplicating Quotes
- Fix shipping method being dropped in some cases
- Stop sending mobile number when creating payments
- Update version
- Replace jqXHR.success with jqXHR.done
- Payment totals not being rounded up, occasionally leading to a 1p difference
- Wait for payment status updates on customer checkout
- Admin panel improvements and fixes