- Add docker container property to set the shared memory size (GH-129)
- Installation of Consul and Ansible fails on recent Centos for GCP images (GH-131)
- Failure starting a docker container in attached mode (GH-119)
- Refactor HAProxy component to take advantage of tosca.nodes.LoadBalancer component (GH-116)
- SSL Root CA installer component (GH-103)
- SSL Certificates Generator component (GH-78)
- Deploy Docker containers in pure TOSCA (GH-76)
- Docker Registry (GH-80)
- Expose Hybrid demo material (GH-93)
- Component for the Yorc plugin provided by Alien4cloud (the Yorc Provider) (GH-101)
- Docker container component for Alien4Cloud deployment (GH-111)
- Docker container component for Yorc&Consul deployment (GH-111)
- Template allowing to deploy a simple Yorc+Alien4Cloud stack based on Docker components (GH-111)
- Add docker container properties workdir and user (GH-124)
- Update to Kubernetes v1.17 (GH-117)
- Update Traefik to v2.1 (GH-115)
- Should support OpenStack Identity API v3 properties (GH-109)
- Support of locations (GH-106)
- Update forge components installing/configuring Yorc to support python3 (GH-85)
- Update Ansible version to 2.7.9 (GH-83)
- Add a vault in secured full stack topology (GH-67)
- Provide forge components/topology allowing to install a secured Yorc setup (GH-37)
- Allow to configure resources prefix for bootstrapped Yorc (GH-399)
- Allow to configure Alien4Cloud docker conatainer when deployed within a Yorc stack (GH-121)
- Ystia Forge components require now Alien4Cloud 2.2.0 (GH-95)
- Ystia Forge components require now Alien4Cloud CSAR public library 2.2.0
- Ystia Forge components require now yorc-types 1.1.0 (GH-82](ystia#82))
- Bad cleanup for components used in yorc bootstrap (GH-91)
- Empty playbook configure_hostspool_secrets.yml causes error (GH-88)
- Install a newer version of Anaconda (Python Component) in order to fix dependencies issues (GH-69)
- Several wrong version referenced for csar-public-lib components (GH-58)
- Jupyter depends on EPEL repository but do not ensure that it is installed (GH-70)
- Kubernetes installation fails (GH-97)
- Fix Kubernetes install if no proxy env vars are defined (GH-99)
- Bootstrap on OpenStack doesn't allow floating IP provisioning (GH-516)
- Yorc Bootstrap doesn't uninstall yorc binary (GH-605)
- Kafka download URLs no more valid (GH-41)
- Types definition issues detected when uploading forge github repository in Alien4Cloud (GH-42)
- Forge components installing dnsmaq fail on RHEL 7.5 (GH-44)
- Ystia Forge components require now Alien4Cloud 2.1.0
- Ystia Forge components require now Alien4Cloud CSAR public library 2.1.0
- Ystia Forge components require now Alien4Cloud 2.1.0-RC1
- Ystia Forge components require now Alien4Cloud CSAR public library 2.1.0-RC1
- Component NFS Client fails to mount directory exported by NFS server on GCP (GH-38)
- Provide Consul components/topology allowing to install a secured Consul setup (GH-28)
- Support of Yorc bootstrap (GH-32)
- TerraformRuntime component should have a download URL in argument (GH-22)
- Ystia Forge components require now Alien4Cloud 2.1.0-SM7
- Ystia Forge components require now Alien4Cloud CSAR public library 2.1.0-SM7
- Yorc AnsibleRuntime component creation fails on CentOS 7 on AWS (GH-30)
- Google Compute Engine Infrastructure configuration (GH-23)
- Ystia Forge components require now Alien4Cloud 2.1.0-SM6
- Ystia Forge components require now Alien4Cloud CSAR public library 2.1.0-SM6
- Slurm scheduler and its dependencies (GH-20):
- Dnsmasq
- Resolvconf
- Munge
- Ystia Forge Consul components at org/ystia/experimental/consul/ install now Consul 1.2.3