This is an inference demo program based on the C API of PaddlePaddle. The demo explained here is based on the C++ code, so we need to use g++ or clang++ to compile. The demo can be run from the command line and can be used to test the inference performance of various different models.
To compile and run this demo in an Android environment, please follow the following steps:
Step 1, build PaddlePaddle for Android.
Refer to this document to compile the Android version of PaddlePaddle. After following the mentioned steps, make install will generate an output directory containing three subdirectories: include, lib, and third_party(
will be produced in thelib
directory). -
Step 2, build the inference demo.
to an executable program for the Android environment as follows:- For armeabi-v7a
$ git clone $ cd Mobile/benchmark/tool/C/ $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. \ -DANDROID_ABI=armeabi-v7a \ -DANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN=your/path/to/arm_standalone_toolchain \ -DPADDLE_ROOT=The output path generated in the first step \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel $ make
- For arm64-v8a
$ git clone $ cd Mobile/benchmark/tool/C/ $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. \ -DANDROID_ABI=arm64-v8a \ -DANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN=your/path/to/arm64_standalone_toolchain \ -DPADDLE_ROOT=The output path generated in the first step \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel $ make
Step 3, prepare a merged model.
Models config(.py) (eg: Mobilenet) contain only the structure of our models. A developer can choose model config here to train their custom models. PaddlePaddle documentation has several tutorials for building and training models. The model parameter file(.tar.gz) will be generated during the training process. There we need to merge the configuration file(.py) and the parameter file(.tar.gz) into a file. Please refer to the details.
Step 4, run the demo.
Users can run the demo program by logging into the Android environment via adb and specifying the PaddlePaddle model from the command line as follows:
$ adb push inference /data/local/tmp # transfer the executable to Android's memory $ adb push mobilenet_flowers102.paddle /data/local/tmp # transfer the model to Android's memory $ adb shell # login Android device odin:/ $ cd /data/local/tmp # switch to the working directory odin:/data/local/tmp $ ls inference mobilenet_flowers102.paddle odin:/data/local/tmp $ chmod +x inference odin:/data/local/tmp $ ./inference --merged_model ./mobilenet_flowers102.paddle --input_size 150528 # run the executable I1211 17:12:53.334666 4858 Util.cpp:166] commandline: Time of init paddle 3.4388 ms. Time of create from merged model file 141.045 ms. Time of forward time 398.818 ms.
is 150528, cause that the input size of the model is3 * 224 * 224 = 150528