- Change border of the unselected chip #1213
- Chevron icon misalignment #1245
- Conflict between the background color of the image error case in inverse context with the design of the new component "Stacking Group" #1218
- Fix backgroundSkeleton and backgroundSkeletonInverse in darkMode #1235
- Icon bell tiene color harcodeado #1247
- InputFields[D] disabled and readonly states #1249
- Allow images in snap cards | Design documentation #1222
- Allow images in snap cards | Update specs #1221
- Cards [Hover and pressed states] #1202
- Evolve Chips to include navigation #621
- HorizontalScroll specs #1244
- href / onPress Cards #935
- Image as asset in callout | Update callout specs #1220
- Image Border | Design documentation #1219
- Lists [Hover and pressed states] #1204