Hello, viewers, and welcome to the DanmakufuVideos repository!
This database holds links to the videos made by the Western Touhou Community's danmakufu scripters. Looking for videos of a particular script? Want to see flashy danmaku or find Let's Plays? That's what this database is for.
This database is live at https://sparen.github.io/DanmakufuVideos/
Of course, the database is incomplete, and that's where you come in!
To contribute to this repository, you will need a GitHub account. For adding videos and new scripts, it should be relatively simple to simply go to the .json file in question and edit directly on GitHub, and then send a pull request.
Specific details below:
- From index.html, there is a link to each scripter page in alphabetical order of preferred nickname/handle.
- Each scripter has a file/page in
, consisting of their name in lowercase with no spaces. For example:sparenofiria.html
. These are adjusted from the template (seescripter/0_template.html
) - changes are made to the title, meta description, keywords, and header, so that the scripter's name is correct. - In their pages, a scripter's website/Youtube/etc. are linked - those with no other sites of interest lack the div containing the links. The div itself supports factors of 12 numbers of links - 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, essentially (due to Bootstrap). There are no standards on the ordering here, but Website - Youtube - Twitch.tv - DeviantArt is the current ordering.
- In their pages, the body's onload() calls the json file with the same name as the scripter's page. See
for more examples. - If the scripter has a Youtube channel, in addition to the Youtube link, it is also recommended that a subscribe button be added as well. See
for an example. If the channel has a long ID instead of a name, usedata-channelid
instead ofdata-channel
. - New scripter pages (html only) must be logged in the sitemap. This is done in order of adding rather than alphabetically.
- Another file needs to be created in
- the json file. Naming conventions are stated above, but for clarity, if I have sparenofiria.html, there should be asparenofiria.json
corresponding to it.
For the JSON itself, see the template. The JSON object contains a field called scripts, which is an array of all of the scripts, which are all individual objects in the array. They have a name field, a download field (for the download url), a release date (if applicable), as well as a videos field. Date is Month Day, Year - ex: September 04, 2017.
The videos field is an array of objects, each with a youtube ID (when you see a link like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNFWNmbuA_I, the part after the v= is the ID. In this case, XNFWNmbuA_I). Additionally, the uploader's name, the uploader's channel url, and the type of the video should be specified. If the uploader is the same person as the scripter, please use boldface. Ex: "<b>Sparen</b>"
instead of just "Sparen".
- Let's Play refers to a run of the script with voiced commentary.
- Unvoiced Commentary refers to a standard run of the script with text commentary.
- Standard contains no commentary and simply showcases the script.
- No Sound refers to a run without any sound.
- No Sound Effects refers to a run without sound effects.
Order is the scripter first if they have uploaded videos of their own script, and then other videos in alphabetical order by video uploader's name (see the scripter/yt_name.txt
The divid field is used for a unique ID that will be used to link to a certain part of the html file (in this case, link to the box for a given script). Contest names are preferred if available (see sparenofiria.json
). This can be used to link to a certain entry from an external site.
In regards to the uploader's name and channel url, refer to scripter/yt_name.txt
for copy-pastable data.
- Scripts are in reverse order of release, with newer projects at the top.
- Compilation and Collaboration videos are not to be included UNLESS the collab is part of a team with multiple videos.
- divids associated with contests should ensure that they are using an appropriate contest tag (see
) so that the contest's information page can be automatically linked.
All pull requests will be revised.
Speaking of pull requests, that's how you should submit new things (unless you are going through me)! If you want to submit new stuff, send a pull request! If you want additions to the system or the like, submit an issue!
I hope this database serves as a helpful tool!