All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Pocket computer peripheralium hub data storing #48
- Integrated Dynamics integration to input/output data to computer now works differently and persist only until server restarts.
added todescribe
function of informative registry- Create integration
- Recipe registry is usable again (by Janrupf)
- Cooldowns can be set to 0 now
Double/Int handling- A lot of "not attached" or random
for inventory and item storages, because of peripheral equality checks
- Update to newer Peripheralium and CC:T
tag to add ignore for any integrations for specific block
- Peripheral proxy now directional
- Integrated dynamic integration [#28]
- Peripheral proxy now generate peripheral names in same way as CC:T modems. They will be unique, but numbers will raise significantly.
- Integration for Modern Industrialization
- Usage for CCT ignore tag
now exists for powah, actually same ascoolantTemp
- Minimal fabric API version now 87
- Peripheral names are always sorted
- Flexible statues shapes now rotate correctly
- Attach wrapper instead of peripheral in peripheral_hub (fixes #26)
- Display pedestal now has extended event
- Reduce cooldown for scanner
- Lectern now correctly add page for empty book
logic for forge version- particles for flexible statue
- Powah energy storage integration
- Reality forger
- Flexible reality anchor now use translucent
- Opacity support for statue workbench
- Automobility integration for entity link
- Flux networks integration
- Occultism entity integration
- Entity card message only on server side
- Entity link (again!)
- Player disabled from entity link
- Peripheral equals check
- Entity link blocklist
- Peripheralium hub with
interaction - Peripheralium hub with turtlematic render
- Entity card
- Incorrect item localization
- Radius checks for reality forger #23
- Statue workbench
- Alloy forgery integration for fabric
- Universal shop integration for fabric
- Powah integration for forge and fabric
- More reality flexible anchor blocklist items
- Various scanner problems (see #22)
- Missed tooltips
- Mod meta information
integrationadditional lanterns
integration for fabric- Reality forger
- Recipe registry
- Informative registry
supportadditional lanterns
supportnatures compass
- Dependencies definition
- Introduce
tag and exclude peripheral proxy and modems to be added as peripherals to peripheral proxy
- Ultimate scanner now can scan for players around
- Block scanner now can scan up to 24 blocks
- Remote observer
- Peripheral proxy, for accessing peripheral with wired network in small range.
- Peripheralium 0.5.3 support
- DeepResonance integration
- Log spamming for integrateddynamics aspect
- Peripheralium hub: pocket/turtle upgrade that can equip other upgrades
- Universal scanner: scan entity, block or items around, can be equipped on turtle or pocket computer
- Ultimate sensor: allow you to inspect a lot about world that surround you!
- Pedestal: One for item inspection, one for map inspection and one for displaying everything with events
- 1.19.4 support
- Forge support
- Occultism integration
- IntegratedDynamics integration
- Nature's Compass integration
- Easy Villager integration
- Tom's Simple Storage integration
- Potential null exception in Lectern Mixin
logic now more friendly
for ae2 integration- Events for lectern integration
- Modern industrialization integration
- CPU logic for ae2 now correctly works with names
- ix fluid tally in ME networks #6
- Item Count with "item_storage" type is reported as 1 when there's more #4 (derived from Periperallium)
- AE2 fluid amount unit inconsistency #8
integration- 1.19 integration
- Lectern logic for counting pages
now propagates peripheral type
- Written book now will have correct text display in lectern peripheral4
- Now
have transfer limit - Peripheral names are now much similar to standard ComputerCraft logic
- Lectern now will strip text to not corrupt book