I Shreya recommend Beginner level Devlopment
I Anuj Khadka recommend Youtube channels like Telusko, Codewithharry and Websites like W3school, Python for documantation learning.
I hemabhagnani recommend Flutter beginner Tutorial
I Manik recommend you to use first pull for your first pull request.
I Sneha recommend to practice problems as much as you can from below platforms:
- HackerRank - Solve code challenges to prepare for programming interviews.
- HackerEarth - Solve code challenges to help companies find innovative solutions for their businesses.
- CodeChef - Non-profit competitive programming platform.
- TopCoder - Participate in code challenges and help solve real world problems.
- CodeForces - Russian website dedicated to competitive programming.
- ProjectEuler - Solve computational and mathematical problems using your programming skills.
- LeetCode - Develop programming skills for your next interview.
I Anjali Soni recommend Sololearn. It's also supported in mobile phones. Really a nice platform to learn quickly by doing hands-on coding.
I Sameera recommend you Khan Academy.
I chandrasangna recommend coursera
I Dragon-fly-dev recommend openclassroom
I Anwar Ali recommend Free Code camp
I Bruno Almeida recommend CBFCursos
I jyoti recommend Mr sir G Khan Academy.
I bhargavi recommend unschool.
I Sahil would recommend Youtube if this is your starting in programming journey. Let me elaborate the advantages and suggest some channels.
- There are literally 100s of videos on every topic, so you can watch other videos if you don't understand any part from a certain video.
- If you are stuck at any point while following tutorials, Make sure to check out comments. I have solved a lot of my problems by just going through comments.
- All the videos that are available on youtube are free. You may be tempted to think that free lectures aren't as good as paid courses but I have seen playlists on youtube that were better than coursera and udemy courses for same topics.
- For python related topics, Check out: Tech With Tim . This guy is a python genius and all a lot of tutorials covering python automation, machine learning/deep learning, pygame etc
- For Best programming tutorials in any language, Follow: Freecodecamp. You can finnd literally anything on their channel from app development to web development to Game developement to even penetration testing. Even Maths, statistics etc. Freecodecamp is a heaven for learners.
- For Tutorials in Hindi and easy explanation, Code With Harry is a perfect guy to follow. He has a lot of playlists covering many programming languages(PHP, JS, Python, C, C++, Java etc) and much more.
- Other Channels: Net ninja programming knowledge
- Stack Overflow and geeksforgeeks is your friend if you are stuck and can't find solutions to it.
I Partha would recommend going through a basic functional programming language initailly like python or golang, then learn about databases and then move over to webdevelopment slowly remember even Rome was not built in a day so always keep learning and keep growing.I would recommed courses over udemy and for open source yoyou always have good documentation as well.
- Some YouTube channels you can follow: Colt Steele The New Boston
- Programming with Mosh, all you need is passion and determination. Check this youtube channel Mosh
I Gabrielle recommend learning the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) using Angela Yu's The Complete 2020 Web Development Bootcamp because she provides a lively interactive learning experience throughout the whole course. I also recommend Python basics using Mike Dane on Youtube because he explains topics well while providing growing projects along the way. He covers many other topics as well on his channel.
I Shubhani recommend coursera. I AMAR recommend interviewbit. I Akanksha7 recommend YouTube channel techguyweb
I zomsik recommend automatetheboringstuff
I Kashyap recommend you Coding Omega YouTube Channel for learning Web Design.
I ilham recommend w33schools I sunil recommend codeforces I Anushree would like to recommend :
- GeeksForGeeks for programming as well as theory.
- Codecademy for learning languages (Hands-on) in various domains.
- DataCamp and Coursera for Data Science beginners.
I Sanyam would like to recommend :
- Apni Kaksha for programming ,theory and a lot of practical knowledge.
- Frontend Mentor for learning frontend development.
- Avocoder for JavaScript beginners.
- Progate for beginners in coding.
I Prateek recommend you following Youtube Channels:
- Traversy Media
- FreeCodeCamp
- The Net Ninja
- Google Chrome Developers
- The New Boston
- Derek Banas
- Academind
I Aastha Bansal would like to recommend:
- Leetcode for coding practice
- FreeCodecamp for learning web development.
- Coursera for learning any new skill.
I Katrina Yates would like to recommend utilizing Udemy. They have some amazing teachers and you can build your portfolio just by completely the course. Here are my two favorite instructors:
- Andrei Neagoie
- Colt Steele I also recommend:
- Free Code Camp to help with more details.
- Code Pen to find snipets of code. I like to find snippets, then alter the code to fit my need. It is extremely handy.
- Coursera to help with more details that the courses might have missed.
- w3schools for pretty much any refreshing you need to do.
- Stack Overflow Almost any question you have about your code can be solved with this site.