All notable changes to the "vscode-pin-up" extension will be documented in this file.
- Fixed: Cancel button on remove pin icon removes the pin. (#18)
- Added: Collapse all button.
- Added: Pin up current actived file (defualt keybord shortcut:
ctrl/cmd + alt + p
). #13 - Added: New array setting of
to hide some files or folders on the pinned list by RegExp. #10
- Changed: The ordering behavior inside the pinned folders will be same as VSCode explorer view. (Fixed Issue #9)
- Added: An new configuration
that indicate if display a confirm modal before remove or clear the pins.
- Fixed: Now, it will only display the alias while there have duplicated file name in the pinned list on Windows.
- Added: Set alias for pinned files to distinguish the same name to each other. (Resolve Feature Request of #7)
- Fixed: The icon button of
pin outside
can be displayed on the right position now.
- Added: Create file/folder and delete it in Pinned List.
- Fixed: Add category property to each commands.
- Added: I18N Support of Chinese.
- Fixed: Skip the coming process if not selected any files on pin up outside files.
- Added: Support to add files from outside of the workspace. (Feature Request #4)
- Changed: Redesigned the logo.
- Fixed: Issue #3 - selected file opens only when bar loses focus
- Changed: Redesigned the icon so that it will be in accordance with VSCode's standard, it's looks should be more clearly than before.
- Fixed: Can't open pinned file on windows
- Fixed: Can't pin up file on windows
- Initial release