A Neo4j/cypher implementation of the RevStackCore repository/graph pattern
Install-Package RevStackCore.Neo4j
public interface INeo4jRepository<TEntity,TKey> : IGraphRepository<TEntity,TKey> where TEntity:class, IEntity<TKey>
ICypherFluentQuery Cypher { get; }
public class Neo4jRepository<TEntity, TKey> : INeo4jRepository<TEntity, TKey> where TEntity : class, IEntity<TKey>
Neo4jRepository<TEntity,Tkey> implements IRepository<TEntity,TKey> for basic Crud operations and Find Neo4jRepository<TEntity,Tkey> implements IGraphRepository<TEntity,TKey> for Crud + Graph operations Neo4jRepository<TEntity,Tkey> implements INeo4jRepository<TEntity,TKey> for Crud + Graph operations + Cypher
private static void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
string uri = "http://localhost:7474/db/data";
string user = "user";
string password = "password";
services.AddSingleton(p => new Neo4jDbContext(uri, user, password))
.AddSingleton<IGraphRepository<User, string>, Neo4jRepository<User, string>>()
.AddSingleton<INeo4jRepository<Post, string>, Neo4jRepository<Post, string>>();
public class DataService : IDataService
private readonly IGraphRepository<User, string> _userRepository;
private readonly INeo4jRepository<Post, string> _postRepository;
public DataService(IGraphRepository<User, string> userRepository, INeo4jRepository<Post, string> postRepository)
_userRepository = userRepository;
_postRepository = postRepository;
public Post AddPost(User user, Post post)
post = _postRepository.Add(post);
//add relationship with datetime stamp property
_userRepository.AddRelationShip<Post, DateStamp>(user.Id, post.Id, "AUTHORED", new DateStamp { Date = DateTime.Now });
//add relationship with datetime stamp property
_postRepository.AddRelationShip<User, DateStamp>(post.Id, user.Id, "AUTHORED_BY", new DateStamp { Date = DateTime.Now });
return post;
public ProfileViewModel GetProfile(string userId)
//return profile data and the following/followers count
return new ProfileViewModel
FollowingCount=_userRepository.GetRelatedCount<User>(userId, "FOLLOWING");
FollowersCount=_userRepository.GetRelatedCount<User>(userId, "FOLLOWED_BY");
public IEnumerable<PostModel> GetUserFriendsLatestPosts(string userId)
//traverse the graph to return the latest 50 posts(with comments) by a user's friends. Shape the result into a client view model
//to be consumed in the view. Limit the returned post comments to 2 per post.
//for this, we need to write out the match query using the Neo4jRepository Cypher property available on the postRepository that implements INeo4jRepository
var cypher = _postRepository.Cypher;
return cypher
.With("v,x,u,{Comment:y,Author:z} as c")
.Where((User v) => v.Id == userId)
.Return((x, u, c) => new PostGraph //shape the traversed graph into a graph model we can use
Post = x.As<Post>(),
Author = u.As<User>(),
Comments = c.CollectAs<CommentAuthorLeaf>()
.Results.Select(r => PostMapper.Map(r, 2)); //shape the data into the client view model
Neo4jRepository can be plugged into the RevStackCore generic implementation of the AspNetCore Identity framework https://github.com/RevStackCore/Identity
public interface INeo4jService<TEntity,TKey> : IGraphService<TEntity,TKey> where TEntity:class, IEntity<TKey>
ICypherFluentQuery Cypher { get; }
public class Neo4jService<TEntity, TKey> : INeo4jService<TEntity, TKey> where TEntity : class, IEntity<TKey>
Neo4jService<TEntity,Tkey> implements IService<TEntity,TKey> for basic Async Crud operations and FindAsync Neo4jService<TEntity,Tkey> implements IGraphService<TEntity,TKey> for Async Crud + Graph operations Neo4jService<TEntity,Tkey> implements INeo4jService<TEntity,TKey> for Async Crud + Graph operations + Cypher