- • POZNÁMKA: Instalatér Optifinu je experimentální, pro některá zařízení spadne na úvodní obrazovce (ta s Mojang načítáním). Don't report bug about OptiFine crash at splash screen, these will not be solved.
- • New settings:
- - You can now customize the MS delay of touch gestures (placing block, destroying block.)
- • New features:
- - Scrolling in Minecraft 1.8 or above by tapping the screen and holding SEC button
+ • POZNÁMKA: Instalatér Optifinu je experimentální, pro některá zařízení spadne na úvodní obrazovce (ta s Mojang načítáním). Neohlašuj bugy o OptiFine padání na načítací obrazovce, ty nebudou vyřešeny.
+ • Nové nastavení:
+ - Nyní můžeš přispůsobit ms. zpoždění dotykových gest (stavění, ničení.).
+ • Nové funkce:
+ - Skrolování v Minecraftu 1.8 nebo novějším, držením SEC tlačítka a kliknutím
▶ v2.4.2 Release
- • Good news: Any Android 7.0+ devices can now run Minecraft normally.
- • Changes:
- - Added OptiFine installer!
- - External mouse and keyboard support (Feature needs Android 8.0+. Can't detect left or right mouse event).
- - Launcher UI should now fit correctly in big screens.
- - Freeform mode is now working.
- - Virtual mouse now works properly.
- - Replaced multdoj7 with PojavDX (dx 1.16) for better converter (thanks to artdeell for suggesting).
- • Fixes:
- - Touch event triggered as click event, this bug exist from Boardwalk.
- - (In-Game) Mouse event triggered after looking around.
▶ v2.4 Release
- • Remember: If your device has Android version above or equals to 7.0, use VMOS app. VMOS will install Android 5.1 OS to your device. You can take it to run this app (VMOS is removed by Play Store, you must install it manually)
▶ v2.4.2 vydání
+ • Dobré zprávy: Jakékoliv Android 7.0+ zařízení je schopné běžet Minecraft normálně.
+ • Změny:
+ - Přidán OptiFine instalatér!
+ - Podpora externí myši a klávesnice (Funkce vyžadujíc Android 8.0+, nemůže rozlišit levé či pravé kliknutí).
+ - Rozhraní se nyní správně škáluje na velké obrazovky.
+ - Režim volných oken nyní funguje.
+ - Virtuální myš nyní funguje správně.
+ - Nahrazena multdoj7 PojavDXem (dx1.16) pro lepší konvertor (díky artdeellovi pro návrh).
+ • Opravy:
+ - Dotyková událost spuštěná jako událost kliknutí. Tato chyba existuje z Boardwalku.
+ - (Ve-Hře) událost myši spuštěná po rozhlédnutí.
▶ v2.4 Vydání BETA
+ • Pamatujte: Má-li tvoje zařízení Android verzi 7.0 či novější, použij aplikaci VMOS. VMOS nainstaluje do vašeho zařízení Android 5.1. Můžete jej použít ke spuštění této aplikace (VMOS byl odstraněn Play Storem, takže jej musíte nainstlovat ručně)
- • Changes:
- - Removed OpenJDK and busybox.
- - Re-added ARM 64bit native libraries.
+ • Změny:
+ - Odstraněna Openjdk a Busybox.
+ - Znovu přidány nativní 64bitové ARM knihovny.
- • Fixes:
- - Fixed an error that prevent users launch Minecraft without internet connection.
+ • Opravy:
+ - Opravena byla chyba jež nedovolovala uživatelům spustit Minecraft bez internetového připojení.
▶ v2.3.1 Release
- • Changes:
- - Added text selection on OpenJDK install log.
- • Fixes:
- - Devices can't install OpenJDK but able to hide the error.
▶ Vydání v2.3.1
+ • Změny:
+ - Přidána možnost výběru textu na instalačním OpenJDK záznamu.
+ • Opravy:
+ - Zařízení nemohouce nainstalovat OpenJDK, mohla skrýt chybu.
▶ v2.2/v2.3 Release
- • What changed:
- - Changed some code in update function
- - Added busybox.
- - Added OpenJDK for converter (ARM 64bit only).
- - Added more AWT functions.
- - Screenshot (and F2 key) now capture using directly API (javax.imageio).
▶Vydání v2.2/v2.3
+ • Změny:
+ - Změněn jakýsi kód ve funkci aktualizace
+ - Přidán Busybox.
+ - Přidána OpenJDK pro převaděč (pouze 64bitové ARM).
+ - Přidáno více AWT funkcí.
+ - Snímek obrazovky (a klávesa F2) nyní snímá přímo pomocí API (javax.imageio).
▶v2.1 Release
- • Changes:
- - Added Changelog button!
- - Custom versions now visible in the list (not implemented for user)
- - In-app Update now usable.
- - Replaced glshim with GL4ES for partial OpenGL 2.0 and better performance.
▶Vydání v2.1
+ • Změny:
+ - Přídáno tlačítko novinek!
+ - Vlastní verze nyní viditelné v seznamu (neimplementováno pro uživatele)
+ - Aktualizace v aplikaci nyní dostupné.
+ - Glshim byla nahrazena GL4ES pro částečnou OpenGL 2.0 a lepší výkon.
▶ v2 Release
- • Changes:
- - [Partial] New design (copy of 2017 original Minecraft Launcher)
- - Changed how users load/save.
- - Added Menu for more options to select.
- - Added virtual mouse for styling PC mouse.
▶Vydání v2
+ • Změny:
+ - [Částečně] Nový design (kopie originálního Minecraft Launcheru z roku 2017)
+ - Změněno jak se uživatelé načítají a ukládají.
+ - Přidáno menu pro více možností k výběru
+ - Přidána virtuální myš k napodobení PC myši.
- • Fixes:
- - Max progress -1 when converting.
- - Verification failed when run some versions (by patch the client file)
+ • Opravy:
+ - Maximální postup -1 při převádění.
+ - Kontrola selhala při některých verzích (záplotváním klientského souboru)
Alpha Releases
Good ol' times.
▶ v1.0.4 (lost everything before release)
- - Added Download version option.
- - Added virtual mouse (but better than 2.0 rewrite)
Alfa vydání
Staré dobré časy.
▶ v1.0.4 (ztraceno vše před vydáním)
+ - Přidáno tlačítko stažení verzí.
+ - Přidána virtuální myš (ale lepší než 2.0 přepsání)
The Official Minecraft download server/library is provided by Microsoft/Mojang, and all Minecraft is work of Mojang/Microsoft, so please buy the game, not pirate it.
Oficiální Minecraft stahovací server i knihovny jsou poskytovány Microsoftem/Mojangem, a všechen Minecraft je dílo Mojangu/Microsoftu, proto prosím, hru si kup, nepirať.
+ • App now requires a premium account, otherwise installation of the game assets are denied from the launcher itself.
+ • Most languages have been added
+ • VGPU and all variants of GL4ES 1.1.5 have been removed from the launcher.
+ • GL4ES 1.1.4 was replaced with a custom fork, adding many features and bug fixes
+ • Controls have been reworked and improved and extended, gamepad latency is frame perfect.
+ • Color selector for controls has been changed
+ • Profiles are added! Now you can keep multiple setups of the game with different selected renderers, JVMs, and game directories.
+ • Java 17 is now integrated into the launcher for running 1.17+
+ • New settings were added:
+ "Use alternate surface rendering", which uses a different kind of rendering surface to render the game faster on some devices.
+"Start with virtual mouse on", which makes the game start with mouse already enabled
+"Enable sustained performance mode", which limits CPU/GPU usage to prevent overheating and thermal throttling
+• Added Arc Capes support (now changed to cosmetica.gg)
+Bug Fixes:
+• Fixed a crash occurring while starting a screen recorder
+• Fixed a NullPointerException crash when launching versions below 1.6.4
+• In versions above 1.13, game was crashing while scrolling, that was fixed.
+• 1.13/1.14 no longer crashes upon the first touch
+• Fix older versions not being fullscreen at launch
+• Fix older versions having a "halved light" on entities
+• Fixed hotbar not registering 0-9 inputs.
+• No more errors about a null array when loading a custom control on android 10+
+• Now the game will resize in splitscreen/freeform mode, although not officially supported
Crocus (v3_openjdk)
+ • New options:
+ - a fully-functional Mod Installer
+ ——————
+ • New features:
+ - Now faster with Java 8.
+ - Now can run Minecraft 1.13 and above
+ - Now can properly launch Forge and Fabric! To install one of these "modloaders", just simply download their .jar files.
+ - Multi-architecture support: ARMv7, aarch64, x86 and x86_64.
+ - Now properly supports Custom Controls (either made by the Discord community or by you!)
+ ——————
+ • What's New
+ - Java 17 for running Minecraft Versions above 21w10a
+ - Controls Revision: added new features, such as drawer buttons, and new control editing features.
+ (Note that controls made before this revision will not work.)
+ - New renderers: virgl and vgpu
+ (Though VirGL supports up to OpenGL 4.5, it can't run shaders properly.)
+ - Removed zink
+ - Implemented local accounts, after what happened with Doregon/PojavLauncher_iOS, and as such, you can't download Minecraft resources, not even one.
+ (Make sure to backup your PojavLauncher folder so that you can still play Minecraft after updating)
Beta Releases
Don't use unless you're that one history guy.
▶ v2.5 - Last BETA Release
+ • NOTICE: OptiFine Installer is experimental, for some devices will crash at splash screen (Mojang Screen). Don't report bug about OptiFine crash at splash screen, these will not be solved.
+ • New settings:
+ - You can now customize the MS delay of touch gestures (placing block, destroying block.)
+ • New features:
+ - Scrolling in Minecraft 1.8 or above by tapping the screen and holding SEC button
▶ v2.4.2 Release
+ • Good news: Any Android 7.0+ devices can now run Minecraft normally.
+ • Changes:
+ - Added OptiFine installer!
+ - External mouse and keyboard support (Feature needs Android 8.0+. Can't detect left or right mouse event).
+ - Launcher UI should now fit correctly in big screens.
+ - Freeform mode is now working.
+ - Virtual mouse now works properly.
+ - Replaced multdoj7 with PojavDX (dx 1.16) for better converter (thanks to artdeell for suggesting).
+ • Fixes:
+ - Touch event triggered as click event, this bug exist from Boardwalk.
+ - (In-Game) Mouse event triggered after looking around.
▶ v2.4 Release
+ • Remember: If your device has Android version above or equals to 7.0, use VMOS app. VMOS will install Android 5.1 OS to your device. You can take it to run this app (VMOS is removed by Play Store, you must install it manually)
+ • Changes:
+ - Removed OpenJDK and busybox.
+ - Re-added ARM 64bit native libraries.
+ • Fixes:
+ - Fixed an error that prevent users launch Minecraft without internet connection.
▶ v2.3.1 Release
+ • Changes:
+ - Added text selection on OpenJDK install log.
+ • Fixes:
+ - Devices can't install OpenJDK but able to hide the error.
▶ v2.2/v2.3 Release
+ • What changed:
+ - Changed some code in update function
+ - Added busybox.
+ - Added OpenJDK for converter (ARM 64bit only).
+ - Added more AWT functions.
+ - Screenshot (and F2 key) now capture using directly API (javax.imageio).
▶v2.1 Release
+ • Changes:
+ - Added Changelog button!
+ - Custom versions now visible in the list (not implemented for user)
+ - In-app Update now usable.
+ - Replaced glshim with GL4ES for partial OpenGL 2.0 and better performance.
▶ v2 Release
+ • Changes:
+ - [Partial] New design (copy of 2017 original Minecraft Launcher)
+ - Changed how users load/save.
+ - Added Menu for more options to select.
+ - Added virtual mouse for styling PC mouse.
+ • Fixes:
+ - Max progress -1 when converting.
+ - Verification failed when run some versions (by patch the client file)
Alpha Releases
Good ol' times.
▶ v1.0.4 (lost everything before release)
+ - Added Download version option.
+ - Added virtual mouse (but better than 2.0 rewrite)
The Official Minecraft download server/library is provided by Microsoft/Mojang, and all Minecraft is work of Mojang/Microsoft, so please buy the game, not pirate it.
The Official Minecraft download server/library is provided by Microsoft/Mojang, and all Minecraft is work of Mojang/Microsoft, so please buy the game, not pirate it.
The official Minecraft download server/library and all other assets related to Minecraft are provided by Microsoft/Mojang. Please support the creators by buying the game, and don't pirate it!
The Official Minecraft download server/library is provided by Microsoft/Mojang, and all Minecraft is work of Mojang/Microsoft, so please buy the game, not pirate it.
Resmi Minecraft indirme sunucusu/kütüphanesi Microsoft/Mojang tarafından sağlanır ve Minecraft'ın tamamı Mojang/Microsoft'un ürünüdür, bu yüzden lütfen oyunu satın alın, korsan kullanmayın.
- • App now requires a premium account, otherwise installation of the game assets are denied from the launcher itself.
- • Most languages have been added
- • VGPU and all variants of GL4ES 1.1.5 have been removed from the launcher.
- • GL4ES 1.1.4 was replaced with a custom fork, adding many features and bug fixes
- • Controls have been reworked and improved and extended, gamepad latency is frame perfect.
- • Color selector for controls has been changed
- • Profiles are added! Now you can keep multiple setups of the game with different selected renderers, JVMs, and game directories.
- • Java 17 is now integrated into the launcher for running 1.17+
Apenas Dália.
+ • Agora o aplicativo requer uma conta premium, caso contrário a instalação de ativos do jogo será negada pelo próprio inciador em si.
+ • A maioria dos idiomas foi adicionada
+ • A VGPU e todas as variantes do GL4ES 1.1.5 foram removidas do launcher.
+ • GL4ES 1.1. foi substituído por um fork personalizado, adicionando muitas funcionalidades e correções de bugs
+ • Controles foram retrabalhados e aprimorados e estendidos, latência do controle é o quadro perfeito.
+ • O seletor de cores para controles foi alterado
+ • Perfis foram adicionados! Agora você pode manter várias configurações do jogo com diferentes renderizadores selecionados, JVM e diretórios de jogos.
+ • Java 17 agora está integrado ao launcher para executar a versão 1.17+
- • New settings were added:
- "Use alternate surface rendering", which uses a different kind of rendering surface to render the game faster on some devices.
-"Start with virtual mouse on", which makes the game start with mouse already enabled
-"Enable sustained performance mode", which limits CPU/GPU usage to prevent overheating and thermal throttling
+ • Novas configurações foram adicionadas:
+ "Usar renderização de superfície alternativa", que usa um tipo diferente de superfície de renderização para renderizar o jogo mais rapidamente em alguns dispositivos.
+"Iniciar com o mouse virtual", o que faz o jogo começar com o mouse já habilitado
+"Ativar o modo de desempenho sustentado", que limita o uso da CPU/GPU para evitar a superaquecimento e a redução térmica
-• Added Arc Capes support (now changed to cosmetica.gg)
+Suporte ao Arc Capes Adicionado (agora alternado para comestica.gg)
-Bug Fixes:
-• Fixed a crash occurring while starting a screen recorder
-• Fixed a NullPointerException crash when launching versions below 1.6.4
-• In versions above 1.13, game was crashing while scrolling, that was fixed.
-• 1.13/1.14 no longer crashes upon the first touch
-• Fix older versions not being fullscreen at launch
-• Fix older versions having a "halved light" on entities
-• Fixed hotbar not registering 0-9 inputs.
-• No more errors about a null array when loading a custom control on android 10+
-• Now the game will resize in splitscreen/freeform mode, although not officially supported
+Correções de bugs:
+• Corrigida a falha que acontecia ao executar o gravador de tela
+• Corrigido a falha NullPointerException ao iniciar as versões abaixo de 1.6.4
+• Em versões acima de 1.13, o jogo estava crashando enquanto a rolagem funcionava, isso foi corrigido.
+• 1.13/1.4 não travará mais após o primeiro toque
+• Corrigir versões mais antigas que não estavam em tela cheia no lançamento
+• Corrigir versões mais antigas com uma "luz dividida pela metade" em entidades
+• Corrigo a barra de atalhos não registrando 0-9 entradas.
+• Não há mais erros sobre uma matriz nula ao caregar o controle personalizado do android +10
+• Agora o jogo será redimensinado no modo de tela dividida/forma livre, embora não seja um suporte oficial
Crocus (v3_openjdk)
- • New options:
- - a fully-functional Mod Installer
Croco (v3_openjdk)
+ • Novas opções:
+ - um instalador de mods totalmente funcional ——————
- • New features:
- - Now faster with Java 8.
- - Now can run Minecraft 1.13 and above
- - Now can properly launch Forge and Fabric! To install one of these "modloaders", just simply download their .jar files.
- - Multi-architecture support: ARMv7, aarch64, x86 and x86_64.
- - Now properly supports Custom Controls (either made by the Discord community or by you!)
+ • Novos recursos:
+ - Agora mais rápido com Java8.
+ - Agora pode executar o Minecraft 1.13 e superior
+ - Agora pode iniciar corretamente a Forja e o Tecido! Para instalar um desses "modloaders", basta instalar seus arquivos .jar.
+ - Suporte a multi arquitetura: ARMv7,aarch64, x86_64.
+ - Agora suporta corretamente os Controles Customizados (feito pela comunidade do Discord ou por você")<1/> ——————
- • What's New
- - Java 17 for running Minecraft Versions above 21w10a
- - Controls Revision: added new features, such as drawer buttons, and new control editing features.
- (Note that controls made before this revision will not work.)
- - New renderers: virgl and vgpu
- (Though VirGL supports up to OpenGL 4.5, it can't run shaders properly.)
- - Removed zink
- - Implemented local accounts, after what happened with Doregon/PojavLauncher_iOS, and as such, you can't download Minecraft resources, not even one.
- (Make sure to backup your PojavLauncher folder so that you can still play Minecraft after updating)
+ • Novidades<2/>
+ - Precisa de Java 17 para executar versões do Minecraft acima da versão 21w10a
+ - Revisão de Controles: adicionados novos recursos, como botões de gaveta, e novos recursos de edição de controle
+ (Observe que os controles feitos antes desta revisão não funcionarão.
+ - Novos redenrizadores: virgl e vgpu
+ (Embora o suporte do VirGL até o OpenGL 4.5, ele não pode executar os shaders corretamente.)
+ - Removido o zinco
+ - Contas locais implementadas depois do Doregon/PojavLauncher_iOS, você não pode baixar recursos do Minecraft.
+ (Certifique-se de fazer backup da pasta PojavLauncher para que você possa jogar Minecraft com facilidade)5
Beta Releases
Don't use unless you're that one history guy.
Versões Beta
Não use a menos que você seja aquele cara da história.
▶ v2.5 - Último lançamento Beta
+ • Nota: O OptiFine Installer é experimental, para alguns dispositivos irá travar a tela inicial (Tela Mojang). Não reporte os bugs do OptFine durante a tela de carregamento, eles não serão resolvidos.0
+• Novas Configurações:
+- Agora você pode mudar o tempo de atraso de toque (colocar bloco, destruir bloco.)
+ • Novos recursos:
+- Agora no minecraft 1.8 ou acima, você pode rolar pelos menus apenas tocando na tela e segurando o botão SEC.
▶ v2.5 - Last BETA Release
- • NOTICE: OptiFine Installer is experimental, for some devices will crash at splash screen (Mojang Screen). Don't report bug about OptiFine crash at splash screen, these will not be solved.
- • New settings:
- - You can now customize the MS delay of touch gestures (placing block, destroying block.)
- • New features:
- - Scrolling in Minecraft 1.8 or above by tapping the screen and holding SEC button
▶ v2.4.2 Release
- • Good news: Any Android 7.0+ devices can now run Minecraft normally.
- • Changes:
- - Added OptiFine installer!
- - External mouse and keyboard support (Feature needs Android 8.0+. Can't detect left or right mouse event).
- - Launcher UI should now fit correctly in big screens.
- - Freeform mode is now working.
- - Virtual mouse now works properly.
- - Replaced multdoj7 with PojavDX (dx 1.16) for better converter (thanks to artdeell for suggesting).
- • Fixes:
- - Touch event triggered as click event, this bug exist from Boardwalk.
- - (In-Game) Mouse event triggered after looking around.
▶ v2.4 Release
- • Remember: If your device has Android version above or equals to 7.0, use VMOS app. VMOS will install Android 5.1 OS to your device. You can take it to run this app (VMOS is removed by Play Store, you must install it manually)
- • Changes:
- - Removed OpenJDK and busybox.
- - Re-added ARM 64bit native libraries.
- • Fixes:
- - Fixed an error that prevent users launch Minecraft without internet connection.
▶ v2.3.1 Release
- • Changes:
- - Added text selection on OpenJDK install log.
- • Fixes:
- - Devices can't install OpenJDK but able to hide the error.
▶ v2.2/v2.3 Release
- • What changed:
- - Changed some code in update function
- - Added busybox.
- - Added OpenJDK for converter (ARM 64bit only).
- - Added more AWT functions.
- - Screenshot (and F2 key) now capture using directly API (javax.imageio).
▶v2.1 Release
- • Changes:
- - Added Changelog button!
- - Custom versions now visible in the list (not implemented for user)
- - In-app Update now usable.
- - Replaced glshim with GL4ES for partial OpenGL 2.0 and better performance.
▶ v2 Release
- • Changes:
- - [Partial] New design (copy of 2017 original Minecraft Launcher)
- - Changed how users load/save.
- - Added Menu for more options to select.
- - Added virtual mouse for styling PC mouse.
- • Fixes:
- - Max progress -1 when converting.
- - Verification failed when run some versions (by patch the client file)
Alpha Releases
Good ol' times.
▶ v1.0.4 (lost everything before release)
- - Added Download version option.
- - Added virtual mouse (but better than 2.0 rewrite)
▶ v2.4.2 Preview
+ • Ótimas noticias: agora qualquer dispositivo com android 7.0 pode rodar minecraft normalmente.
- • Initial release. Name as Minecraft Launcher
- • Only pre-converted 1.9 version is added.
+ • Mudanças:
+- Instalador do OptiFine adicionado!
+- Suporte a teclado e mouse externo. (Recurso exige Android 8.0 ou superior. Não é possível detectar o evento do mouse esquerdo ou direito). - A IU do iniciador agora deve caber corretamente em telas grandes. - O modo Freeform agora está funcionando. - O mouse virtual agora funciona corretamente. - Substituído multdoj7 por PojavDX (dx 1.16) para melhor conversor (graças a artdeell por sugerir). • Correções: - Evento de toque acionado como evento de clique, este bug existe no Boardwalk. - (No jogo) Evento de mouse acionado após olhar ao redor.
▶ Versão v2.4
• Lembre-se: Caso seu aparelho possua versão Android superior ou igual a 7.0, utilize o aplicativo VMOS. VMOS instalará o sistema operacional Android 5.1 em seu dispositivo. Você pode levá-lo para executar este aplicativo (VMOS é removido pela Play Store, você deve instalá-lo manualmente) • Alterações: - OpenJDK e busybox removidos. - Bibliotecas nativas ARM de 64 bits readicionadas.
• Correções: - Corrigido um erro que impedia que os usuários iniciassem o Minecraft sem conexão com a Internet.
▶ Versão v2.3.1
• Alterações: - Adicionado seleção de texto no log de instalação do OpenJDK. • Correções: - Os dispositivos não podem instalar o OpenJDK, mas podem ocultar o erro.
▶ Versão v2.2/v2.3
• O que mudou: - Alterado algum código na função de atualização - Adicionado caixa de ocupação. - Adicionado OpenJDK para conversor (somente ARM 64bit). - Adicionado mais funções AWT. - A captura de tela (e a tecla F2) agora é capturada usando diretamente a API (javax.imageio).
▶Versão v2.1
• Alterações: - Adicionado botão Changelog! - Versões personalizadas agora visíveis na lista (não implementadas para o usuário) - Atualização no aplicativo agora utilizável. - Substituído glshim por GL4ES para OpenGL 2.0 parcial e melhor desempenho.
▶ Versão v2
• Alterações: - [Partial] Novo design (cópia do Minecraft Launcher original de 2017) - Alterado como os usuários carregam/salvam. - Menu adicionado para mais opções para selecionar. - Adicionado mouse virtual para estilizar o mouse do PC.
• Correções: - Progresso máximo -1 ao converter. - A verificação falhou ao executar algumas versões (pelo patch do arquivo do cliente)
Versões alfa
Bons e velhos tempos.
▶ v1.0.4 (perdi tudo antes do lançamento)
- Adicionada opção de versão de download. - Adicionado mouse virtual (mas melhor que a reescrita 2.0)
▶ v1.0.1-v1.0.3 ALFA
• Alterações: - Adicionado 1.2.5, 1.7.2, 1.7.10, 1.8, 1.9 versões pré-convertidas. - Adicionado guia, captura de tela e botões Forçar fechamento.
▶ v1.0 ALPHA
• Versão inicial. Nome como Launcher do Minecraft
+ • Somente versão pré-convertida da versão 1.9 é adicionada
@@ -232,46 +158,46 @@
▶ v1.0 ALPHA
PojavLauncher - Changelog Page
Maintainers: khanhduytran0(v2), NeveuXon(v3)
Translations can be done at Crowdin
PojavLauncher - Página de Log de mudanças
Mantenedores: khanhduytran0(v2), NeveuXon(v3)
As traduções podem ser feitas a Crowdin
About PojavLauncher
PojavLauncher is a free, open source, and stable Minecraft launcher for Android built from Boardwalk, a MC Launcher project by Zhouwei Zhang
Sobre o PojavLauncher
PojavLauncher é um launcher do Minecraft grátis, de código aberto e estável para o Android criado por Boardwalk, um projeto de MC Launcher por Zhouwei ZhanG
PojavLauncher (Android) Development Team
Head Developers:
Equipe de desenvolvimento do PojavLauncher (Android)
The Official Minecraft download server/library is provided by Microsoft/Mojang, and all Minecraft is work of Mojang/Microsoft, so please buy the game, not pirate it.
A biblioteca/servidor oficial de download do Minecraft é fornecida pela Microsoft/Mojang, e todo o Minecraft funciona na Mojang/Microsoft, então compre o jogo, não pirateie.
- • App now requires a premium account, otherwise installation of the game assets are denied from the launcher itself.
- • Most languages have been added
- • VGPU and all variants of GL4ES 1.1.5 have been removed from the launcher.
- • GL4ES 1.1.4 was replaced with a custom fork, adding many features and bug fixes
- • Controls have been reworked and improved and extended, gamepad latency is frame perfect.
- • Color selector for controls has been changed
- • Profiles are added! Now you can keep multiple setups of the game with different selected renderers, JVMs, and game directories.
- • Java 17 is now integrated into the launcher for running 1.17+
- • New settings were added:
- "Use alternate surface rendering", which uses a different kind of rendering surface to render the game faster on some devices.
-"Start with virtual mouse on", which makes the game start with mouse already enabled
-"Enable sustained performance mode", which limits CPU/GPU usage to prevent overheating and thermal throttling
-• Added Arc Capes support (now changed to cosmetica.gg)
-Bug Fixes:
-• Fixed a crash occurring while starting a screen recorder
-• Fixed a NullPointerException crash when launching versions below 1.6.4
-• In versions above 1.13, game was crashing while scrolling, that was fixed.
-• 1.13/1.14 no longer crashes upon the first touch
-• Fix older versions not being fullscreen at launch
-• Fix older versions having a "halved light" on entities
-• Fixed hotbar not registering 0-9 inputs.
-• No more errors about a null array when loading a custom control on android 10+
-• Now the game will resize in splitscreen/freeform mode, although not officially supported
Crocus (v3_openjdk)
- • New options:
- - a fully-functional Mod Installer
- ——————
- • New features:
- - Now faster with Java 8.
- - Now can run Minecraft 1.13 and above
- - Now can properly launch Forge and Fabric! To install one of these "modloaders", just simply download their .jar files.
- - Multi-architecture support: ARMv7, aarch64, x86 and x86_64.
- - Now properly supports Custom Controls (either made by the Discord community or by you!)
- ——————
- • What's New
- - Java 17 for running Minecraft Versions above 21w10a
- - Controls Revision: added new features, such as drawer buttons, and new control editing features.
- (Note that controls made before this revision will not work.)
- - New renderers: virgl and vgpu
- (Though VirGL supports up to OpenGL 4.5, it can't run shaders properly.)
- - Removed zink
- - Implemented local accounts, after what happened with Doregon/PojavLauncher_iOS, and as such, you can't download Minecraft resources, not even one.
- (Make sure to backup your PojavLauncher folder so that you can still play Minecraft after updating)
Beta Releases
Don't use unless you're that one history guy.
▶ v2.5 - Last BETA Release
- • NOTICE: OptiFine Installer is experimental, for some devices will crash at splash screen (Mojang Screen). Don't report bug about OptiFine crash at splash screen, these will not be solved.
- • New settings:
- - You can now customize the MS delay of touch gestures (placing block, destroying block.)
- • New features:
- - Scrolling in Minecraft 1.8 or above by tapping the screen and holding SEC button
▶ v2.4.2 Release
- • Good news: Any Android 7.0+ devices can now run Minecraft normally.
- • Changes:
- - Added OptiFine installer!
- - External mouse and keyboard support (Feature needs Android 8.0+. Can't detect left or right mouse event).
- - Launcher UI should now fit correctly in big screens.
- - Freeform mode is now working.
- - Virtual mouse now works properly.
- - Replaced multdoj7 with PojavDX (dx 1.16) for better converter (thanks to artdeell for suggesting).
- • Fixes:
- - Touch event triggered as click event, this bug exist from Boardwalk.
- - (In-Game) Mouse event triggered after looking around.
+ I also wanted to work with adding custom fonts but that may seem "too much effort" so you'll get LITERALLY NOTHING for now. Enjoy this change!
+ If it looks shit for you feel free to demand about it.-->
Your launcher is outdated!
+ This launcher version is years outdated from the current launcher release.
+ Official support for this launcher version has been already dropped out by the developers and you may not receive minor "updates" to this release anymore.
▶ v2.4 Release
- • Remember: If your device has Android version above or equals to 7.0, use VMOS app. VMOS will install Android 5.1 OS to your device. You can take it to run this app (VMOS is removed by Play Store, you must install it manually)
- • Changes:
- - Removed OpenJDK and busybox.
- - Re-added ARM 64bit native libraries.
- • Fixes:
- - Fixed an error that prevent users launch Minecraft without internet connection.
▶ v2.3.1 Release
- • Changes:
- - Added text selection on OpenJDK install log.
- • Fixes:
- - Devices can't install OpenJDK but able to hide the error.
▶ v2.2/v2.3 Release
- • What changed:
- - Changed some code in update function
- - Added busybox.
- - Added OpenJDK for converter (ARM 64bit only).
- - Added more AWT functions.
- - Screenshot (and F2 key) now capture using directly API (javax.imageio).
▶v2.1 Release
- • Changes:
- - Added Changelog button!
- - Custom versions now visible in the list (not implemented for user)
- - In-app Update now usable.
- - Replaced glshim with GL4ES for partial OpenGL 2.0 and better performance.
▶ v2 Release
- • Changes:
- - [Partial] New design (copy of 2017 original Minecraft Launcher)
- - Changed how users load/save.
- - Added Menu for more options to select.
- - Added virtual mouse for styling PC mouse.
- • Fixes:
- - Max progress -1 when converting.
- - Verification failed when run some versions (by patch the client file)
Alpha Releases
Good ol' times.
▶ v1.0.4 (lost everything before release)
- - Added Download version option.
- - Added virtual mouse (but better than 2.0 rewrite)
The Official Minecraft download server/library is provided by Microsoft/Mojang, and all Minecraft is work of Mojang/Microsoft, so please buy the game, not pirate it.
+ To continue getting support and receive new updates and features, we recommend updating your launcher with either the new Play Store release or newer Action builds. We introduced features on those new releases that you might not get with this current launcher version:
+ • Polished, brand new look of the launcher
+ • GL4ES being updated and getting more improvements to run the latest versions of Minecraft
+ • ...and the currently now-being-implemented Gyro motion controls
+ There's more to expect than these, we're just showing you the first hand benefits of potentially updating your launcher!